Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Second Chance

BMTH Vision

The next morning Oli awoke to a throbbing head and he immediately knew he was not going anywhere.

"Ugh." He groaned, grabbing his head and trying to push himself up, off the bed. The night's events came rushing back to him. Audrey leading him around the mall, laughing with her friends, nearly wiping him clean of money. Then... came a shocking thought.

"Oh, what if?" he stumbled as he tried to quickly get out of his room to check the account. Holli's account. And he stopped as he thought of her, wondering for a second when it would be like when Holli came back. Oli didn't know how our when, but he knew that Holli would return to him, all he had to do was wait.

"Stop." Curtis said as he grabbed Oli's shirt when he tried to run past him.

"Curtis, I have to—where did you get that?" Oli halted when Curtis held up Oli's prized wallet picture of a smiling Holli and the card for her account.

"Do you really think we'd let Audrey touch Holli's money? We all love her, though not the same as you. We love her to." Curtis smiled. "Plus, Audrey's just a bitch."

Oli smiled.

"Shh...that's not cool." Oli said jokingly.

"Why do you date her then?" Curtis asked Oli and Oli looked at the floor.

"She was supposed to help me get over Holli, but she isn't helping..." Oli trailed off, looking down at the smiling girl's picture, remembering why he kept it in his wallet.

"Then why do you stay with her?" Curtis whispered.

"Audrey's good for me, she reminds me about what I love most about Holli."

"But she's nothing like Holli!" Curtis exclaimed.

"Exactly!" Oli said, even though he didn't understand it himself.

"I don't...whatever. Come one, we have things we have to do today." Curtis pulled Oli with him as he left.

"Hey, hey, stuff for what?" Oli asked, pulling away from Curtis.

"Band stuff for tour." Curtis explained, once again pulling the baffled vocalist out of the door. But the farther from Oli's flat they got the easier Oli began to breathe. They were going on tour; he would be able to be on the stage again, screaming at the top of his lung his favorite words over and over again. And, there was a new album, oh the joy! Oli smiled as he realized he was a measly day away from his wonder drug—the stage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Curtis, finally!" Nicholls yelled, stirring everyone from their sleep on the couch. "Oh and you brought Oli." Oli waved at the band, seeing them less worried than there were the previous night. Trying to lighten the mood, Oli resorted to a joke.

"So, do we have money left from last night?"

"We do, all we did was watch you get dragged around by was quiet amusing actually!" Lee started to laugh. "But mostly we watched her try to wipe you clean of money, but the mall closed before she could."

"Uh, guys. I just wanted to say thank you for taking these from me." Oli said, holding up Holli's picture and account card. "But I have something to say, I want you to have these Nicholls. I'm going to make it work with Audrey..." the guys' mouths opened with shock. They couldn't believe what just came out of Oli's mouth.

"But Holli..." Kean started.

"Isn't here. She's gone, and she probably found someone better than me to be with. Someone who cam make her truly happy and not break the promises they make her." Oli finished, near tears.
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sorry about the shortness of this chapter....
the next one will be longer...promise =]

<3 Vicy