Z Zone


Alex climbed the guttering furiously to reach the top of the second storey of the house. She was half way up and going down was NOT an option.

Ten feet below were nearly a dozen zombies all pushing and shoving eachother to clamber up the drain pipe after the girl.

Alex strained her legs as far as she could to reach the window under her while still holding onto the guttering with aching bruised arms. Panic and fear adding to her desperation.

Her feet found purchase on the window sill began moving her hands down to secure herself.

Then her hand holding her up slipped off the damn muddy guttering and she fell back with a scream of pure terror feeling her body hang motionless for one second before dropping down into the mass of zombies baying and howling for flesh.

Instinct took over for the Alex. She grabbed at the window sill with the last ounce of strength and the last second of time before she would be at the point of no return in her descent. Alex's eyes blurred and her arms cracked and stretched in protest to the sudden feat of acrobatics performed.

Legs dangling and swinging in the air the zombies closest the house wall started to jump and leap up to try and grab an hold on one of her legs.

Alex began pulling herself up bit by bit, one elbow and then the other. reaching over she widened the crack in the window and pulled herself into the room, her white dress ripping and tearing on the way.

Inside the house Alex looked about herself, she was in a bedroom. The bed was made and the furnishings clean and tidy. Must've been a guest room probably Alex thought.

Alex could still hear the zombies outside moaning and howling furiously at the disappearance of their clever prey.

Alex rubbed her elbows and knees. They were bloody and scratched from her climb. Thinking furiously how shit everything was right now.

"Shit, shit shit. What am I going to do? Fuck. Shit. I'm dreaming, yeah a cliche I know, but those were bloody zombies trying to eat me"

"This kinda stuff only happens in computer games and films. Like resident evil or something..."

Then loud fast moving foot steps could be heard running in the downstairs of the house. They must have broken in through the door or one of the windows. Then heavy foot steps were undoubtedly a zombie coming up the stairs and Alex looked about frantically for a weapon or something to use in her defense.

Alex could see anything that seemed useful. The foot steps were growing louder by the second and Alex still couldn't find a weapon.

Brilliant, she thought as she turned and looked out the window, all the zombies were inside the house now and the window ground outside was clear of undead. Just as the door opens with a slow creak, Alex climbs back out the window again and hangs off the window ledge with her fingers and drops the rest of the way.

Alex landed and ran over to the fence and vaulted over it away from the house she had sought refuge from the hungry dead after her. Looking behind her as she ran she saw a zombie sticking its head out the window of the room she had been in. It moaned loudly into the air. Then pushed itself head first out the window. It landed with a loud thump but didn't rise. Alex thought that if only all zombies were so brave then they'd be all dead. Turning back Alex ran at a controlled pace in no direction in particular. Somewhere to escape the undead. Somewhere away from her dead parents and brother. She shut away the memory of seeing that. Alex ran deeper into the suburbs.
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like i said in the description, im making a stab at making the story come back to life and be a real zombie in stead of a body.