‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

14- Interlude: Jaty has preggo'd her eggo?

Another Perez Exclusive on Jaty!:
Could Katy be carrying a mini Jonas? Find out what really happened on holiday!


Things just couldn't get any worse for beautiful superstar Katy Summers as there are now newly found rumours flying round that she has indeed, got her ego 'preggo' by no other than the lovely, scum bag cheating Joe Jonas.

The rumours started flying around as soon as Katy had returned earlier than expected from her 'break' in Florida, in order to actually escape from the clutches of Joe Jonas.

A trusted source then found out that Joe had in fact, flown out as soon as he knew where Katy was – in order to grovel at her manicured feet, asking her to take him back. Everything was going smoothly – and Jaty was more official than ever until her heartthrob ex, You Me At Six front man Josh Franceschi too turned up at Florida, asking to take him back.

Now as a strong believer in Jaty, however – I would of thought Katy would have had the sense to knock Josh off right off his pedestal and tell him to jet himself and that cute English accent of his back to where he came from – but It was also reported that both Katy and Josh were in fact, hugging whilst dear old Joseph was bellowing out a touching love song – probably about Katy.

Joe then apparently gave cold glares towards both Josh and Katy whilst they reunited; which is totally understandable (if your a freakin' possessive moron) but in Joe's case – they had just got back together, so do you see why he was so mad?

It was then heard that Jaty had in fact got in another fight and they had reportedly split up, Joe bringing up his newly ex flame Camilla Belle into the equation.

So after that, Katy sung a never-before heard (but humiliating on Joe's behalf) song about the two's relationship, and she even screamed into the microphone “You know somethin' guys? Never say always to someone, because you never know – they'll go and do something stupid like believe it.” Heartbreak much?

About twelve hours later – and exhausted Katy, donned in grey, oversized sweats with a ridiculously big leopard/cow print bag, was being spotted in arrivals in LAX. Now don't get me wrong, but every time she's in the public eye, she is constantly smiling. I give her tips for that.


Katy then disappeared into the spotlight for two weeks and miraculously vanished, and isn't it ironic how suddenly, loose clothing is all Katy seems to be wearing?

It's also been reported from my source that her best friend, Laura McKenzie has also ditched all ideas of being with Katy at this hard time and has settled for being with Joe's elder brother Kevin Jonas.

Katy then appeared yesterday at a recording studio – obviously she had talks with her producer and is rumoured to be putting an extra three tracks on her sophomore album; Forever and Always – so Katy fans; your in luck!

She still had a smile on her face yesterday while being photographed, despite how much heartbreak she's probably going through right now, which makes her one of the most bravest people I have ever blogged about. Scratch smiling, she was practically lighting up the whole damn room.

Take a look at this picture, do you honestly think Katy is carrying a mini Jonas? If so, would it reconcile the back and forth motion of Jaty? Will it bring them closer together, or literally tear them at the seams?



Spotted: Joe Jonas with younger brother Nick – heartbreak on the other side?


Looks like Katy Summers isn't the only one suffering, after all. Heartthrob Joe Jonas stepped out earlier yesterday with younger brother, Nick Jonas for lunch – his face showing all signs of Katy-withdrawn.

We tried talking to Joe, asking him why he looked so down – and all he could reply was, “It's not like you care – you will probably twist whatever words that comes out of my mouth.”

Ouch, it seems like Katy's not the only one suffering from a mental breakdown. Let's just hope skank whore Camilla Belle doesn't read my blogs – I'm sure she'd be at Joe's house within a millisecond, trying to 'comfort' her way into his heart.

You don't fool us Cammy, we know what your up to – and we all hate you for it.
♠ ♠ ♠

This is an actual very important part in this story - and before you ask, you already know that she's pregnant from reading that blog site, and no - it's not going to be some clichéd story like,

"She gets pregnant, Joe finds out - they get back together and walk off in the sunset. THE END."

No no, there's going to be so many twists and turns in this that even my head will be left spinning.

I've been wanting to get the chapter up for so long, and I kinda figured that some people had already guessed, what with the consistant mention of her stomach really hurting her - and going lightheaded and whatnot - her being very emotional, too.

Tell me what you think, are you happy Jaty is pregnant? (You will probably say no, but really - I don't want to give too much away but, do you honestly think that Jaty will just be fine because they're having a baby? I don't think so.)

Another interlude, I apologize. I love writing media pages. I find it terribly easy to convince people ahaha!

I LOVE LAURA, even though shes probably sleeping as its 6:48AM. :D


