‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming

Never Say Always

9- Interlude: Cheating douchebag breaks Katy.

Perez Exclusive on Jaty! (or what's left of it):

Has Katy jet to Florida to forget Joe Jonas and his cheating ass again?

This week hasn't been exactly the best for singing sensation Katy Summers as her ex boyfriend, Joe Jonas comes back into her life – and by the looks of things, he's making her life, a whole lot worse; not to mention that he still needs to give her heart back, for You Me At Six front man Josh Franceschi.

Just four nights ago, I blogged with photos of both Jaty together, holding hands as Katy was known for suffering a emotional breakdown that day at her video shoot. We all thought dear Joseph was beginning to change and actually become the guy we once knew again, but that all soon changed when three nights ago, Katy was pictured fleeing from Joe's apartment, tears streaming down her face.


It was then reported that she had in fact, gone there to make amends with the twenty-year old stud and give him one more chance, but you know what they say?

A leopard never changes it's spots.

Joe got caught with that talentless douche Camilla Belle, making out. People heard Katy sparking an argument with Joe before leaving.

Later on into that same night, Katy and her best friend/assistant Laura was seen at the LAX airport, going through customs. Katy appeared to look tired, completely drained – whist Laura was keeping her on her toes. What a decent best friend, right? I bet even she hates the sight of Joe Jonas right now.

But have no fear! Perez always finds out where these celebrities love to hideout after a breakdown of some sort. Katy and Laura are staying in Florida, hopefully getting her thoughts together and kicking that dumb ass to the curb once and for all!

Maybe when these photos get out (which I have no doubt about), Joe will pretty much think twice about picking Camilla over Katy! Hell, even people that hate Katy will be jealous of her hot body right now!

Katy at LAX airport:




Katy spotted in Florida, on the beach:




Of course, Joe himself has refused to comment on this sticky situation he has gotten himself into. If you were Katy, how much could you take before you finally cracked under pressure? It seems to me that all Katy is trying to do is move on from cheating ass Joe, but why isn't he letting her? He has skank Camilla, so why does he keep going back to her? Only Joe himself knows.

What do you guys think? Do you think Joe is actually being an asshole? Do you think he genuinely cares about poor Katy? And what about Cam-shitta? Do you hate her as much as I do?

Well all I know is that if all of Katy's fans didn't hate Joe before, they sure do now!
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay, so I know I had an interlude like two chapters ago, but in order for you to get anything i'm gonna write in the next chapter, you'll have to read it from the media.. again. ¬_¬

Anyway, please thank Laura for part of this idea. Shes a freakin' legend. Also, is there any english people reading my story? If so, are you going to wembley? If you are, tell me what seats you are - I might be close! :D


Expect to see another chapter out soon!
