

I walked down the alley with my ski jacket wrapped as tightly around myself as possible. My breath was like silvery smoke blowing out of my chattering teeth. Why the fuck don’t I have a car? I grumbled some more under my breath as I walked to the end of the alley where my apartment was. I yawned and took my key out and carefully walked up my ice-covered stairs. I pushed open the apartment building’s door and walked to my apartment door on the first floor. I shivered; my landlord is so cheap that the apartment isn’t that much warmer then outside. I stuck my key into it and pushed my weight on the heavy door.

I walked in mindlessly almost not noticing the sexiest creature I’ve seen in my entire life. When I set my eyes on the black haired vixen lounging on my couch and I body went rigid in shock. A smirk crept onto her pale face, her blood red lips curled up, laughing at some joke that I was not yet aware of. She looked up at me with dark, smoky bedroom eyes. A lump formed in the back of my throat.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” she said smiling. My jaw dropped.

“Wh-h-who are you?” The words stumbled out of my surprised lips.

“Rachel, but that doesn’t really matter. I’m here for you. I want you.” She purred. Is this real? This can’t be real. I’m dreaming.

“Go wash up and get ready because I’ve been waiting,” Rachel said beaming up at me with her hand softly tracing her curves. I nodded and ran to the bathroom.

I stared at the white blonde boy through the smudged glass. My long shaggy white blonde hair was messy and stuck up in different directions. My crystal blue eyes were almost covered by my hair that I had neglected to cut for a couple months. My nose was long and straight. The angles of my face were pointed and strewn with small post-pubescent pimples. I tried to ignore my acne and I focused on cleaning my face of the grease from the cars I had been working on. I looked at my face, how could this possibly be attractive? I haven’t had a girlfriend since high school, and I hadn’t had sex in a year. I wiped some deodorant on myself and sprayed some cheap cologne over my black t-shirt.

I walked out and found that the mysterious woman I had seen only minutes ago was nowhere to be seen. I sighed; I knew it was too good to be true. I walked into my bedroom and threw myself onto my bed, not even noticing that Rachel was giggling beside me in my bed.

Her lips brushed my ear and she whispered, “You didn’t really think I would leave you so soon, did you?” I jumped a little in surprise, but I soon got over it when I saw her eyes and went with what my testosterone wanted: to jump her. I pushed my lips onto her full lips, and slipped my hand up her skirt. I’m not usually this rough, but she loved it. She kissed back just as roughly and started pulling off my shirt. She ran her nails up and down my back, which made chills, zoom up my spine. I tore off her skirt and she disconnected her lips from mine and started on my neck. I only understood what she was doing when I already had her bra off. She was drinking my blood. I was so caught up in it all that I didn’t even notice. I pulled her off me and I stared at her. Her eyes pulled me in again. In the jumble of limbs, I ended up drinking her blood too. Our beautiful lust was too amazing to break by what kinky things she likes.


I woke up with a start, I frantically looked around for the women I hoped was there. She was gone. But that wasn’t really what I was concerned about. My insides were burning. My vision was getting fuzzier and fuzzier by the second, and it took all my will to not scream bloody murder. I twitched and fidgeted in extreme absolute pain. It felt like my body was ripping apart. I couldn’t see, I couldn’t smell, and I couldn’t feel anything around me but the pain.

Is this pain forever? Let me die. Please I need to die. I tried to scream but nothing came out. My opportunity to scream was now far out of my reach. Pain was running through my veins, supplying more pain to the rest of my body.

It felt like years until the pain started to subside. Each supply of pain that flowed through my veins seemed less and less painful. Then the pain didn’t flow to all of my body, I began to not feel pain in the tips of my fingers. Hope started to overwhelm me as little by little the pain ebbed away. Then shock went through my heart, I stretched and groaned. The pounding in my chest weakened, and soon my heart stopped beating. I sat up and looked around. Everything was very bright and precise. I could every fiber in the mattress. I saw the microscopic bugs squirming around. I jumped up off the bed in disgust, instead throwing myself the room. I had braced myself for bone rattling pain as I hit the cement wall, but none of that came. Instead I pulled myself off the ground and noticed a crack running down the wall.

“What the fuck?” I muttered under my breath. I looked around some more, and I saw the mysterious stains that were everywhere, but weren’t there before I woke up. What’s wrong with me? I barely remembered what had happened before that episode of white-hot pain. I only remember how amazing it was, her porcelain skin rubbing against mine, the sweat, her moans, the blood, I felt the blood rush to my privates. I decided to get up and walk to the kitchen and get something to drink, because I was strangely very thirsty. I walked into the kitchen and saw Rachel in a big t-shirt and jeans. She was just as sexy as she was in bed.

She laughed, “You’re still rock hard aren’t you?” I shrugged and she laughed some more. I got a glass and started to fill it with water, licking my lips all the while.

“I’m afraid that won’t quench your thirst, darling.” Rachel said her face suddenly solemn. What is she talking about? I took a huge gulp of water and swallowed. The water didn’t cool my throat, but seemed to irritate it more. She rolled her eyes and chucked a rat at me.

“Uhhhhg! What the hell?!” I said picking up the rat by the tip of its tail. She just smiled. I opened my mouth to protest, but suddenly I heard the fast heart beat of the rodent. Blood was pumping through its veins. Then I smelled how delicious it smelled, it’s scent drifted through my nose, making the hair on my arms stand up. Before I knew what was happening, my teeth started to grow making my lips bleed for a split second before I opened my mouth and ferociously bit into the rat. I heard a squeal and I felt the wiggling, but I started to drink. The dry hot desert in my throat was dissipating. I drank until there was not more. I dropped the rat on the kitchen counter and stared at Rachel.

“What did you do to me?!” I screamed. The anger inside me was bubbling. She turned me into some monster. I must’ve changed last night through all that pain.

“I made you better then what you were.” She said calmly, even when I was pretty much a foot taller then her holding a fridge over my head.

“Better? How am I better!?” I screamed at her again, yet she still was staring straight into my eyes, unmoved by how I was throwing heavy objects around the apartment.

“Haven’t you noticed how much better you can see the world, how much better you can smell, hear, move, and—“ a recliner flew across the room, “throw?” I contemplated all of that, and then I stared at the dead rat on the counter. How much more rats will I kill? How much longer till I needed more?

“All of that is good, but with this huge of a consequence? I’ll have to kill all my life? Next thing I’ll know I’ll be biting my boss for a raise.” I glared with all the intensity in my soul, if I had one, into the eyes I thought were once sexy. She killed me.

“You should be thanking me,” she said with a scowl on her face. She ran out the door, in rush and I groaned loudly.

The angry thoughts streaming through my head were getting faster, and pulsed with more hatred than ever. I screamed at the top of my lungs, shaking my collectible shot glasses off their shelf. I wandered over to them and held the broken shards of glass in my alien hands. I stared at these shards. This was my life. I built it up, only for it to me shattered into pieces before I knew what was happening. The anger welled up in me again and I balled my hands into a fist, forcing the glass into my palms. I slowly opened my hands to see a puddle of dark blood. Before I knew what I was doing I lapped it up, and then stared at the slashes and cuts on my hand. They were growing smaller and smaller, and in seconds they were gone.

I stared at my alien hands for who knows how long. These weren’t mine. They couldn’t be mine. This isn’t reality. It can’t be.

I slowly got up from the sprawled out position I had on the moldy carpeted floor of my apartment. I looked around and realized all of my windows were bricked over and covered in black drapes. My door was now similar to a bank safe door. How could I not have noticed this before? I guess my anger consumed me to a point where I couldn’t see what was in front of me.

There was one brick missing from one of the windows. Daylight streamed in and left almost a stripe of color across the room. I assumed that this whole bricked window thing was because “vampires” aren’t supposed to have a ray of sunshine to hit their bodies. They are “creatures of the night”. But I had to try it out. I walked towards the light and sat next to it.

I reached out my hand towards it and slipped one finger into the shining light. Smoke began to rise and my finger was sizzling. I pulled my hand back as a reflex and stared at my blackened finger. What is this? Tears welled up in my eyes. Life is over and this is Death.

How can this possibly be better? There’s no hope that I’ll ever see my family or friends again. Any other career is impossible now. How can this ever be better?
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I'm just experimenting. Please let me know what you think of it. So I can either leave this idea or keep going with it.

Thanks for reading!