He Got Me Through It

He's always there by me

He grabbed me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow, I just had a giant smile on my face.
“I was afraid if I told you… ‘you would leave and think I was some-some stupid bastard and---”
“Shaant!” I said tired about how he thought he would be a bastard “quit putting yourself down, I’ve done said, that I like you--- I wanna be with you.” he just keep looking at me straight in the eyes.
“There’s only one thing I gonna say” I said as Shaant keep looking into my eyes “I hope this isn’t lust.” he looked at me real hard--- his face stiffened ‘shit, please Jesus don’t let this be lust!’
“No it isn’t.” ‘yay’.
I leaned down and kissed Shaant, he kissed back and put his arms around my waist and pulled me as close to him as he could---I put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I felt him smile in the kiss…we heard the door open. “Shit…”said as he kissed me he stopped and went to walk into the living room he put his hand in his hair and had a heavy sigh, he didn’t hold my hand it disappointed me but I knew why his parents might be home. I walked in the room and saw a man and woman the man had brown hair and was wearing a suit like he just go back from a big ass job. While on the other hand their was a woman wearing a dress like she worked with the big ass job looking man (it was weird on my count anyway)
“Hey mom, dad.” he said in a dull tone.
“Hey Shaant how’re you?” they turned around and saw me---- they had a confused look on their face.
“Shaant who is---this?” Shaant looked at me then to them thinking about what he was gonna say.
He had a look on his face that read should-I-tell-them-you’re-my-girlfriend?
He took a deep breath. “Mom Dad this is my is Kira.”
“Hi Kira.” they waved and looked at me and Shaant.
“Mom dad this is my girlfriend.” there jaws dropped.
“Shaant… uh okay that’s kind of a shock” he’s mom said “you didn’t want to talk to us about this?” his mom was shaking. His dad looked at his mom and put his hand on her shoulder.
“Honey it’s okay it’s about time he got a girlfriend, don’t be worried about him--- you have to trust him.”
Shaant smiled and grabbed my hand his dad smiled, it was almost dark-thirty so I had to go home (and I wasn’t ready to nether)
“I’m a go take her home.” he said walking half way out the door.
“Okay don’t take to long now.”
We went walking to my house, he had his head on top of mine I had my head on his shoulder. He had his arm tightly wrapped around me0--- he wasn’t gonna let me get away anytime soon.
“Shaant I’m not ready to go home.” I said with a sad face.
“I don’t want you to ether but you have to,” I stopped where we were walking, I looked him straight in the eye and tears started slipping and sliding down my face. I clung to Shaant he put his arms around my while I had my head buried in his chest.
“Shaant I cant leave with that woman she’s driving me insane. Sh-she always hurts me my I’ve cried all my tears. I DON’T HAVE ANY LEFT!”
By that time I was sobbing my eyes out, he held me has tight and close as he could.
“If times get to hard you come to me I want ever let her do anything to you. I’ll get you away from her one day--- we’ll move away together when we get old enough.”
I looked up at Shaant he was serious that did make me a lot happier and I hope we can be together for that long to.
“You promise?” I ask eyes still watery.
“Promise.” he smiled at me,
We got to my door and he kissed me and gave me his number if I needed him. When ever I was going to see him tomorrow but encase something might go wrong.
We said our good byes and I walked in the house. Mother was past out on the couch with a Vodka in here hand I sighed and went to my room.
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