‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

16- A Little Too Not Over You.

Another amazing banner by Take flight. ♥ (:

I walked up the familiar steps of the Jonas household, stopping at the front door – quickly brushing my outfit down. This could either go bad, or just terribly worse. I just don't want Mr. Jonas to come out with a shotgun, damn it - I knew I should of bought that body armour.

I knocked on the door softly, hoping that nobody would hear it, that I could turn back around forget I even came here – this was already a bad idea; my hands were wet and clammy, my mouth was seriously dry; I was borderline of dehydration and another thing – I was about to be hated by the Jonas family, weather I liked it or not.

The door flew open, Denise's flawless face completely blown away at the fact that I was stood in her doorway with an unbelievably guilty look itched across my face.

“Oh, Katy dear! How have you been! Don't just stand there, come in; come in!” Denise politely widened the door as I walked in awkwardly – the same homely, welcoming smell hitting my nostrils so much more; it was either the hug Denise had just swamped me with or the family atmosphere that was making it hard for me to breathe.

“Is Joseph here, Mrs Jonas? I was hoping I could talk to him, it's really important.” I looked around the foyer, admiring the cleanliness and how beautiful it looked.

“Of course, Katy.” She smiled, walking to the bottom of the stairs.

“Joseph, you have a visitor!” Denise bellowed, and no sooner than a few seconds, a door was heard creaking open, and footsteps were slowly being made as they descended down the stairs.

“I don't remember asking anyone to come over... Oh, hey.” Joe spoke nonchalantly, Denise signalling that it was time she'd left the room.

“Joseph, don't be so rude! Take her up to your room where you can have privacy – but keep the door open a bit, please.” Denise looked more at her son as she spoke sternly.

Yeah, the awkwardness was probably the worse I had ever expected, but Joe quickly realized this and walked up the stairs, me trailing quickly behind.

He opened the door to a complete pitch black room, apart from the small amount of light coming through from the curtains. Joe ignored what Denise said and shut his bedroom door anyway, also walking over and pushing the curtains wide open, the light blinding the both of us by the sudden sunshine.

“Talk.” Joe's hostile tone made me shudder, another shooting pain in my stomach.

I put a hand on my stomach absent-mindedly; earning a questioning look from Joe.


“What, have you come here to break my heart again? Too bad, you already did that.” Joe snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

Tears pricked my eyes as I heard him sigh, still not backing down. Damn these emotions – I don't even think I can do this, I'm about to ruin his life – and his career.

“I'm pregnant, Joe. Pregnant.” I spilled out, the tears overflowing me as I buried my head in my hands, ashamed.

“Y-y-you what?” Joe's voice was barely above a whisper, and that alarmed me more than anything.

I looked up and my watery eyes met his, anger clearly not budging from his pupils. If anything, I could almost see the steam coming out his ears.

“It can't be mine, it just can't.” Joe grumbled in frustration, running a hand through his hair.

Joe Jonas say what?

“Are you calling me a fucking whore, Jonas?” I screeched, my tears now drying up; anger replacing them instead.

“How the fuck can it be mine, Katy?! We only did it twice, and I thought you were on birth control!” He sighed, sitting on his bed – looking at me with utter disgust.

“Oh sorry, so now me getting knocked up is my fault? It takes two to fucking tango, Joseph.” I sneered, walking towards the door.

“Hey! Where do you think your going?”

“Your obviously not mature enough to accept that I have a baby growing inside of me, which is yours. But don't worry, I'm sure Camilla is on birth control.” I smirked, walking out and slamming the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs, hoping the walls were thick enough to keep mine and Joe's conversation inside them four walls – I didn't want the pressure of the Jonas family finding out too.

I walked downstairs and my eyes subconsciously landed on Kevin, my stare hardening as his cold glare through me off. “Don't worry Kevin, I was just leaving.” I gave him one last glare before I walked out of the door, and out of Joe's life.


Two months later: December 15th 2010

“Katy, are you sure about this?” Laura called out, peeking around the doorway.

My clothes had now started to tighten, the waistband in my jeans beginning to dig into my flesh every time I sat down for longer than ten minutes. It was weird, a little visible bump showing through any sort of clothing.

Even though I had just come from a photo shoot for a magazine spread, that didn't make things much better – the gold maxi dress I was wearing clearly clung to every curve of my body, especially the little bump on my stomach.

“It's only a small acoustic set for Disney, Laura. If he's gunna be there, he'll be there – won't he? I can't help that.” I sighed, checking myself in the mirror one more time.

“Okay, but remember – if your going to run off crying halfway through a set – please let me know. Give me some sorta sign, okay?” She begged as I rose from my seat, walking to the sideline.

I quickly muttered a yes before turning my attention to the Disney crowd, scanning everybody's face for the three familiar ones I had actually hoped to see.

Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens – and yet the three people I intended to see, or at least a little bit of me was.

Then I glanced at front row, my heart speeding up a tiny bit.

Emily Osmant, Corbin Bleu, Brenda Song, Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas... Joe Jonas.

“And please give a big welcome to our very special guest who has come here out of her incredibly busy schedule to give us an exclusive acoustic performance from songs off her new sophomore album, Forever And Always – please welcome Katy Summers!”

I walked out, a few people gasping at my ever growing bump – but all I knew was that the three Jonas boys in the front row were now – squirming in their seat.

“How is everyone today? I'm actually really excited to be here actually,” I chuckled, the rest of the Disney audience laughing with me too. “Well your probably wondering why I've gained weight, right?” I questioned the audience, but nobody decided to speak up – I decided to carry on anyway.

“Well, I guess there's no easy way to say this – and I'm pretty sure that your the first people to hear this, lets call this somewhat of a conformation – I'm three months pregnant, and very happy.” I smiled, and people started to stand – clapping and screaming.

“Anyway, my first song is actually the first song on my album; It's quite personal to me,” I started as the audience finally took a seat, silence drifting over them as they listened to me intently. “It's basically about having someone you love so much, that when finally things don't work out between you two anymore, you kinda go into some denial point – and then reality hits you; that's when you finally start to realize that – you really aren't over them, and your love for them is just far too much to deny. This is called A Little Too Not Over You.”

I began to close my eyes and sway softly, flashbacks of me and Joe slowly forcing their way out into this song.

It never crossed my mind at all
It's what I tell myself
What we had is come and gone
You better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is

But I see you sometimes
I try to hide what I feel inside

And I turn around
You're with her now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Memories, supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it'd be this hard
Should be strong, moving on

But I see you sometimes
I try to hide what I feel inside

And I turn around
You're with her now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Maybe I regret everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own, how I let you go
I'll never understand
I'll never understand
Yeah, oh no

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
And I really don't know what to do
I'm just a little too not over you...

I glanced over at Laura and rubbed the back of my neck impatiently, tears surfacing once again. Damn the pregnancy and my fucked up hormones. This is just crazy.

I walked off stage, not bothering to care what anybody else thought of me. My breathing had becoming rigid, and just seeing his face again made me squirm – it made me longing for something I could never have back again.

Another stomach pained ripped through my body as I leaned against the wall for support – but this was much more sharper; a warning sign flashing off in my brain. I put my hand up my dress and felt wetness in my pants, quickly pulling my hand out of my dress, to only see a faint spot on my fingertips.

“Would this the wrong time to say I told you so?” Laura sighed, handing me a box of Kleenex as I rolled my eyes – looking back at the stunned audience.

“Laura, that doesn't really matter now,” I breathed, the world becoming increasingly lighter. “I'm bleeding.” I whispered, shutting my eyes.

And that was all I remembered, because by then – only faint screams were heard, and my world faded to black.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll be updating very soon again - sorry it had taken so long to get out; truth be told, I actually got writers block.. alot of it =/ so I apologize for being late.

I highly doubt I'll update tomorrow either, because i have this concert thing, so sorry! I'm just warning you in advance though.

Also, the song mentioned?
A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta
Please note: I had to change the 'him' to 'her' to make it fit :)

What did you guys think? What's going to happen? What about Joe, he's an ass!


