The *** of Johnny Ramone and Other Stories

The Real Reason Why...

3 Years Previous
Gerard's POV
I crouched down in my little hovel; afraid of the world outside and the people in it. Especially him. I sat against the wall and felt up my arms. I couldn't see very well in the darkness I was in but I could tell they were there; the scars I had sustained over the months of being down in the basement of my apparent "home", although there was nothing homely about it. I shuddered in pain as I felt the old scars and the new cuts. Bits of blood leaked out of the cuts and stained my fingers, though I could not see it.
I could hear the front door above me swing shut and the drunken footsteps of my father. Since my mother had left him he had been partial to alcohol and drinked more and more frequently week after week. That's how I had got down here. He always favoured my younger brother Mikey rather than myself as I had been the "cursed one"; always getting the blame and always doing the wrong thing.
The door to my basement swung open and I could see the silhouette in the doorway.
The silhouette of my father.
"Turn around and don't make a sound, otherwise I will make sure you will never take another breath again."
I obeyed him.
I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for the pain to come.

One Hour Later
I snapped out of my unconsciousness as I heard tapping on the door of my prison. As I stood up I could feel the gashes on my back scream in pain and the warm blood streaming down my back and staining my filthy clothes.
"Gee? Gerard? Are you okay?" I heard Mikey whisper from the other side of the door.
"What are you doing here?" I hissed.
"Trying to save you! C'mon," the door clicked and creakily opened. I had almost forgotten what Mikey looked like. He was taller than I could remember and his clothes were in much better condition then mine were. I must have looked more terrible than I expected as I could see in the dim light his shocked and horrified face.
"What happened to you?"
"Oh, you know, the usual," I said in a mock casual way. "Just been raped and cut open."
Mikey said nothing but I could see the amount of guilt in his eyes, making me feel even more torn up inside. He was experiancing not physical pain, but emotiona painl. He beckoned me to the kitchen and I noticed that he house looked cleaner than I had imagined previously, although the sink was laden with empty whisky bottles. Mikey pushed open the backdoor so I could see the clean-cut garden the stars in the sky above me. What a beautiful night to hide such a horrible affair.
"Tonight," my brother said quietly. "We shall escape."