Z Zone


Chapter 3

Page reached up to rub the side of her jaw. A few teeth felt slightly lose. She was lucky that her whole jaw hadn’t come off. Opening her eyes Page surveyed her immediate surroundings. She was in the back end of a truck it seemed. Page looked at herself, tears cleaning smooth paths across he dirty cheeks. She was wearing only her t-shirt now ripped and stained in her own blood. and her underwear. Her legs thin and covered in scratches. The cold hit her like an avalanche, enveloping her naked limbs and making goose-bumps appear.
The truck was on the move and fast. The laws of the road no longer applied with the world being attacked by man eating hordes of zombies.
It was dark inside the trailer of the truck and she could only make out the green walls, roof and ceiling around her. Her wrists were chained in handcuffs to the floor and her feet tied up. And her mouth covered in duck tape. Page panicked then.

She panicked just as she had when she had seen a man get hit by a bus and get up again seconds later and attack the people nearest him and bite them. What Page had done then was bolt. Fear had grabbed her and she had fled the streets and back into her apartment to double lock the door. Turns out her fear had saved her.

Page thrashed and screamed in terror at her captivity. This wasn't supposed to happen to her she thought furiously. After a few minutes making as much noise as possible Page lay on the rough steel floor out of breath, feeling the cold seep into her bones. She listened to the engine of the truck roaring away unendingly, focusing on the rattles of boxes and equipment sliding about the trailer around her. She cried herself to sleep without realizing it. The first time she had slept in a long long time.

The cabin of the truck was chillingly cold. The frost crusting across the exterior of the vehicle and the breath of its occupant misting inside it. Rubbing his hands furiously together to warm himself up Steve Maguire looked around at the rapidly moving landscape. Winter sure had set in quickly. It was the first night of snow in the country and the land became a blanket of white as far as the eye could see. Winter was good for humans and bad for the zombies cause the froze up from exposure and when he had seen the first zombie stick to the ice and not able to right itself, he knew it was time to leave the city and move to were food was easier to get. Which he thought was the countryside.

Steve thoughts came back to the young girl tied up in the back of the lorry. Why his friends had captured her he knew full well what that was for. They planned to use her. That was it for steve then as he saw them rip off her clothes hungrily and say the disgusting things men say when in those circumstances. He had pulled his gun there and then fired a shot at their feet as a warning shot. Declaring that the girl was his and he wouldn't let anyone touch her! Then they had heard the sound of running feet and the howling of the undead rise up from nearby. All the gangs eyes had widened to plates and guns were ready. Thankfully Dresden, the Russian guy who lead the gang and had hit the girl, made a plan, he had rushed back out the front door of the bookstore into a nearby lorry and hot wired it while the other three guys had started opening fire with there semi-automatic guns at the charging zombies. Steve remembered hurriedly picking up the girl and her book and jumped in the back of the trailer attached to the truck. The truck pulled off and the gang all hanging out of the windows shooting sporadically into the undead freaks baying for blood after the truck.

Steve hadn’t been able to go back and check on the girl after he had tied her down for her own good and his own to show he meant business to the other four men of the gang so they wouldn't attack her. It was a strange logic Steve thought. He had kept her diary to find out her name her was Page Summer Smyth and the same age as himself.

Dresden drove the truck relentlessly forward going at speeds that would have been suicidal two months ago. he found he hated and respected the man greatly. he had a kind of fatherlike figure, a natural leader and a charisma that brought people together if only he didn't kill them first. Voltek Dresden was a very suspicious person and quick to agitate. he was like a gorilla wearing a leather jack and covered in weapons behind the wheel of the truck. Steve recalled the time he and Dresden had first met.

Steve’s father had been run the Mountjoy Prison in the city and had taken Steve around the building as they talked about school and college for him. Mundane things thought Steve. His dad wanting a much grander future for his son. Steve had locked eyes with Voltek Dresden that day from behind a cell door. Instantly they had known eachother in a strange way that Steve’s own father could ever know. Dresden had nodded to Steve as he passed his cage. An hour later the entire city was under attack by its own people. It was as sudden as a flash flood and as devastating in its first hours as a nuclear bomb made of the undead. Once his dad had known what was going on from the news and the radio reports he had left Steve in the safety of the prison, a fortress, to rescue his young girlfriend. Waiting for hours then days, his dad had not returned and zombies raged around outside the prison in a disorganized regiment a hundred deep encircling the walls.

That was when Steve had let the prisoners out believing that they had the right to defend themselves from the things outside. Freeing Dresden first after informing him what was happening they had made a deal to defend the prison together with the help of the inmates. Dresden's leadership had proven itself and Steve’s intuition and belief in people had saved the prison for a month of siege and battles against the zombies. The second month had been worse when inmates turned on eachother and the remaining guards had tried to escape into the horde of zombies rather that be hanged by the inmates. Steve had watched from the main barracks with Dresden as everyone began killing eachother and the zombies rushed in killing all of them without remorse or hesitation. It was the darkest and ugliest moment Steve had every witnessed and it wouldn't be his last either he knew. He had killed with weapons taking form the armory, him and Dresden fighting back to back with a few loyal prisoners and guards against the zombies. Only Steve, Dresden and three other men escaped the prison of death.
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Hey thanks for staying and enjoying the show. much appreciated everyone:) keep reading and ill write more... ill write more anyway with the readers but i like people to read so get out there and read people!!! peace out zombie land!