‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

17- Interlude: Everything is broken.

Perez exclusive: JATY IS PREGNANT!

Yes, you have heard it here first – people! The newest beautiful single singer Katy Summers has just confirmed she is in fact, pregnant – three months along, actually. Well this baby is sure some miracle, huh?

A few hours back, Katy was reported coming from a photo shoot with magazine seventeen, her excuse for her glowing face and growing stomach was because she was simply 'on her girly week', I mean – I know I'm a bit of a nancyboy; but who the hell is she kidding?

But what else is quite confusing, the last time I reported something about Jaty was over three months ago – does this mean that Joe Jonas got his wish and bashed and dashed Katy after he found out she was expecting the first ever Jonas junior?

Rumour has it was that also him and his brothers Nick and Kevin coincidently appeared at the Disney studio last night – how much do you want to bet that these boys were informed that Katy was playing an acoustic set for her new album?


But now as it seems, it looks like Joe Jon-ASS has gone crawling back to failed actress Camilla Belle for the meantime. How much skankier can she get? I mean, taking him back two times is okay – but the third time, and she had to have known that he knocked up Katy, right?

Here at Perez enterprise (just kidding!) we have two exclusive photos of glowing Katy Summers, smiling away at the camera – looking beautiful as always as she's looking in a complete state of happiness – or just looking just completely amazing in such beautiful dresses.



All I can say is behalf of myself, congratulations Katy, and congratulations to Joseph Jonas for becoming the worlds most arrogant asshole ever.


Just minutes after pregnant star Katy Summers fled her Acoustic set at the famous Disney Studios, teary-eyed after one song – which was blatently about ex-boyfriend and exposed father Joe Jonas.

Apparently Katy has been suffering from terrible stomach cramps ever since she has found out she was pregnant – could it be that she had all the symptoms of a miscarriage, but she never thought about it in that way?

But today, Katy apparently rushed off the stage and into best friend Laura McKenzie's arms – where she reportedly told her that she was bleeding, and then she fainted – blacking out completely.

We can only hope and pray that nothing is wrong with Katy and her newborn, but seriously – where the hell is Joe in all of this? Why isn't he there by her side every second of her pregnancy? Oh yeah, because he's with the most ugliest failed actress known to Hollywood – Camilla Belle.

Joe Jon-ass was then spotted a few hours later looking completely drained and depressed as he pushed past a number of photographers, screaming down the Californian streets for a taxi.

Does this mean that Joe actually found out about Katy and his baby being in danger? Don't you think it's a little late now, Joe? Your only a few hours late – jesus christ; Camilla has definitely brainwashed you.

What do you guys think? Is Joe's face in this photo full of remorse or regret? Or is it just plain anger?


We will keep you in touch with how Katy and baby is doing, but I ask of you all to put her in your prayers and only hope that she'll get through this hard time.

UPDATE: An official report has been given out due to Katy's state.

We are informing you, to tell you that Katy has woken up from passing out, but regretfully she has lost her baby due to miscarrying it. We would all, especially Katy and Joseph at this time would like privacy to mourn over something so horrible and devastating. Katy's album will be withheld until further notice – she feels that she needs to be 100% before she can release it. Katy wants to thank your overgrowing support, but she would respect it if the press and her fans could just step back for a while; at least until she recovers from this trauma. Thank you.

Maybe our prayers wasn't enough – I bet Camilla is laughing at Katy right now, and as for Joe? Well he has a lot to be sorry for.

That's if Katy forgives him, but this time I'm sure that she won't believe him because let's face the horrid facts guys.

Joseph Adam Jonas will never be sorry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, but it had to happen this way.

HOW COULD JOE JUST DO THAT TO KATY! Ughh. Seriously, even in this story he makes me mad - and you know what? i feel like shoving a stick up his ass.

I hate camilla, as you can probably tell in my story. Shes a idiot, and to be honest - she needs something sticking up her rear end too.

What do you think? I figured another interlude would be better - media point of view again, and it's so much quicker to write.

