Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Dear Maria, Count Me In

Kyle woke up the next day at her normal time, 4:00 in the AM. She shook her head at her weird dream from the previous night. Like Mysha, Candice and Cassy would actually have a reason to look him up on youtube. She grasped her throbbing head, almost like a hangover, but not quite just a throbbing.

She quickly got out of the bed and ignored her throbbing head so she could find her running clothes. Quickly she found the shorts and tank top she had always used for her morning runs. She walked quietly with no shoes on her feet, iPhone in hand. At the door, she saw her muddy running shoes and smiled as she quickly pulled them on, anxious to begin her run. A glance at her phone told her it was time to go.

As she opened the door to freedom, she began to run. Where to, she didn't know exactly. All she knew was that whatever route she took, she would eventually find her way home before the rest of the band woke up at six or so in the morning. As she ran, Kyle felt her stress and fears be blown away with the wind she was creating for herself. She smiled.

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It was six thirty when Kyle found her way into the now occupied kitchen, face flushed, to look at all her groggy bandmates with sparkle in her eye and a smile.

"It's too early to smile." Cassy groaned, laying her half way brushed hair on the kitchen table.

"Come on sleeping beauties." Carmen happily said, coming into the kitchen, dressed in a tight fitting strapless green shit and a pair of jeans and rainbows. She was the only other person in the band that could wake up almost as early as Kyle and have no problem. But behind her came a very tired Max, who was still partially asleep because his black shirt was on backwards, his hair was slightly messed up from being unable to find his brush, and he had on his black box shaped glasses.

"Lose your brush and eyeballs again?" Candice asked, getting a weak laugh out. Mysha tried to laugh but it was easy to see they were tired.

"Yea." Max said, trying to brush his hair with his fingers, quite unsuccessfully.

"Not working, Max." Kyle said, stifling a laugh as she grabbed an apple from the refrigerator.

The peanut gallery laughed before Carmen began to speak.

"Um, everyone, so Max and I decided on a general time for the date of the wedding." Carmen's eyes fluttered to the ground, she was shy when she was talking about her wedding she had been planning for about three months, but tours had kept her form coming up with a date for a while.

"When?" Mysha asked, attempting to draw Carmen out of her shell. Carmen smiled as she looked up. Max stepped closer to her, putting his arm around her tiny waist.

"We're getting married when we get back from this tour. Or some time around there." Carmen said slowly. "And you're all my bridesmaids, and, um..." she put her head down, blushing.

"Come on Carmen, we all know who you want to be your maid of honor." The peanut gallery smiled, attempting to help their friend.

"I know, but I need to be able to say it...uh, well...I thought about it and I decided that I would be honored if Kyle, you were maid of honor." Carmen smiled as she finished the sentence. Kyle smiled at her shy friend that she loved so much.

"Of course I will Carmen." She walked over and hugged Carmen, her first friend when she moved here.

"Well, I'm glad you two are having a wonder party, but we really need to get ready so we can hit the mall up for tour clothes." Candice said, snapping because of the early morning.

"Yea, definitely." Mysha said.

"I'll go take a shower." Kyle said, running up the stairs to get the shower before anyone else. But as she passed Candice she said:

"Tired Candice?"

"Yea." Candice replied, before Kyle smiled and ran upstairs. Kyle was oblivious to the reason Candice was so tired—because she had been up the previous night until 1 in the morning trying to figure out why Savage Artemis' vocalist freaked out when Oli Sykes was seen on the computer screen, or at least that's what she had been doing at first. Candice had gotten sidetracked by a makeup kit seen, and gave up her search for greener pastures.

"Ok, now what did you find out?" everyone turned to Candice as Max asked.

"There is absolutely nothing to explain why she freaked out. He seems like a normal rockstar." Candice released the only information she had gotten in her measly time spent "trying" to figure out what it was. Mysha looked at her with a knowing look.

"You got sidetracked by makeup again, didn't you?"

"No!" Candice tried to defend herself, but everyone glared at her. "Ok, yes I got sidetracked by makeup again."

"Let's regroup tonight, on the plane, when Kyle's asleep and I'll tell you what I've found." Mysha said before heading to her room. Candice sat there until everyone else had departed to their rooms, then she grumbled as she got up from the table and walked up the stairs towards the bathroom, where Kyle had been and began to bang on the door.

"Hurry up Kyle!"

"Coming, mate!" Kyle yelled before stepping out of the bathroom with a towel on, and hair wet. Candice couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her—almost like an orange drowned rat.

"Oh nice Kyle." Candice said before bolting into the bathroom, leaving Kyle outside bewildered, but functional. She began walking to her room and as she passed the office she noticed Mysha on the computer.

"Hey, what you looking up?" Kyle asked Mysha and saw the search box filled with..."You're looking up raccoons?"

"Yea, I love the cute little things!" Mysha smiled and Kyle began backing away. "Ok..."

"I'll just go." Kyle said, leaving quickly to avoid learning about Mysha's search. She had more important things to do anyway, like get dressed. She briskly walked the short distance to her room, across the carpet.

As per habit, Kyle pressed enter on her Mac Notebook to start her music. The random click started to play Fall Out Boy's "Dance, Dance", Kyle's secret obsession.

Kyle pulled on the essentials, not caring if they matched, it wasn't like she was going to run into Oli anytime today...Whoa, where did that come from? Kyle shook her head, trying to rid her mind of the acid thought before it infected the rest of her mind, seeping into her conscious thoughts at random moments throughout the day. Because from experience she knew once he was in her thoughts, for no matter how brief a second, he would remain there all day, week or even month at times. She tried not to think of it and soon, she didn't and she happily began to explore her closet for something to wear. And then it happened, like so many times before.

She felt her ability to choose simply slip away, and her body began to drift towards the very back of her near large closet. Back to the way back, where she hide everything (except photos) that reminded her of Oli. While back there she found something she had hidden deeper than anything else, an old shirt of Oli's that only fit her now; it was an original Drop Dead shirt. She pulled it on and started searching for Holli's signature ripped jeans and beaten up old converse.

Still in her dreamlike state, she walked to her vanity to apply the make up that she rarely wore anymore, and put on eyeliner and a little bit of lip gloss. The internal force released Kyle and she saw herself as she had before, looking like well, herself. She had constructed a new person, with different clothes, shoes, and near manners to get away from it all, but once she was back, it was like she was hooked. And she couldn't say that she didn't like it....

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The search online was fruitful in the finding information about where the guys lived, but nothing of what was between Kyle and Oli.

Mysha sighed as she realized what she absolutely had to do, whether she liked it or not.

"Time to go cabinet diving." Mysha's want to help her vocalist was greater than her over sensitivity to personal space. Especially when the vocalist was in some kind of secrecy.

"3, 2, 1." Mysha thrust open the cabinet, still unlocked from the previous night, and peered inside. Right on top was a file with the tab of "OH pictures". Mysha lifted it and realized just how large it was. Maybe I should wait. Mysha put that one aside and texted each member of the search party: I found something. In the office: Mysha

Behind the initial folder, was a new one labeled "Family Photos", but Mysha ignored that one and dug deeper into the secret life of Kyle.

"Hey Mysha...what are you doing?" Kyle came into the office and was shocked with the sight of Mysha searching through her personal cabinet.

"Oh, sorry, I was looking for computer paper, the printer's out." Mysha's normal inability to lie was completely masked and all the anger left Kyle's face.

"Oh, sorry. I should have noticed it was low." She began walking over to Mysha and saw the folder.

"Oh, I had to move it so I wouldn't drop it in my search for paper." Mysha explained, shrugging it off, though her heart was pounding inside.

"Oh..." Kyle picked it up and put it back in the cabinet, shut it, pulled a key from her jeans and locked the cabinet. "The computer paper is down here." She pointed below the desk, where the paper was hidden.

"Thanks." Mysha smiled, but inside she was silently cursing herself for letting Kyle come in without her getting her information. Never mind.
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sorry it took so writing and then typing and trying to find time to do all of this, but uh, enjoy! oh and they will be meeting soon, so don't worry! And there are plenty of secrets left.
