The crash

Chapterr twoo (:

My sister took my Dad's seath really bad. She sat in her room all day eating tub after tub of ice cream, she finially realised one day that she was getting extremely overweight and was doihng nothing with her life.

Now Ellie is 21. She is happily engaged too fiance George. George is very talented. He plays guitair, bass and drums. He used too play in a band professionally they were called Sound;check.

When we were nearly home we were on a long windy counrty lane. I looked up at the stars sparkling in the sky and then I fell asleep. Thats all I can remember. But the next thing I can remember is waking up in an unconfortable, sweaty, hard hospital bed. My head banging, my leg numb and the smell of sick creeping up my nose. I opened my eyes and there crouded around my bed was Ellie, George and Tom (Mum's boyfriend). They had tears in their eyes. 'how?, why?, surely I didnt look that bad... did I ?' I sat up and looked around the room. My arm was in a cast and my hands were badly grazed. My eyes were blurry... was this normal... no, nothing was notmal, where was MUM?! I couldnt speak as a lump crawled up my throat I clenched my stomach. I knew what I wanted to say, but I simply couldnt, my throat wouldnt allow me too.
"Hi Grace" Ellie said, she forced a smile upon her face.
I sat in silence, the lump was coming closer and closer.
"Can she hear me?" Ellie whispered to a nearby nurse.
"She can HEAR you love, SPEAK? not yet. we will be monetering her, watching her very closly, she was extremely close to death" The words echoes around my head DEATH? what happened?
Ellie sighed. The nurse passed me a note pad "she can communicate with you on this for now ok? " The nurse walked away.
I grabbed the pad off the desk where the nurse had leaft it.
' What happened? Where am I, where is Mum? '
Ellie read the note and a tear trickled down her face. Something was wrong I could tell it by the look on her face. A shiver went down my spine. Top looked at the pad then bowed his head, his shoulders began to slowly move up and down... was he crying? Tom never cried before? George had his arm around Ellie, she gave him a gentle nudge
"Like we agreed" Ellie whispered
"Your Mum... erm... how do I put this... err.. well, she..."
I could see the pain in Ellies eyes, I wanted his too just spit it out. whatever it was, it couldnt be worse than this ... right?
"Well, you remember you were coming home in the car on that long country lane? Then after a while of driving... you said you were asleep at this time, a black ford hit the front of your car at 90 mph. And erm... well, Your Mum... she is in heaven"
Wrong. Things could get MUCH worse. A tear pricked my eye
"I'll take it from here" Ellies soft voice was soothing.
"Mum... she was crushed. You were unconcious. You had 2 small, 3 big breaks in your spine, bad damage to your scull, a broken arm and as fractured leg. You'll never walk again..."
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Heyy. I felt like starting a new chapter. I hope you enjoy (: x