‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

4- Sparks Fly.

Amazing banner by memories-r-forever! (:


I waited for a few seconds and let the voice mail ride out – I was sure that it pretty much pissed everyone off that called me; which was obviously a good thing – I hated voicemails.

Gotcha! You fell for it again? Haha, anyway you know who this is – and if you don't? Then, well, you got the wrong number. Leave a message!

I waited a few minutes for the abusive voice mail, standing by the phone impatiently.

I looked around my apartment – or what I could see from it. The mess had doubled over the last few days – I had abandoned all types of communication with the outside world, and settled for stupid re-runs of Chuck and Blair denying their love on Gossip Girl.

How ironic, right? So sue me, Chuck and Blair belong together.

I picked the phone up, dialling voice mail – the familiar voice flowing into my eardrums almost making me drop the phone.

Hey.. Uh, is this Katy? This is Kevin 'ya know, Joe's brother? Er... Anyway I was wondering if you knew about you shooting your video yet? Well in case you don't,

I could hear him sigh on the phone loudly, my heart rate increasing.

It's being shot today, and as your main 'man'...” Wait, what? He was the role of the guy in my video?! No way. “I've been ordered by Laura to pick you up. I'll be there in five, so be ready!

I stood there, the phone casually falling out my hand. Had I really disappeared from the outside that long?

I looked down at myself and my sweats, before gazing into a mirror. I looked more than a mess, I looked like a train wreck. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Of all the people to pick for the main role, it had to be him didn't it? Why couldn't Laura just pick somebody else? I think she has a mission to just make my life a total misery.

The phone started ringing again, probably Kevin. I rolled my eyes and sucked it up – getting my cell and putting my ugg boots on, preparing myself for what could either be a really good day – or a day I'd prefer to forget.

I walked out the apartment block to see the curly haired Jonas propped against the black SUV, smirking.

Great, because he doesn't look like a complete jerk off that's after my body.

He looked directly into my eyes, his green/hazel captivating me. It was exactly what I saw in Joe, and soon enough, I began to walk faster towards Kevin – getting lost in his eyes.

“After you, my lady.” Kevin chuckled as he opened the SUV door like a true gentleman as I climbed in, completely fazed by his actions.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the thought of his breath on my skin, his lips touching mine... wait, whoa! Back it up there, you hardly know him!

I shook off the feeling as the door opened on the other side, a cheeky smile on his face. Oh gosh, if he knew what he already did to me. Why the heck have these Jonas boy's gotta be so damn irresistible?!

“BR, to the studio.” Kevin patted the back of the driver seat, leaning over me slightly – his breath tickling my cheek as he spoke; I instantly became fixated on his beautiful face.

“Alright man, sit tight.” I heard a husky voice mumble from the drivers seat as we got going, Kevin still not moving.

The proximity of us was driving me utterly crazy, the attraction he held was simply mind blowing – despite him being Joe's older brother.

“You know, it's rude to stare.” Kevin broke my trance as his eyes bored into mine, his face turning smug.

Shit. Shit. Shit. He's caught you, make something up!

“BR? And I wasn't staring, I was admiring your mutton chops.” I smirked as his face quickly turned into a playful scowl – his face edging closer to mine.

By now I could smell his minty breath, our eye contact not breaking once. I couldn't do this – not to Joe. Not to me, either. I mean – how much of a whore would I be? I'd only need to be touched by Nicholas and I'd have had the whole Jonas clan by then.

“Big Rob – and what the hell? Mutton chops? Think of a better excuse, K.” He whispered, our noses now touching – my heart beating way too fast.

His hands were now on the top of my thighs, rubbing small little patterns onto the fabric – driving me slightly crazy. My breath was shortening, my head was spinning – this wasn't supposed to happen. This was meant to be Joe, not Kevin.

I quickly gained my composure and leaned in, kissing his cheek softly – putting a hand on his chest and pushing him away slightly, making him fall back into his rightful seat.

“It's first letter now? Gosh Jonas senior, think of a unique nickname.” I winked as his beautiful eyes showed complete confusion, his eyebrows furrowed together in thought.

He obviously didn't think that he'd get shot down...

He nodded nonchalantly, probably no longer paying attention to him. My heart was slowly recovering from that near kiss – and suddenly I was wrecked with guilt. What had I just done? I nearly kissed Joe's brother.

Joe's older brother, may I add.who is too good looking for his own good..

The rest of the ride was silent as I shut my eyes, praying to god that the other two Jonas wasn't at the set, because if they were? Awkward wouldn't begin to cover it.

I sighed involuntarily, gazing out the window. Laura is so going to get killed for this, because if this was just some dumb test to see if I am still attracted to other guys, while my heart still pines for Joe.

Today is going to be so much more than a music video, it's going to be a riot – and I have a feeling that the riot won't bring anything but heartbreak.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I know I abandoned you for like ages, but i have over 70 subscribers yet 4 people can be bothered to comment?
I mean that's like annoying, I know I'm complaining but do you know how much it knocks my confidence when I get like four comments back? So please, will you just take the time to comment?

I hate being horrible, but I seriously will delete my account if it carries on.

Anyways. What do you think of Katin? or Kevty?! Ahh, they're couple name sucks :P
A yes? A no? Or what about Josh? :D

I want your views on this.

The Video shoot is being wrote up as we speak!


Oh and the song in like chapter two is
Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were) - The Veronicas

