Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Secret Agent Man

The next morning was a hectic morning of huge proportions. The bands were both jolted awake by Bring Me The Horizon's manager in a fit of hysterics yelling at them at six in the am to hurry and pack the bus so that they could hurry up and get to the venue that was only thirty minutes away.

"I'm going to get us breakfast and plead that you're sick." Candice said to Holli as she pulled her robe tighter around her.

"No, no, no." Holli protested. "I can get my own food, but can you make sure he's not in the hallway?"

"Sure." Candice said, stepping into the hallway and looking to see no one else in the hallway. "Clear."

Holli jumped out of the bed, dressed in her black soffee shorts and her old high school track shirt. Quickly she ran out beside Candice in the hallway.

"I feel like we're in a spy movie." She whispered as she hid behind a column and began to hum Secret Agent Man.

"Yea, maybe Spy Kids." Candice laughed and looked around the column to make sure the clear shot to the elevator was not blocked by anyone of the bands. "Clear."

Holli and Candice ran to the end of the hall and jabbed the elevator button.

"Ah, bloody hell, hurry up!" Holli exclaimed in a whisper, clutching her cold arms.

"You've only been here a day and your accent is already worse." Candice mumbled.

"Sorry, mate." Holli said smiling, as the elevator dinged and they stepped on. All the way down their discussion revolved around the new information Candice had gained.

"I'm just glad you finally explained it." She remarked as the elevator doors opened to the lobby.

"This looks different in the morning." Holli commented before walking to the other part of the lobby, where the complementary breakfast was arranged in neat little rows on the counters around the buzzing TVs, already spewing off the latest celebrity gossip.

"To modest rockstars!" Candice said, running towards the breakfast room, laughing. Holli shook her head and followed, remembering a time not very unlike this a long time ago...

"Bagels, cereals, and waffles..." Holli started to get her mind away from that time.

"Oh my!" Candice exclaimed, grabbing one of each.

"Ok, serious time. Let's get some food." Holli said as she began piling random breakfast foods on her tray. About two things Holli absolutely did not play about. One, was her musical career and two was food. She could eat like a horse and she needed to thanks to her morning runs and her high school careers of running track and swimming.

"Hey, let's go back to our room so we can eat in peace." Candice whispered to Holli as she noticed people who started to look at them for longer than a second, the first stages of "Oh My God it's..."

"I agree." Holli said, stuffing another bagel in her mouth and grabbing her tray to start towards the elevator.

At the elevator they pressed the twelve button to send themselves up to their floor and to get the doors closed as fast as possible.

"Ok, so what are we going to do about the bus situation?" Candice asked, starting to drink her coffee.

"Oh, we'll figure something out." Holli half mumbled, not really paying attention. Most of hers was focused on trying to get back to the room so she could eat. And just as the elevator dinged open, there was none other than Audrey Kitching and Jac Vanek, standing there.

"Oh look Jac, room service." Audrey said, beginning the motion to grab Holli's tray.

"Um, no." Holli snapped, jerking her tray away from Audrey's grip, but being steady enough to not make anything fall off the tray. "I went down and got my own food."

"Yea and now you can be a good dear and give it to me; after all, I am more important than you." Audrey said, being completely oblivious to the fact that Holli was the lead singer or actually in the band that BMTH was touring with.

"Excuse me? I know I'm more important than some ugly ass fake scene bitch. Bye." Holli kept most of her anger in towards this hostile pink headed bimbo, she really did not want to kicked out of this hotel.

"I can't believe her! That fake pink haired bimbo actually thought she could take your food?" Candice said as they closed the door to their room and Holli realized that she could finally get the peace and quiet she deserved to get her food. "And who does she think she is saying she's more important than you?"

"It's ok, Candice. We don't know she could be the Paris Hilton of Finland." Holli said, laughing and joking on the outside, about to die on the inside from hunger. It wasn't like she hadn't eaten in days, it was just her body burned food that fast.

"Yea maybe she is an overindulgent Paris Hilton of Finland, she was fat!" Candice commented, even though almost anyone would feel fat next to the almost anorexic looking Holli. She hadn't eaten as well as she should lately, and it was showing. Candice stuffed a chocolate chip waffle in her mouth, almost whole.

"So says the girl eating chocolate chip waffles covered in syrup?" Holli remarked before picking up her fork to eat, once again.

"Glad to see you two getting along again." Max said, coming in before Holli could get her bite in.

"Bloody hell! Come on mates! Let me get a bite of my food before you want me to answer something!" Holli said, before stuffing the bite from her fork in her mouth. "Now, continue." She was happy she had finally gotten some of her breakfast.

", how did you get in here, Max?" Candice asked, wide eyed.

"Master key." He said, holding up a key that looked like their hotel key.

"Oh, ok." The girls continued to eat their breakfast.

"You two should hurry up and get dressed, it's almost seven o'clock and we need to be packed and ready to go by one this afternoon. There's two bands which means a lot more equipment to load and more people to please. Not to mention the guys from Bring Me The Horizon."

"Just call them BMTH, it's easier, and they really, really don't mind." Random moments that Holli burst out with information concerning over the sea bands sometimes scared the other band members, but not in this case.

"Anyways, the guys brought their girlfriends along with them." Max finished.

"That's ok, we can deal with that." Candice said, while Holli nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

"Alright well be out and ready by eight thirty if you want to get your stuff on the bus. Oh, Kyle—"

"Call her Holli, please." Candice said.

"It's ok, Max."

"Well, the guys will be loading the equipment at ten, so they'll be waiting for you." He said, leaving.

"Thanks, Max!" Holli yelled to the retreating form.

"I still don't see why you always help the guys." Candice said, putting her tray down.

"It's just something I do. My way to tell the roadies how much we appreciate them." Holli smiled putting her tray on top of Candice's.

"Whatever. I'm going to take a shower." Candice said, getting up off the bed.

"Ok." Holli pulled her legs up to her chest, hugging them close for comfort until a knock at the door jolted her from her comfortable position. She looked at the clock, Candice had only been in the shower for a minute or two...

"Coming." Holli responded before she thought and flung open the door to see Carmen standing there, dress and looking perfectly ready to go already.

"I want to talk to you." She said in a tone that registered in Holli's mind as apprehensive. The hairs on the back of Holli's neck stood up.

"Ok, come in." Holli opened the door enough to let Carmen's slender form through the door frame. As she shut the door, she shut her eyes and then spoke, slamming the door. "Look Carmen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for lying to you. I know it doesn't help, but truly it was for the best, but I'd understand if you didn't..." Holli trailed off, looking at the ground.

"If I didn't what?" Carmen asked, her attention perked towards what Holli was going to say.

"If you didn't want me to be your maid of honor anymore." A look of disbelief came onto Carmen's face.

"What? No! Hun, regardless of your name, I know how much it hurt you to lie and one day I hope you can tell me everything that happened so I'll understand better. But no, I was here to tell you, well ask you," then Holli saw the folders in Carmen's hands and realized why Carmen had come.

"Oh! You need MOH help?" Holli said, acknowledging the folders.

"Yes." Carmen said, blushing.

"Well come on over." Holli led her to her bed. Carmen placed the folders on the bed as Holli pulled her legs under her in an Indian style of sitting, as Carmen lightly sat on the squishy bed.

"Uh, these are some things I printed last night, I liked them, but I'm not sure..." Carmen said, pulling out random pictures of bouquets. Holli looked at them with experts eyes that Carmen had no idea of. This is a mess....

"Well, Carmen, did you pick colors for your wedding?" Holli asked the first basic question any wedding planner should know. Carmen looked like a deer in the headlights at that question and Holli realized this wedding had a lot of work that she would have to put into it to make it exactly what Carmen and Max wanted. "Well, ok. On the flight here I did some research too."

Holli searched for her Mac through her messenger bag and opened it, logging onto the notebook and accessing her files from the previous night. She clicked fast and with a purpose, so fast that it gave Carmen a headache.

"Here it is." She exclaimed, handing the laptop to Carmen in slideshow mode so she could see the pictures of the weddings with the color schemes.

"Oh, these colors are gorgeous!" Carmen exclaimed at the first picture.

"Well, look through them all before you make any permanent decisions, this is your day Carmen. While you do, that I will look through what you have." Holli began to flip through the folders at the completely not matching things her friend had decided on.

"Hey Carmen..."

"Yea?" Carmen responded, without looking up, too engrossed in the beautiful color schemes Holli had thought up for her wedding.

"I just...I just wanted to let you know that...that you were my first mate when I moved to the states." Holli felt a hot, salty tear spill onto her cheek.

"Oh," Carmen exclaimed, pushing the Mac aside, so she could hug Holli. "You are my best friend Kyle—I mean, Holli."

"Oh, Carmen Ann McDaniel, you are my best friend too, why you're the sister I never had!" Holli hugged her friend closer as the tears continued to spill out of her eyes, dry for so long.

"Now, that's not fair, I don't know your whole name!" Carmen laughed as she exclaimed this fact, whipping her own tears away before hugging Holli close again.

"Kyle Holland Nicholls." Holli said, hugging Carmen closer, as the tears continued to fall, but for happiness now.

"Ok you lesbians, get off the bed." Candice said, coming out of the bathroom in a towel. The girls separated, laughing and wiping their tears away.

"Well, we were planning the wedding until Holli decided to get all emotional. And then we cried." Carmen smiled, face still wet with tears.

"Nice. But we have to be ready and packed soon, are we almost ready? Because it's almost time, and from what I see, Holli is no where near ready." Candice indicated Holli's pajamas she still wore.

"Ah, I'm going mate!" Holli got up. "I'll help later, ok?" She said to Carmen as she retreated the bathroom.

Carmen and Candice looked at each other for a second before Carmen began to pull her folders together.

"So, you're not curious how I got everything out of her and you didn't?" Candice asked, ready to taunt the best friend of Holli, just for the hell of it. Candice wasn't a mean person, but she was a taunting person, probably from her being taunted throughout her middle and high school years.

"No. She'll tell me when she's ready." Carmen said, walking away as so many others did from Candice.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took so long to type this chapter, I've just been...forgetting to do it...haha

well I hope you like it, once again, comments are appreciated!

Much love,
<3 Vicy

P.S. Special Surprise....Oli will be back in the next chapter and a new story will unfold....