Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Lips of Deceit

"Oli, you have to be kidding! You love Holli." She loves you."

"Loved. She's gone now. She's moved on." Oli's voice cracked. "It doesn't matter; we have a tour to get ready for. Come on." With t hat, Oli began to walk upstairs so he could bring their van to put all the equipment on.

"Did he just say what I think he did?" Curtis asked, dumbfounded. Unable to speak the other three nodded their heads. They were like this for a moment before four distinct heads popped into the room.

"Hey baby!" three of the four squealed and launched themselves onto their boyfriends. The last walked out slowly, smiling.

"Hey Lee." Hanna Beth hugged him, and Lee smiled. He whispered something to her, making her have a glowing smile on her face.

"Hanna, grow up and show some love to Lee!" Kiki yelled out as she continued to straddle Curtis in her short skirt.

"Look, just because I don't act like a slut, does not mean I do not love my boyfriend!" Hanna exclaimed before walking away. Lee jumped up after her.

"Do you always have to open your mouth?" he said to Kiki before walking out. "Hanna!"

"Oh well. We're ready for tour!" Jac said to Matt Nicholls, who got a surprised look on his face.

"You're coming on tour with us?" He finally sputtered out.

"Yes, silly! You asked us a few weeks ago!" she said, pinching his cheeks, as Hanna and Lee walked back in the room.

Oh god, that was weeks before we knew Holli was coming! This could be bad.

"Oh, yea." He said, looking at the other guys, who had the same looks on their faces he did.

"Um, Jac baby, I'll be right back." Nicholls got up and walked to the hallway, followed by the other three.

"What the hell?" Nicholls hissed to the guys.

"Yea, this could be a problem." Lee said. "But it is our fault."

"We did invite them before we knew she was coming back..." Kean replied, shrugging. Curtis began fidgeting.

"We're hurrying!" Lee whispered trying to calm down Curtis and his "little problem" from Kiki straddling him with a skirt.

"Maybe they aren't supposed to be together, maybe this is a good thing, a chance for them to move on." Curtis rushed through, but the guys understood enough to answer angrily.

"That's—" Nicholls started, but Lee cut him off.

"Wait, maybe these hardships are to strengthen their bond? It's possible." Everyone looked at his sudden philosophicalness. "It's something I was discussing with Hanna Beth."

They looked away before sighing....this tour was definitely going to be a very interesting one.

"Remember, no telling Oli about Holli." Nicholls said, before leaving to return to his girlfriend. The other guys followed, except Curtis who quickly went to the rest room to relieve his problem.

"Hey babe." Nicholls said to Jac kissing her lightly.

"So, where are we going on tour?" she asked.

"Yea, where are we going?" Kiki and Dakota chorused and Hanna rolled her eyes at their childishness.

"All over Europe. A few places in Scotland, Finland, Germany, and then back home." Nicholls answered.

"How long with that take?" Kiki purred.

"About six or seven months." Curtis answered, rejoining everyone.

"OH. We don't have enough clothes for that!" Dakota exclaimed.

"We can buy more on the road girls." Came the cold voice of none other than Audrey Kitching, behind whom stood Oli.

"Hey guys everything's ready, we should go ahead and get on the road to make it there in time to sleep some before the other band arrives, so we're slighting sociable."

The guys grumbled as they grabbed their duffle bags to load on the tour bus. Their suitcases were already on; along with the girls' so they were set...for disaster.
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I promise this is the last short chapter being posted tonight...the next chapter posted will be a little bit longer...

oh and they are meeting in the next chapter =]

<3 Vicy