‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

11- Jaty makes the world go round.

Lovely banner by take flight. (: ♥

Joe didn't look adorable at the least, his hair was flicking out in all directions; his clothes crumpled and his eyes not entirely open, probably from the lack of sleep he's been getting.

He looked like me in so many ways – broken and empty.

I began to sympathize with him until sickening images of Camilla's lips attacking his. My expression quickly turned into hatred as he just stood there on the other side of the hotel room, looking at me.

“Oh, so you want to make things right? Again? What makes you think I'm even going to listen to you!?” I almost laughed at his stupidity, but instead I kept a straight face, looking at him.

“Will you just fucking hear me out, Katy? I need to explain why Camilla almost ended up dry humping me when you walked in, for crying out loud!” He threw his hands up in the air, coming closer to the bed.

Oh no, this fight wasn't gonna end up like it did the last time – tangled up in sheets.

“Don't you dare take another step Jonas, because I will – repeat – not have sex with you like this again.” I growled at him as he took a step forward again, sitting on the other side of the bed.

“Look, just hear me out for five minutes, okay? Then I'll be gone.” He placed his hand over mine, gently.

It took nearly everything I had to snatch my hand away from underneath his, looking into his eyes. It was either the sunburn that was burning me or I could of swore a pain shot through my heart.

“You got five minutes Joe, and I mean five minutes.” I sighed, getting up from the bed and pressing play on my Ipod, Demi Lovato's Until You're Mine ringing throughout the hotel room.

Yeah, this is just what I need. A damn love song.

“I told Camilla it was over, that I didn't want to be with her anymore. It was like she didn't wanna hear it, like she couldn't believe that I was choosing you over her, again.” He started, and I whipped my head round, confusion written all over his face.


My state of mind
Has finally got the best of me
I need you next to me
I'll try to find
A way that I can get to you
Just wanna get to you

The world I see is perfect now
You're all around
With you, I can breathe .

“When I left your apartment, I went back to Camilla and told her it was over – until she whacked out the 'if you want you and your brothers career to carry on then I suggest you stay with me' card. Believe me, I tried everything to make her go off me – from flaunting other girls to her, to fighting with her non-stop. She wouldn't do it, she just wouldn't budge.” Joe ran a hand through his hair, breaking the eye contact with me.

It was a good job he broke the eye contact, because by now the first tear was already falling slowly from my face. He had wanted me, but he chose his brothers career – he didn't want them to suffer too, right? That's why they were all so nice to me!

Well, minus Kevin – he hit on me but still... Joe never has to know that.

“And.. And when I saw you on the news with Josh, it was like my heart had been stamped on – I knew I lost you the moment your happy face came on the TV, holding hands with him; looking like you were in love. Do you know how much I wanted just to punch his face in? Come back and sweep you off your feet? Everything is so messed up, Katy. And it's my fault.” He sighed, tears evidently in his eyes.

I walked over to the bed, and watched intently as Joe stood up, his bottom lip quivering slightly. He had never looked more beautiful to me, his emotions were playing a part – he wasn't afraid to cry; but it's not like I'd ever allow that, right?

Until you're mine
I have to find
A way to fill this hole inside
I can't survive
Without you here by my side
Until you're mine
Not gonna be
Even close to complete
I won't rest until you're mine, mine

I walked over to him, the uncomfortable silence starting to make my stomach have butterflies blowing up inside. I held my arms out, smiling slightly as he looked up at me – shock written all over his face. He walked over to me slowly, almost hesitantly as he looked at my outstretched arms, probably thinking that I was gonna pull them back – trick him.

“Come here, will you?” I whispered, and no sooner them words left my mouth, Joe had already consumed my body in a loving hug.

I would have been foolish if I said I didn't feel anything, because I did. I felt the same spark I did the first time he touched me, everything came rushing back. The nights he stayed, the way he danced with me and made the music all at once, the look in his eye that told me that he loved me – I was still, so much in love with Joe; no matter how much he broke me.

“I'm sorry, so sorry Katy. I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you.” He whispered into my ear, his beautiful voice cracking each time he repeated the same two words over and over again.

“Joe, stop. I know your sorry.” I tried soothing him, but it didn't help – I was a fully pledged train wreck, just like he was.

Alone inside
I can only hear your voice
Ringing through the noise
I can't find my mind
It keeps on coming back to you
Always back to you

Wanted something out of reach
It's killing me
You're all I see, yeah...

We started to sway lightly to the music, the warmth of his body radiating off on mine. My heart rate was probably out the window by now, but I didn't care. Being in his arms again made me whole – but there was something in the back of my mind telling me that letting him in this easy was stupid.

“Joe...” I started, pulling away from him slightly.

“What's wrong? Did I do something? Is it too fast? What?” He rambled, and instantly stopped when I gave him the 'shut up' look.

“I just... I need more than this.” I sighed as he pulled away from me, his one eyebrow raised.

“Wait, before you say anything. I just wanna do this.” His hands snaked around the small of my back, pulling me in closer again. My hands on his chest, I could feel how fast his heart was beating – it was in sync with mine; so so fast.

I looked up at him, our foreheads touching – his beautiful honey eyes making me turn into a big pile of Katygoo.

“You're so beagoraunning.” He breathed, his toothy grin showing as I giggled, remembering the last time he said that.

“Even if I look like a lobster and I'm donning sweats?” I questioned innocently, batting my eyelashes.

“You'll always be beagoraunning to me, Katy Mae Summers.” He whispered, before connecting his lips to mine – that tingling sensation going down my spine.

Until you're mine
I have to find
A way to fill this hole inside
I can't survive
Without you here by my side
Until you're mine
Not gonna be
Even close to complete
I won't rest until you're mine, mine

I pulled away from Joe's kiss, trying to breathe. He had left me breathless, speechless, and every little thing in between.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips by his ear and singing softly into his ear.

Just stop wondering
If we were meant to be
Forget about fate
And just hold me
I'm ready to begin
The waiting has to end
Right now, today
I've gotta find a way

Mine, until you're mine

Until you're mine
I have to find
A way to fill this hole inside
I can't survive
Without you here by my side
Until you're mine
Not gonna be
Even close to complete
I won't rest until you're mine...

“Where does this leave us now?” Joe whispered in my ear, and my heart stopped.

I had gotten so wrapped up in the atmosphere between us again, that I had no clue where my heart lay.

Did I want to be with him? Yes.

Did I trust him? Not really.

“Only time will tell Joe, I'm not really sure what my heart wants yet. Your going to have to convince it.” I smirked, this was gonna be fun.

“Convincing your heart? That I'll try. I won't give up Katy, not without a fight.” He spoke with the most sincerity I have ever heard from him.

The truth glittered in his eyes, and nightfall was approaching; making his beautiful features glimmer against the moonlight.

I didn't know how long my heart was going to hang on for, but all I knew was that there was a big, bumpy ride in front of us.

And I wasn't about to give up on Joe, not yet.

My state of mind
Has finally got the best of me
I need you next to me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Was that the ending everyone was expecting?
I hope it was, ahaha.

So, JATY is back on! For now... ahaha!



Tell me what you think about this chapter, did it suck? What do you want to happen next? What about Josh and Camilla?! Oh gosh, things are about to get complicated..


