Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

It's Not Over

Kyle knew the moment she stepped off the airport something was up. She didn't know what, but she knew something was The other girls were looking around nervously as if the bands' meeting before the tour was a bad idea.

But Kyle had checked where they were going and they definitely were not in Sheffield, England. They were in one of Kyle's favorite places; Helsinki, Finland. Oh how she would kill to see her Finnish friends, but she couldn't because they knew her from another lifetime, so long ago.

"Come on, let's get to our hotel, and then to wherever that place is that we're supposed to meet the other band." Max rallied the half awake girls to the huge van parked near the entrance to the airport.

"Nice tour bus." Candice snorted.

"We're sharing with the other band, cheap funds. It's going to be a crowded area." Max sighed leading the girls to the van.

"Wonderful." Cassy grumbled, as her cell phone rang. The A7x ringtone identified it as none other than Synyster Gates.

"Hello. Hey, I'll be right there guys." Cassy walked off, leaving her suitcase behind. Kyle grabbed the handle and dragged it to the van.

"Twenty says they break up—for good." Candice bet.

"You always bet that, and you always lose." Kyle pointed out, but Candice shrugged and the two shook on the deal, making it unbreakable.

"It's happen one day."

"Maybe, who knows?" Kyle shrugged getting into the van. Moments later, Cassy appeared and slammed the van door so hard the whole vehicle shook.

"He broke up with you again, didn't he?" Candice asked.

"The fucker wanted to go on a break. So I broke up with him for good."

"Oh, yea! Give me my money!" Candice shouted. Kyle and Mysha sighed, both handing Candice a twenty dollar bill. Cassy's mouth hung open.

"You assholes bet on whether I was breaking up with Brian?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yea." The guilty three said in unison without a shred of shame in their voices.

"You assholes! Uh, I'm going to never talk to any of you ever again!" She screamed, crossing her arms.

"Hey Cassy, I brought your suitcase on the van for you." Kyle said, smiling at Candice and Mysha.

"Thank you." Slipped out of Cassy's mouth.

"Ha, you spoke!" Candice and Kyle yelled, point at her.

"Assholes!" Cassy said, recrossing her arms.

Since they couldn't bug Cassy anymore, Kyle and Candice began bugging each other.

"Hey, hey, hey Candice guess what?" Kyle said in a very obnoxious voice.

"What?" Candice asked, returning the voice.


"Oh, I loved that show!" Candice exclaimed.

"I have the first season."

" whore!"

"Thundercats, whore, to be exact." Kyle pointed out.

"Mhm. I bet you do them all."

"No, that's Pokemon, but I have to catch 'em all first!"

"Bitch, I told you, I'm like the damn energizer bunny, I just keep going and going and going."

"Yea, with yoda's mini lightsaber!" Kyle yelled, laughing.

The girls couldn't hold it anymore, they burst out laughing as Max yelled:

"We're here!"

"Oh, goody!" Kyle yelled, throwing the van door open and jumping over Candice to get out. Candice came after her and they began to push each other like little children, lagging behind their other band mates.

"Come on." Max and Carmen said. Mysha and Cassy were beside them looking at the childish two behind them.

They looked at each other and laughed, continuing to be behind the other four.

"We're...oh, oh! I know what song will play at your wedding!" Kyle exclaimed and began to sing: "with legs wide open, she'll let anything go in..."

"You bitch! That will not. I'll play something sweet, and slow and romantic!" Candice smacked Kyle.

"Fine...fine..." and then it hit Kyle...the perfect wedding song, and she began to sing it. "You're the direction I follow, to get home. When I feel like I can't go on, you tell me to go..." she trailed off as the memories came flooding back to her. And because of three vital things. One, everyone was looking at her. Two, that song was one that shook her to her core, back to Holli, back to when she wrote it for the one that she loved, the only one she could ever love. Three, the subject matter of that song—Oli—was standing right in front of her..

"Oli?" she breathlessly said as she saw him and all her masked emotions burst forward. Her last sight before fainting was Oli running over to her, saying something, but the blackness surrounded her and she drifted to sleep.

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"Where's your rooms?" Oli asked the stunned band as he rushed over and picked up Holli. He would freak out later...right now, Holli really needed his help. Thank god Audrey and the girls were at the pool....

"Uh, 1207." Carmen said. "That's hers, I think."

"Thanks, mate." Oli said, rushing to the counter. "Savage Artemis is checking in. Room for Holli Nicholls—"

"No, that's Kyle Avenue." Candice rushed up to Oli. This guy was cute, but he was carrying off her friend and sometimes guys just weren't as important as friends. But only sometimes.

"Trust me, this is Holli Nicholls—" he said, and this only ticked Candice off more. More points off his cuteness, which is sad, but true...liars are bad.

"Kyle Avenue. She's our vocalist, I've known her for three years!"

"Kyle Holland Nicholls, and I've known her, her whole life." Oli said, turning back to the man at the counter as Candice stood there, stunned. Oh he just lost everything.

"Here are Savage Artemis' keys, 1206, 1207—hey!" Oli grabbed the key to 1207 and went to the elevator, readjusting the still form on his shoulder. Her messenger bag fell on him, so he readjusted it where it was more comfortable on both of them. Candice came running.

"You really think I'm going to leave her with you?"

"Bloody hell! Hurry up and get on the lift!" Candice came on, skipping.

"Her name is Kyle Avenue. I've seen her driver's license."

"I don't feel like arguing with you." Oli said calmly as the elevator began to lift them up.

"So you agree?"

"I refuse to argue..."

"Whatever, loser. My name is Candice Glover." Candice attempted the polite road to get her way.


Candice waited a floor before turning to him.

"You're supposed to say, 'Hi, my name is—"

"My name is PleaseLeaveMeTheBloodyHellAlone." Oli snapped.

"No. You're not," Candice said, now angry. "Your name is AssholeWithAReallySmallPecker." Candice huffed.

"How do you know?" Oli asked, smiling slightly. Tricks were his game.

"Correction, SWARMP. I don't know and I don't care to know, I'm worried about her and what the bloody fuck you keep doing to make her faint!" Candice yelled, stomping off on the 12th floor. Looking around the empty hall she found 1207 and opened the door with her own key. "Put her on the bed and then you can leave."

Candice began looking around the room, really waiting for Oli to leave so she could make sure Kyle was ok. Oli placed the limp form on the bed.

"Oh," she lightly moaned.

"Holli?" Oli whispered, not wanting Candice to hear. Holli's eyes shot open.

"Oli!" she exclaimed, loud enough for Candice to hear and come running.

"Kyle!" She yelled, jumping on the bed. The young woman on the bed's smile dissolved as she realized the trouble she was in.

"No one calls Holli by her first name." Oli said, trying to clear up his confusion at hearing her first name.

"Dude, for the last time. Her name is freaking Kyle Av—" Kyle/Holli stopped her.

"No Candice, Oli is right. My name is Kyle Holland Nicholls, otherwise known as Holli Nicholls." She hung her head in shame because she saw the rest of both bands come in behind Candice to hear her confession. Though the statement was tiny, it had a massive effect on the members of Savage Artemis. For three years they thought their vocalist was someone she was not. Their tight web of trust was beginning to slowly unravel and it was more than she could bear.

"You lied to us? What the hell Kyle or Holli or whatever you fucking name is!" Cassy exclaimed near tears.

"I had to! So that Oli, Matt nor my parents could find me!" she yelled right back, choking on her tears.

"I can't sleep in here with you, you liar. I just refuse to until you come completely clean! You could be a murderer for all I know." Candice screamed, near hysterics.

"I wouldn't either." Holli said darkly. Oli looked at her, this was not the same girl he fell in love with. She looked like her, sounded like her, but her attitude was completely different.

"I say we all get some sleep for now, where we are, and then we'll talk in the morning." Max proposed to the group.

"I can't!" Candice sobbed and Carmen snapped.

"Candice. Shut up! You're not the only one suffering from this! Everyone feels a part of this, from BOTH bands. She lied to all of us and none of us are going to take it lightly, but you will not try to act like this affects you the most! Just stay here and get over yourself!" Carmen yelled, irritated. She saw her best friend in pain, whether it was self-inflicted or not, she was not going to let this continue. And quite frankly, she knew it would scare everyone that quiet Carmen decided to yell, and what she said would last.

"Fine." Candice whispered, trying to put the genie back in the bottle.

"Good." Carmen said, anger leaving her as she left the room, quickly followed by Max and Cassy.

"Go Oli!" Holli yelled and he too, left, shaking his head at what she had become. He was not going to leave her like this. He would get the old Holli back one way or the other.

"I will never speak to you again Kyle if you don't tell me everything. I want every detail of what happened and why. And then I may speak to you again." Candice warned, glaring at Holli.

"Ok." Holli said, reaching for her unopened messenger bag. "The truth begins 10 years ago..."

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"Oh my god, Holli." Candice said, covering her mouth with her hand. Two hours had passed as Holli dusted off her over a decade old tale of truth.

"You can't tell anyone. They have to find out themselves if they ever do." Holli warned.

"I won't." Candice promised.

"Good." And with that, the two went to bed so they wouldn't look too terrible the next day when they were leaving for their first venue.
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ok, there ya go...they met....I'm sorry it took sooo long and it probably wasn't at all what you were expecting...but that's me. It's not very good, and I'm near the end of my pre-written chapters, so the updates will be EVEN SLOWER...gah I know....

But anyways, I'll be starting a new story's not a fan fiction, its based on my friends and yea, check it out....

And oh, yea. The conversation between Candice and Kyle/Holli in the middle about Thundercats, was actually a conversation between a friend of mine and me in our first block class, so yea, we're creative =]

<3 Vicy