The *** of Johnny Ramone and Other Stories

is Gerard Dead?

Frank's POV
"I'm doing this for you," I smirked at Gerard as I slunk into the tatooist's chair.
"Where do ya want it?" the burly tatooist asked me as I stared around at the sketchings around me.
"A scorpian," I said. "On my neck."
"What, on that massive scar?"
"No, Frankie!" Gerard said, stepping forward. "It'll hurt too much."
I reached out and grasped his hand gently.
"I'd do anything for you," I said to him meaningfully. His eyes filled with tears.
"Okay then," he said sadly. Poor Gee, I thought. He had never forgiven himself after he tried to kill me and killed those around me. To try and make it up he had given up Heroin but he never really got over it. Even now he couldn't bear seeing me in pain; it reminded him too much about his own sick plans from the past.
The machine next to me began to whirl and the needle in the tatooist's hand buzzed as he hummed tunelessly under his breath. He sat on the stool next to me and undid the seat I was sitting on, so I was lying down slightly.
"This is gonna hurt alot," he said. I screwed up my fists and turned my head to the side, exposing my scarred neck to him. I looked at Gee. He had his hand over his mouth and his eyes were wide open. I gave him a small smile but he just looked at me. I could still see the pink and purple rings around his eyes from his days in the jail cells. Some nights he'd wake up screaming from his night terrors, dreaming of terrifying things from his past and present.
The needle pressed onto my scar without mercy and I almost screamed in pain. It was like my throat had been slit all over again. I opened one eye and saw tears spilling down Gerard's cheeks thick and fast. I wanted to hold his hand, or hold him close, but I couldn't. On and on the pain went, for hours on end.

Three Hours Later
Gerard feebly touched the bandage around my neck.
"Fuck! That hurt, Gee," I said irritably.
"Sorry," Gerard said quietly. I felt a surge of guilt and held his hands tight.
"I'm sorry," I said. "It just hurts a little."
Gerard gave me a small smile but still looked at his shoes. I softly made him look up by putting my finger on his chin and our eyes met for a brief second. I kissed him gently with my hand on his neck and pushed him against the wall. He kissed me back, his hands sliding underneath my shirt. Our kiss got deeper and deeper until we broke away, panting.
"Gee, I think we should get--"
Suddenly, a gunshot sounded and we both crouched down.
"Gerard Way, step forward or we shall have to shoot!" I heard someone shout out. Shit, it was the police!
"Frank, get out the way, you'll get shot!" Gerard shouted at me. He pushed me backwards but I stayed by him.
"I won't leave you," I whispered in his ear. He glanced at me before grabbing my hand and running up the road. Bullets soared past us but they did nothing to us. We saw an alleyway, we were free!
But Gerard's hand slipped from my own as he collapsed onto the dirty pavement.
"Come on, Gee! We're almost there," I said to him hopefully, but my heart was already sinking down to the pit of my stomach. Gerard's rasping breathing was getting heavier and slower as he he clutched his side. His eyes looked up at mine for a brief second, but he had already fell to the ground before I had time to react. I could see blood leaking through his fingers as I peeled them back.
"Oh my God," I whispered, barely able to breathe anymore.
A bullet had gone straight through his right side and I could see a few of his ribs, cracked and broken due to the force of the bullet.
This couldn't be happening. We were going to live together, sleep together, do everything together, two minutes before I was going to ask him to marry him... my whole life was over in less than two minutes.
"Please Gee," I sobbed, my tears falling onto his blood soaked clothes. His frightened eyes looked up to me, pleading. "Please don't die. I love you, Gerard Way."

"I love you, Gerard Way..."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is possibly the longest update I've written so far
pls comment and be nice about it ^^