He Got Me Through It

It's Okay

“Where are you taking me Shaant?” I asked him concerned where I was going.
“I’m taking you to my house.” I turned…well I really couldn’t turn my head but I tried he lifted his head and looked at me, he read my expression.
“Don’t worry Kira you’re in my hands, literally.” he laughed.
“I can see that Shaant, ha ha.” we made it to his house I didn’t say anything I rather get about from that person so yeah, we made it to his front door---and he never too his hand off me. This time he had his arm around my waist (he was getting to comfortable and I didn’t mind) he flecked on the lights, and I didn’t see no one home. But I knew Shaant wouldn’t be like rapist or something I mean come on!.
“is anyone home?” I blinked getting used to the light.
“Nope just you, me, and the four walls.” he said with a chuckle.
I followed him to the couch and I sat down, he sat almost directly on me.
“You have a cling to me don’t you?” I said with my lips pressed.
He smiled wide and big “Yep.” he got his arms around me and snuggled into me, and he slide me down on the couch so that he was laying on top of me---- with his arms around my neck. He smelled my sent which I didn’t even knew I had one (I’m stupid) so I really didn’t know what to do so I put my arms around his waist. (if someone walked in they-ed think we were going out.
Shaant soon dosed off he’s face was right on my he had his cheek against my cheek. I felt like I was wanted (In a friendship way of course )I would get a blanket but I couldn’t get up and I didn’t want to nether. “Kira can I tell you something?” I was shocked I didn’t know he was awake.
“Yeah. What is it?”
“Have you ever liked someone and was afraid to tell them, thinking they would leave and never----talk to you again?” I was confused by what he’ meant he must’ve liked someone who lives here but who?
“Yes…who is it though?”
I felt him go cold, did I say something wrong… I pray to God I didn’t .
“Uh erm uhh” he was stuttering “some girl who I see around all the time; I tried to see if she would get the signals I was giving her but…I don’t think she feels the same.” he said awful sad.
“I see. Would you want me to go tell’er?”
His head shot up “No no no, I’ll get the nerve one day…hopefully.” he murmured under his breath.
“I love playing with you hair Shaant…”
He smiled “And I love having someone so close to me.” he smiled. I smiled to.
He rolled over so that my back was facing the couch, and he was on the outside of it----he still had me very close and tight in his arms. We were just staring each other in the eyes, his lip quivered
He keep coming closer’ and closer he was inches away from my lips. He looked down at my lips then to my eyes.
“Kira?” his eyes still locked on me.
“Yes?” I said breathless almost.
He grabbed my face with his hands and he pressed my lips against his. It was like and electric shock, lighting went through us----he pulled away and we were gasping for air.
“I’m sorry Kira I shouldn’t done that.” he got up and ran down the hall.
“Shaant no!” I got up as soon as he did and followed him, I heard a door slam. He went to his room he had to.
I heard crying.
“She hates me she hates me hates me!” I heard him scream. I twisted the door knob to see Shaant on his bedroom floor, he looked up at me his eyes were red he had heavy tears falling down like rain in a river. I ran over to him and held him in my arms “Shaant its okay” I said tying to calm him down “it’s okay shh shh…”
“I’m sorry Kira I shouldn’t have done that for-g-g-ive me.”
“It’s fine don’t ask for forgiveness, I like you that way Shaant don’t think I don’t, I love the way you hold me, touch me, and when you’re just there with me…you make me happy Shaant.” he lifted his head up and he smiled.
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anyone like?
I had fun with this one!
And why arn't there that many Shaant stories i mean come on!!