‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

6- Interlude: Summers Isn't Full Of Sunshine.

Is Katy Summers having a emotional breakdown after Joe appears in her life?

Last night didn't seem such a good time for singing sensation Katy Summers after walking out of her video shoot, holding hands with lying cheating ass Joe Jonas.


It was reported that apparently whilst shooting her video for Broken-Hearted girl, Summers reportedly broke down in tears, and couldn't compose herself, long after she got told the shoot was over for the day. Her best friend/assistant Laura Mckenzie refused to comment, apart from the slight sarcastic few sentences.

"It's not that I'm obliged to comment about this, because I am." She started, "But as she's my best friend? I'm not going to." She continued. "Katy's just having a hard time right now. Is that so hard to understand? She's a normal girl, and has feelings just like the rest of us." She then refused to comment about hers and Joe -asshole- Jonas holding hands façade. "This is the first I've heard about it, so I'm clueless on that one." She shrugged.

Both Katy and Joe were spotted on separate occasions after that mishap, looking very withdrawn. Both of them are known for dating over two years ago as very personal photos of them resurfaced of them kissing over a year and a half ago, making asshole-Jonas have to admit that he in fact, dated Katy whilst being spotted getting very comfortable (we all knew they were dating) with unsuccessful actress (douche bag) Camilla Belle.

Here are some snaps of Katy and Joe looking both under the weather here;



What do you guys think? Do you think the once -ex couple is finally reuniting? Will everybody's dreams come true by them getting back together? Is the rumour of Katy and You Me At Six front man Joshua Franceschi getting hitched off the cards? Is Camilla and Joe finally over, or is that dream wedding Camilla's been hinting to the magazines finally going to happen?

Personally, Joe needs to get his ass in gear - he lost Katy once, and if he even thinks about getting back together with her, he needs to consider where his still long-term ass girlfriend Camilla fit's into this.

I have always rooted for Jaty, and not so much Jamilla. But now she has a relatively big fan base, he'll have to think twice about his decisions!
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought you guys deserved a break, or at least a view from the media's point of view.
Due to the very popular comments last night. Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Also, I'd love it if you checked out my one-shot (featuring Joe Jonas)
The link can be contained in the last chapter, in my last A/N. (:

I hope you enjoyed this state of mind, or whatever you want to call it.


