Pieces of Me

New coven in town

Made in Forks, back in Forks. I knew this was going nowhere, I tried to convince Janet and William, but as expected it didn’t work. They were fixed on getting back to Forks, I guessed that Philadelphia wasn’t as good to them as it used to, twenty years ago. I had no right to complain, it was worst in Volterra.

“Hey, chill out. You know that mom and dad are doing the best thing for us” Rachel, my ‘sister’ tried to comfort me, but was no use. I had painful memories of Forks and now we were going back there. It was like I was trying to chase around the past, which I tried so hard to forget. I sighed and packed the rest of our clothes. Why try to act normal when we weren’t? I mean, everybody here, in Philadelphia knew we weren’t normal, the kids in high school always looked at us like we were some gods with our pale white complexion and our emotionless gazes, but we still tried to act normal, and it was tiresome.

“Can you explain to me why are we going back there? Why are we beating around the bush with this, ‘I want to pretend I am human thing’?” I retorted back and Rachel snorted. Very human-ish. I couldn’t help it, I was the noisiest one of the ‘family’, the one who was always bugged by questions, and the one who always wanted answers on the spot. Even though I was the oldest of them.

“Janet and William said that is out of the question to stay here. They said that if you wanted to go back to Volterra then you can stay here, but not put the whole family at danger” the other member of the family, our ‘brother’ Arthur said shrugging, suddenly appearing into the room. He was the fastest one of us. And now, I guess I should introduce myself, shouldn’t i?

My name is Lilith. I am a vampire and live amongst four other vampires, my ‘mother’ and ‘father’, Janet and William, as you probably guessed, and my ‘brother’ and ‘sister’, Arthur and Rachel. I won’t say how old I am, because I am still a woman, even though not a human anymore, and everybody knows how women react when you ask them their age, maybe I’ll mention it when I’m ready. I am the oldest one of them, even though I look like a 18 year old plain girl, and you could be fooled by my appearance if not for the pale white skin and cold deep blue eyes that changed due to my mood. I have dirty blond hair, red lips. I am pretty petite and I look fragile, but my family knows better than that.

I can’t remember some things that are related to my past, all I know was that I was part of the biggest coven in the world, and that was Volturi. And I ran away trying to find a better place for myself, the first biggest mistake of my life. Of course I was a fool to think I was going to be freed of them, so now we had to move a lot around the USA for protection. I won’t even go into detail of the places where we went too, let’s just say, I’ve seen more than a traveler does his entire life. But we weren’t always like this, at first it was just me and Rachel, then we found Janet and Will, and the last addition to our family was Arthur, whom never spoke to us about his past, hell, he never spoke period.

“Wow, you spoke” I replied and he huffed.

“Of course, I have a tongue and know how to use it” Arthur said making me laugh, hearing him speak was a big deal. Still I wasn’t going to push the matter of his past further, I trusted him enough to know he won’t betray us. Rachel was my best friend; she was tall and skinny, with chestnut brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Beautiful, but deadly. Arthur looked nothing like us. He had jet black hair and deep green eyes, whilst Janet and William were brother and sister, but still acted like a couple.

“So you say he speaks” Rachel glared at Arthur’s retreating figure.

“I don’t really get it why you hate each other so much” I said shrugging and she slapped my hand away from her ipod.

“Hands off, and you know very well” she huffed and I smiled sweetly. Indeed I knew, but still couldn’t understand. Rachel used to like Arthur, heck she told me she even loved him, and trust me it’s not every day that you see Rachel throwing with feelings all around, so she decided to tell him. The answer? He just huffed and walked away, leaving a speechless and fuming Rachel behind. Since then, they’ve always spoke bad words towards each other and to be honest, it kind of scared me, what if the ‘family’ split up because of them?
The arrival at Forks was made without any charade. We were feeling too comfortable in our cars, and in my case bike to care about the curios eyes that looked at us.

“Look at them, just like the Cullen’s” someone whispered from the crowd and I scrunched my nose in confusion. I knew about the Cullen’s, the Volturi sometimes spoke of them, but I’ve only heard bad things. But I knew better than to believe everything the Volturi were trying to pull off. I only knew it was one of the biggest ‘vegetarian’ coven but I was eager to meet them, for we were ‘vegetarians’ too.

The new house made my insides flip, it was beautiful, in a Victorian style with white walls, but the inside was high-tech everywhere. My room had purple walls that were almost covered with my drawings and books. I had to do something while the night went by. No bed, just a simple crème couch and a big view of the ocean. We were close to the La Push residence but I hope they won’t interfere while we were going to reside here. I stood up smiling after hearing Janet’s soft steps on the marble stairs.

“How do you like it?”she asked in a sing-song voice and I smiled and hugged her. I loved my ‘family’ even though we were a bit strange and different, but that was exactly what was keeping us together and strong. I was aware that they knew some things about my past, but they didn’t judge me. We were the perfect ‘family’ or coven.

“Get ready for tomorrow. You three are going to join all the kids into high school” Will said coming behind us, his tall body leaning into the frame of the door. I frowned.

“Why?” I whined. “We’ve went at, like, almost twenty high schools, and where are you going to put the college and university” I crossed my arms over my chest and puffed. William sat down on the couch next to me and patted my head slightly.

“Don’t worry, there’s always room for more” he laughed along with Janet.

“William Hart!” I huffed.

“Yes, Lilith Greene?” he asked raising one brow. I smiled and hugged him. Just like a real family no? But sometimes all this acting made me sick. I knew the truth and there was nothing that could bring me back at my human state. Even though we were a family we didn’t have the same names, we always changed our last names but in the past ten years we had the same names. Me and Rachel were Greene, William and Janet were Hart and Arthur was a Hurley. Strange names, but they fitted.

I sighed inside the empty room and asked myself what to do. I was bored with my family’s tradition of staying inside the house at night with all the lights turned off. I needed something to do and I got bored of drawing into the dark. I slowly made my way out of the window and jumped into a tree. I inhaled deeply the scent of the pine tree. It looked like it was going to rain, but if I remembered correctly in Forks it was always raining. Then another sound made my ears twitch. It wasn’t the thunder. It was something else, I smirked. It looks like we weren’t the only vampires here. Time for some baseball.

I ran as fast as I could and in less than two minutes I was at an end of a clearing. Looks like I was right. A big coven, so I guessed this must be the ‘Cullen’ family everyone was talking about. I took a seat on the near branch careful not to make a sound. I didn’t want them to acknowledge my presence just yet, I wanted to watch them play for a little bit until I made my sentence known. They seemed interesting. There was a blonde guy that looked like he was maybe, 24-25, and then a small woman next to him, maybe his wife, then on the field there was a blonde beautiful girl, but I thought Rachel was more beautiful than her, and a pixie girl than moved so fast I could barely see her, another blonde guy that looked a little tense, wonder why, a brown haired guy with messy hair that had his arms around a strange girl. She didn’t seem to be a vampire, then I looked closer I snarled. A human, go figures why the blonde dude was so tense, she smelled delicious. And then I saw him.

He had his arm around the perfect waist of the blonde haired girl. He was tall and muscular but he definitely had the looks. I slowly closed my eyes and concentrated. The ‘parents’ were named Carlisle and Esme Cullen, Carlisle was a doctor, strange thing for a vampire, so I guessed he was pretty old. The pixie girl and the blonde guy were named Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale. Alice could see in the future and Jasper was almost a new born. The dude with the human girl was Edward Cullen and the girl’s name was Bella Swan. Edward could read minds. That could be helpful. The perfect blonde girl was named Rosalie Hale and the tan muscular guy was named Emmett Cullen. He was perfect in every way. I stared at him for a long time, watching him play. Then I knew Alice saw me. In the future.

“She’s here” she said to the others and for a second my eyes locked with Emmett’s. Sparkles flew everywhere around me and I knew he felt them too. I tore my gaze away from them and smirked jumping down from the tree.

“Hello there” I said in a calm collected voice. I had to play my cards right, if they thought I was danger to them they would outnumber me. And I really wasn’t in the mood for a fight with the other coven that lived here. William and Janet would kill me.

“Who are William and Janet?” Edward asked and I smiled confidently.

“So I see you can read minds, interesting, but I think seeing the future is more interesting than that” I said and turned towards Alice and gave her a sweet sincere smile which she returned. I had a feeling if this was going to work, me and Alice would become good friends. “My name is Lilith Greene and Janet and William are my parents. We moved here today” I answered simply and shrugged. Then I felt it. My family was looking for me, and I didn’t want them to find me in the presence of this coven. You don’t know how friendly Janet acts when she sees another vegetarian vampires.

“Well, I have to go, we don’t mean any harm, but keep her safe” I told Edward pointing my finger towards Bella and he brought her closer to him. “I’m sorry to leave you like this but I believe we’ll meet each other again” I said more towards Emmett and winked. Then I strolled into the woods. Certainly more interesting than the last time…
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well, hope you enjoy this...i was bored while making this so don't blame me if this doesn't turn out right...