‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

12- Concerts and jealousy?

Amazing banner by take flight. (:

I woke the next morning on an empty bed, silence taking over the hotel room. I sat up slowly, my head throbbing – probably the sunburn.

I looked around the hotel, everything still the same as it was last night, except from a letter on the sideboard. I smiled, cautiously getting up from the bed and walking over to the sideboard, already knowing from the rushed, scruffy writing who it was from.

Katy Mae,
Good morning, beautiful. I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up, but Nick was driving himself mad as well, me and Kevin had gone 'missing'. Looks like Laura had a lot of fun with him last night, eh? ;)

Anyway, the purpose of writing this letter is because well, tonight you are cordially invited to join Nick, Kevin and I for a charitable concert tonight.

It start's at seven, so you have a few hours to make yourself look very begoraunning. Not like you won't anyway but, you know what I mean.

I hope to see you there, princess.


I don't think anybody could of taken the grin off my face right now. Everything was falling right into place, and the emptiness inside me slowly, but surly began to fill up again.

Suddenly the door jolted open, practically make me jump out my skin.

That could only be one person, who has a lot of explaining to do.

“I told you not to wait up for me, Katy!” Laura shrieked, the dress that she went out in last night – ripped to shreds.

“Oh I see how it is, you banged the eldest Jonai in the bushes, that's why your dress is torn?!” I smirked, watching Laura turn a violent red.

“What if I told you that Kevin was surprisingly good with his mouth?” She retaliated, making me scrunch my face in disgust.

“Ew, Laur! Keep the details to yourself about your sexy time, would ya?”I cringed, making Laura giggle.

“So, I heard another Jonas was reported missing, what happened?” She put a hand on her hip, smirking.

“We.... Talked.” I spoke slowly, the letter still in my hand.

“So that's what they call it these days, huh? Is that a letter?” She grinned, snatching the piece of paper out my hand before I could put it behind my back.

“Laura! Give it me back!” I groaned, trying to retrieve the personal letter back. She pulled away from me – putting a hand up as she read the letter.

“He invited you to the gig too? I thought he wouldn't, with all the rumours about Cam--”

“Wait, what rumours?” I furrowed my eyebrows at her, and she quickly went wide-eyed, but maintained her composure.

“Apparently she heard that Joe had come after you... she's supposed to be here, in Florida.” She spoke quietly, backing away from me.

Only she knows what my temper is like when it comes to Camilla freakin' Belle.

“Seriously, why does all the drama always come to me? I get away from it, and it seems to follow me!” I screeched, throwing my hands up in the air.

“Look,” Laura spoke slowly as she sighed. “Just get ready for tonight, forget I even said anything okay? It might not even be true, you know what rumours are like.” She grinned, and my heart began to calm down. “Plus, it's not like your going on your own; Kevin invited me too!” She squealed, jumping up and down.

“Okay, Laur. Let's look beautiful, we got like four hours!” I smiled falsely, jumping up and down with her.

“Because that's not a lot of time. We need dresses, and make-up, and curlers!” She replied sarcastically, making me giggle.

But there was just one feeling in my stomach that told me this night wasn't gonna go as brilliant as I planned.


Walking in the hot, crowded bar with Laura almost attached to my side – I honestly thought we had got the wrong place. That was until one curly haired Jonai's tugged my arm tightly, pulling me backstage along with Laura.

“What the hell-- Oh, hi Nicholas!” I spoke cheerily, giving him a small wave as he blushed.

“H-hi, you look.. wow. Both of you, that is.” He spoke almost silently, his olive features still turning red.

“Isn't he the cutest? Sorry Nick, your not legal – and I don't fancy going to jail at this young age.” Laura spoke matter-of-factly as I scoffed.

“As if, you have Kevin – haven't you crushed on him for like forever?”

I should of kept my mouth shut, because another two pair of eyes were fixated on mine and Laura's conversation.

“That's not the point! You've been in love with Joe for like a million years, but that didn't stop you from being with Josh!”

“Oh but that's different! I was trying.. to uh... Actually I have no explanation for why the heck I was with Josh – but admit it, you wouldn't trade Kevin for anything.”

“Yeah yeah, I'll admit that the day you admit that you're still in love with Joe.” She smirked, but that quickly faded once we heard fake coughing.

“So... you wouldn't trade me for anything, huh? That's pretty flattering.” Kevin and Joe both stood casually, the famous smirk on both of their lips.

“I-Uh-Yeah... That's pretty much it.” Laura laughed nervously whilst I stood there, gawking at the both older Jonases, flabbergasted.

Kevin laughed and made some excuse for Laura, Nick and himself to get some 'water', but not like I was paying attention.

I had the most gorgeous guy stood in front of me, wearing extremely tight clothing. Would you pay attention?

“So, you love me?” He spoke softly, walking towards me; giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

Yeah, please que the Katygoo melt right now. Damn you Joe Jonas for being so romantic and sensitive. Damn you.


“I love you too, I always have Katy.” He whispered in my ear, sending complete chills down my spine.

Joe Jonas just said WHAT?! Am I dreaming?

“I love--”

“Joe! We got lock down now, so put the pretty lady down and hurry the hell up!” Kevin shouted from down the hall, and Joe turned to face me again.

“Tell me later, okay? You look begoaunning by the way, like always. Watch out for me?” He smiled, pecking my lips softly.

“Always.” I smiled as he let go of me, running down the corridor in a hurry.

I sighed, walking out of backstage and onto the dance floor, Laura quickly following.

“He told me, Laura – he said it.” I spoke dreamily, as her eyes bored into mine, her arms tapping on the front of the stage.

“No way?”

“Yes way.”

“So does this mean that you're together now?”

“I love him, Laur – with everything. To hear him say that, it makes me see how sorry he is.” I smiled, quickly paying attention to the stage as the opening chords were being strummed – all three of the Jonai walking out confidently.

I locked eyes with Joe, and his eyes seemed to have changed back into that light colour I adored. The same look in his eye when he first told me he loved me.

“This song goes out to two special people in our hearts. I love you.” Joe's beautiful voice silenced the crowd as a piano melody was being played.

Broken hearts and last goodbyes
Restless nights but lullabies
Help to make this pain go away
I realize I let you down
Told you that I'd be around
I'm building up the strength just to say

I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
It's on me
This time is the last time
I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way

Filled with sorrow, filled with pain
Knowing that I am to blame
For leaving your heart out in the rain
And I know you're going to walk away
Leave me with a price to pay
Before you go, I wanted to say, yeah

That I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
It's on me
This time is the last time
I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way

Tears were falling freely from my cheeks as the emotion in the boy's voices made my heart swell. Joe was looking directly at me, his eyes too welling up from tears. This song was about me, and didn't I just know it.

I can't make it alive on my own
Well, if you have to go
Then, please, girl
Just leave me alone
'Cause I don't wanna see you and me
Going our separate ways
I'm begging you to stay
If it isn't too late

I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
It's on me
This time is the last time
I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way

But you're already on your way...

I was just about to put my hands up to clap as I felt someone tap my shoulder. Tearing my eyes away from Joe, I turned round to see another beautiful face looking at me.

“Josh? What are you doing here?!” I shouted over the music, still not looking at the stage.

“I'm sorry I walked out on you like that, Katy.” His english accent still pretty evident, and my heart caused to melt a tiny bit.

“It's okay Josh, really. I was a bit of a bitch.” I laughed awkwardly, and all of a sudden – I was being engulfed in a hug.

“No really, I am so sorry and, if your with Joe then I understand but – will there ever be another me and you?” He asked, his eyes gleaming.

“Josh.. I'm gonna be honest with you, okay? I love Joe, more than anything else in the world and, I just don't think we were meant to be.” I spoke softly, putting a hand on Josh's shoulder, and turning back to the stage.

I shouldn't of looked, because there Joe was – his evil glare directed at me and Josh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so, seriously - you will not believe how many plots and twists are going to be in this.

Me and Laura worked out what is going to happen, and seriously - you won't like it but that's what makes it exciting :D

Anyways, tell me what you think of this chapter! I like seeing your long comments, makes me happy (:
What about Josh coming back? The three lettered word Katy didn't say back to Joe? JOE saying the three lettered word? Wow.

I LOVE LAURA. Cause god it just feeels soooo goooooddd ♪ .... sorry :/ HAHA.

