He Got Me Through It

Stop It!

“Just shut up!” my mother yelled to me, I’m getting frigging tired of her. I swear she can be just so freaking annoying at times, so knowing me I ran out the house and went to the near by pear with a lake--- it’s were I went we I ‘needed’ to think. I loved/hated living in this small little, so I never bothered to even ask for the name of this small stupid little town (dumb I know, but hey I really didn’t care) I walked to the pear and got up and sat on the edge and didn’t care if I fell in.
I sat there and cried half my eyes out cause I was that mad, then I got bored after that then thought of something… I magically started singing. “Your Guardian Angel”
When I see your smile tears run down my face I can’t replace,
And now that I’m stronger have figured out. How this world turns cold
And in-placed in my soul, and I know
I’ll find deep inside me I can be the one.
I will never let you fall
I’ll stand up with you forever
I’ll be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me, to heaven…
I trailed off, I heard clapping in the background ‘Oh shit!’ I quickly though.
I turned around to see a man a little taller than me, red-ish hair, light colored skin, and wearing
Skinny jeans and a tight tee. He had a smile on his face and he was still clapping, I just stared wide-eyed I was freaked.
“That was lovely.” he said I just kind of looked at me feet.
“Don’t put your head down, it’s nothing to be embarrassed…” I looked up at him he still had a small smile.
“How long have you been standing there?” I asked him still looking at my feet.
“Just in time to hear “I’ll find deep inside me I can be the one”.”
“Oh…” was all I said.
He came up to me and held his hand out, he was only inches away from me--- I shook his hand.
“I’m Shaant.” whoa what a name.
“Kira.” I said with a smile as well. He was still really close to me and I was leaning against the pear and he was in front of me (well he sure ain’t shy is he)
“So what brings you down here Kira?” he still had that goofy smile.
“Uh mom yelling at me…” I trailed off. He looked at me with concern and turned his head slightly sideways, then he put his hand on the pear. ‘how close is he gonna get to me?!’
“What did you do or she do?” he slingend his head a little to move is hair.
“Nothing that I know of… she just has her days.” I stared right into his eyes, as he did the same to me.
“Sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay.” I assured him.
“Shaant this may sound really stupid but” I said looking away “can I play with your hair?”
He looked at me strange then chuckled. “Sure.”
He was so close to me I really didn’t have to move, I got my finger in his hair it was so soft I could play with it all day. He just smiled at me.
“We just met and you wanna play with my hair.” he laughed a little
“Well it looked so soft and I needed something to relax me a little a little. You don’t mind do you?” I said with puppy dog eyes.
“No not at all.”
So I sat their playing with Shaant’s for a few more minutes.
“Well Shaant I guess I better start going home before I get bitched out more.” I said sadly.
He looked down.
“Well that’s okay, how about you say you meet me tomorrow same place maybe not the same time?” my eyes lit up.
“Okay.” I said a little to happy but I didn’t care.
He hugged me really tight I did the same.
“Bye Shaant.”
“Bye.’’ he waved and then I went on my walk back home
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Have I been writing more than lately XD