‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

10- Let the 'take me backs' begin.

Lovely banner by take flight. (: ♥

"And when I'm gone, remember this - I loved you, I once needed you, I once cared about you, more than anything in the world. You can't deny that I was never there for you, you can't deny what we had, You can't deny that we ended over absolutely nothing, that regardless - you still think about us. No other girl could ever love you the way that I did. One day Joe, you'll realize what you did, and you'll come back - and you know something? I'll already be gone." Katy's voice softened, and that's when I knew I had just made the second biggest mistake ever.

Her beautiful face was turned into a scowl as she looked at me and Camilla one more time, before walking out and slamming the door behind her.

“See Joe? We can be together forever now.” Camilla smirked, pushing herself on me.

Normally I would of liked this, but the love of my life has just walked out the door.

“Together forever? Are you fucking kidding me right now Cam? I just tried breaking up with you five minutes ago!” I raised my voice, averting my eyes away from Camilla.

My heart plummeted when I had realized that Katy had gone. I had probably just messed up the last chance I ever got with her, and you know what? It's actually my own fault.

Anger seething through my veins, I walked up to the wall and visioned it was a reflection staring back at me; and soon enough my fist collided with the wall, my knuckles crackling and my heart tearing from the pain.

“Oh my gosh, Joe! Are you--”

I cut her off quickly, giving her the most evil glare I could muster, “Does it fucking look like I'm okay? This is because of you! YOU! Why don't you just leave me alone, huh? Better still, I'll go.”

I shook my hand frantically, wishing I hadn't hit that damn wall so hard. What the hell was I thinking? More importantly, what the heck was Camilla thinking?!

I didn't even bother to look back when I walked out and did the exact thing Katy did, slamming the door. Ah, Katy.

I sighed, pulling out my Iphone and dialing her number – pressing the phone to my ear.

Hey! You have reached K-k-k-KATY! I'm obviously not here, so gimme a call later, or leave a message!

Tears pricked my eyes, but I couldn't really tell if it was from the heartbreak or from the throbbing pain my knuckles had suffered. I quickly pressed the end button and scrolled down for a familiar number.

“Kevin? It's Joe. I need your help, and fast – or I might just lose Katy for good.”


Don't come looking for me
Cause I'll be right here with the words you said
I'm looking for the words to say
You know what you did, you know
How can anybody forget the promise that you made?
Cause this is how the promise breaks
I always knew you'd fall through
And now you're proof

Rewind to the first time, that I felt it coming
I knew it would not last
Rewind to the first time, that I felt it coming
Make it quick, make it painless
Don't tell me lies - just say goodbye.

I faced Laura, her eyes wide. I simply took this time to take the acoustic guitar off and place it on the side.

“Well? What do you think?” I clasped my hands together, Laura still not coming out of her daydream.

“That... Was... By far the most advanced things you've ever written. Seriously Katy, all this heartbreak really is doing some good,” She smirked as she rose from the bed and patted me on the shoulder, walking to the door.

“And where do you think your going?” I called out, my eyebrows itched together.

Shit, stupid sunburn. Now I'm in dire need of some after-sun right now.

“I have a date with a very hot Jonai, and if you'll excuse me – you aren't getting in the way of me getting tapped by a Jonas! Don't wait up!” She squealed, slamming the door behind her.

Wait, did she just say Jonas?! Damn you Perez, I'm gonna sue you.

I walked over to the neatly folded bed and dived onto it, burying my head softly into the pillow – not wanting to irritate my sunburn.

Well this just gets better and better, first I try to escape the wrath of anyone with the last surname Jonas, and they're accidentally here – in Florida? Yeah, they obviously go on Perez just as much as I do.

I groaned, taking my head out the pillow and sitting up, coming in contact with them beautiful brown eyes, and my heart took a leap.

I had to be dreaming, seriously. Can someone pinch me right now? This is like a freakin' nightmare being constantly relived. Why does he always do this? Why does he come back? Okay, I really need to stop talking to myself right now.

“Joe?” I croaked, my voice hesitant. “What the hell are you doing here, of all places?” I rolled my eyes, getting off the bed.

I winced as he pushed me lightly against the wall, my skin being scraped against it as the sunburn was worse than ever on my back.

“I came to make things right, tonight.”

And now you're running from me
So cool, so scared of what you might have said
And no one's ever looked away
Cause we know what you did, we know
If I told anybody, then we would soon forget your name
And you would never have a place
I always knew you'd fall through
And now you're proof


“C'mon man, it's been like two damn days – she's gone.” Nick encouraged, sitting on the opposite side of our apartment, his laptop in his lap.

“How do you know that?” I snapped, looking at the fourth chocolate bar in my hands – feeling instantly sick.

“look dude, there's not much you can do now – you basically screwed it up again, and your wondering why the hell she's not coming back?” Nick rolled his eyes almost out of spite, his voice patronizing.

Ugh, why the hell did he have to be so smart? He's like what, three years younger? Why couldn't I inherit the fucking intelligent gene before him? Maybe I wouldn't even be in this mess if I used my brain cells.

I heard a slap and noticed that Kevin had hit Nick sharply on the back of the head, a stern look on his face.

“What the fuck, Kev? What was that for?”

“Don't talk like that to Joseph, Nicholas – he might be an idiot, but you don't degrade him like that, ya hear me?” Kevin's naturally high pitched voice was an octave higher, his eyes averting apologetically at me.

“Sorry.. Joe.” Nick spoke slowly, his words ever so convincing.

Kevin snatched the laptop from Nick and placed it in my lap, leaning over and typing in Perez Hilton's website and waiting for it to load.

I looked up at him with questioning eyes, “Any reason why we're going on some fake blog site?” I asked, now his eyes avoiding mine.

“You just need to look at this.” Kevin clicked on an article and I only had to read the top line to already know what it was about.

Perez Exclusive on Jaty! (or what's left of it):

Has Katy jet to Florida to forget Joe Jonas and his cheating ass again?

I immediately felt sick, my bandaged hand now throbbing like hell again. My eyes were yet again prickling with tears, and I was in no state to cry now, just because it affected my celebrity reputation.

That's the last thing I should care about right now.

“She's in Florida..” I muttered, catching a glimpse of the small, suede covered box on the coffee table.

“Well what are you waiting for? Go get your dream girl!” Nick shouted matter-of-factly, quickly stating the obvious.

“Thanks for that younger sibling, but seriously – one of you dimwits come with me, make sure I don't fuck this up for the third time.”


“I said fuck? I meant stuff.” I smiled knowingly to Kevin and Nick, their eyes rolling simultaneously.

“Does this call for a typical Jonai trip?” Nick clapped excitedly, his olive skin now projecting beams of happiness.

“Yes Nick, you will get to wear your swimtrunks.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

“I'll book us a red-eye flight, and Joe?”


“I swear on our celebrity status, if you mess this up – I will actually disown you and get a Joe replacement, is that clear?” Kevin's eyes looked straight through mine, my heart dropping slightly at my past attempt of getting Katy back.

“Yes Mufasa, now why are you wasting your breath? Book the flight already man!”I gave him the typical cheesy smile and walked off into my bedroom, throwing random items of clothing into a duffel bag.

I don't care how long it might take, or how many miles I'd have to travel.
I don't care about the 'girls' i'd be missing out on either.
Actually, I wouldn't mind if nobody else would want to even come near me.
I'll sacrifice everything, I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
Because only one thing matters,
And that's Katy, being with me forever, in my arms, here with me – for eternity.
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm getting good at these 3 posts at a time.
But don't get used to it.
It'll slow down within the week, as school and more school = tiredness.

I love laura mann.

Let me know what you think, I like to know whats going on in your minds :D
