‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

1- Prologue.

Amazing banner by memories-r-forever! (:

July 10th 2010 – two years later (and maybe a patched up heart...)

“Since when do you care what I look like when we’re going to the studio?” I questioned my best friend and personal assistant Laura, as she barged into my apartment, her brown hair shoved into a loose bun.

Well, she obviously didn’t make any effort today, either.

“I care because one of us at least needs to look decent. Could you just make an effort? Please?” She begged, slamming her Chloé bag onto my marbled kitchen top. “Could you ring Josh too? We need him at the studio today to record Always Attract.”

“Seriously, couldn’t you tell me this half an hour ago?” I mumbled, taking my hair out of a too; messy bun and flipping it back and forth, my long blonde curly locks falling freely.

Laura stared at me with a blank look across her face, holding her hand out as a simple gesture for me to hand over my phone for her to ring Josh. I rolled my eyes, giving her the phone.

“Hurry up, I don’t wanna be late!” I tapped my foot impatiently as she got hold of Josh, putting her head against her shoulder – trying to keep the phone by her ear as she grabbed her Chloé bag, pulling me out my apartment in the process.

“Hey Josh, are you at the studio yet?” I heard her ask as she paced quickly outside, practically running whilst still having a tight grip on my wrist, pulling me into the Limo as she scooted over.

“Well you better get there; we need to record Always Attract for Katy’s album.” She rolled her eyes, letting go of my wrist and looking at our chauffeur, signalling him to leave.

You’re wondering who Josh is? Well that’s simple. I’ve been with him for about a year now, and he’s absolutely flawless. I met him at the MTV Europe Awards, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Did I mention that he was, in fact – the best singer on the planet?

There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I loved him, because I really did. He was caring, he was supportive – he was everything Joe wasn’t. I hadn’t seen Joe in three years, and I have never been better.

“What do you mean; you need to speak to Katy? I’m trying to speak to you here on business terms!” Laura cried, making me giggle. “Ugh, okay. Katy, your lover boy wants to talk to you.” She gagged, passing the phone to me.

Hello baby, how’s my girlfriend today?” I smiled instantly, hearing his rough, English accent on the phone.

“Better for hearing your voice.” I could almost hear the smirk in reply as I heard Josh sigh, making my heart melt.

You’ll see me in about five minutes baby. I love you, you know that right?” He whispered, shivers being delivered down my spine.

So sue me, I’ve turned into Katygoo. But wouldn’t you? I mean, it’s the accent.

“I love you too.” I shut the phone, a grin plastered across my face.

“I don’t want any lovey dovey crap going on today, I want work done. You got it?” I heard Laura scowl as the Limo came to a halt, the door opening.

“God Laur, what crawled up your ass and died today? You’ve been in a mood ever since you came and got me.” I confessed, walking into the studio.

“Nothing’s wrong with me, I just want you to actually pry your hands off Josh for a minute, and actually sing today.” I scoffed at her attitude, and instantly shrugged it off.

“Look, I don’t know who you are right now. Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?” I joked as we walked into the recording studio, unaware to the three pairs of eyes on us.

“Because you’re funny,” Laura laughed sarcastically; sending me in a fit of giggles. “And anyways – what is the deal with you and Josh? Isn’t he going to get the hint and pop the question soon?” She asked seriously, again throwing her Chloé bag on the side.

I shrugged. “Who knows, Laur. If it happens, it happens. But I know for a fact that I’m not gonna do it.” She made an ‘O’ with her mouth, and immediately went wide-eyed, looking behind me.

“Uh, Laur? Why are you staring like that, its freaking me out...” I tried breaking her out of her trance, when instead she replied by spinning me round; coming face to face with three familiar faces.

Oh no, oh hell no. Out of everybody, it has to be them.

“What are you doing here?” I spat, narrowing my eyes at Joe specifically.

He laughed, that beautiful voice melodic to my ears. “We,” He started.” Are here to record our album. What are you doing here?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

“Funny you should say that,” I sarcastically rolled my eyes. “I’m here to record too.” My arms were instantly folded over my chest, not wanting to back down.

He didn’t look any different, all that had grown was his hair; and subtle stubble shown on his chin. His dress sense was still as perfect, and his lips were still plump. But his eyes, they lost the sparkle – they lost the golden tint – they were just a boring brown.

And awkward silence drifted over us as I avoided Joe’s gaze, and the gaze of his brothers. I sighed; this was probably why Laura wanted me to dress up – she probably planned this.

After all – even Josh didn’t know about Joe. Nobody did these days.

“Baby? Sorry I’m late, the stupid traffic wouldn’t hurry and—who the hell are you guys?” Josh burst through the door; a confused look itched across his face.

“They,” I pointed at Joe, Nick and Kevin. “Are the Jonas Brothers – they’re recording time is the same as ours; so I guess we’re gonna have to take it in turns.” I rolled my eyes, hearing Joe mutter something inaudible under his breath.

“Well, then I guess its ladies first.” Kevin politely spoke, gesturing me to go first.

I gave him and Nick a genuine smile, whist daggers to Joe and Laura; grabbing Josh’s hand and pulling him into the recording studio – pulling a chair up by the microphone, sitting down and placing the headphones casually around my neck.

“You two ready?” Laura interjected in as I looked at Josh sat beside me, our hands intertwined.

I nodded, giving Laura the go ahead and placing the headphones over my ears and listening to the acoustic sound – almost forgetting that my ex-boyfriend was sat outside, listening to a love song I had written for Josh.

Because this wasn’t going to end nasty, no. Joe would never be nasty to me.

If it hurts this much,
Then it must be love,
And it's a lottery,
I can't wait to draw your name.
Oh I’m trying to get to you,
But time isn't on my side.
If the truth's the worst I can do,
then I guess that I have lied

Keeping me awake,
It's been like this now for days.
My heart is out at sea,
My head all over the place.
I'm losing sense of time,
And everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day,
I fear that’s a month too late.

That night I slept,
On your side of the bed so,
It was ready when you got home.
We're like noughts and crosses in that,
Opposites always attract.

You've taken me to the top,
And let me fall back south.
You've had me at the top of the pile,
And then had me kissing the ground.
We've heard and seen it all,
No one's talked us out.
The problems that have come,
Haven't yet torn us down.

I heard Josh beautifully sing, him glancing at me every chance he could – the truth glittering from his eyes. I blushed, and got ready to join in with him in the rest of the song.

Am I keeping you awake?
If I am then just say.
You can make your own decisions;
you can make your own mistakes.
I'll live and let die all the promises you made;
But if you lie another time, it'll be a lie that's too late.

That night I slept,
On your side of the bed so,
It was ready when you got home.
We're like noughts and crosses in that,
Opposites always attract.

You always have your way,
For now it's too soon for you to say,
Will we be always, always?

You always have your way,
For now it's too soon for you to say,
Will we be always, always?

You've had your way

You've had your way

You've had your way...

We ended the song beautifully, looking into each other’s eyes – the atmosphere getting the better of us.

I was the first to shake the feeling off by standing up quickly, taking the headphones off and rushing out of the recording studio, not even bothering to answer back to the people screaming my name.

I didn’t know where I was going, but all I knew was that now that Joe had come back into my life, nothing would be simple anymore.

Because as soon as I locked eyes with his beautiful honey ones, I fell back in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Subscribers: 13" !!!!


This was uber long. I apologize, but seriously - I couldn't stop!?!

Also, I would love if you commented and let me know if this was what you wanted. You think it's too soon with them meeting again?

I need to know your thoughts. :)

it's like 6am here - and I'm tired ahha.


Be nice, it's the SEQUEL so I expect quite alot of comments. :D

I love you guys, and thank you!

