The *** of Johnny Ramone and Other Stories

*** or Fate?

Frank could feel his body go deathly cold and knees start to buckle. Frank grabbed hold of the railings and stared deep into his attacker’s eyes. Frank took a few steps backwards.
“Why are you like this, Gerard? Why are you like this?” He demanded. Gerard bored into Frank’s eyes and then looked at the ground.
“Why are you like this?” Frank repeated impatiently. He looked back at Frank like he had only just remembered that he was there. Tears were building up in his eyes and he wiped them away furiously.
“You want to know about me?” he asked heatedly.
“Well, obviously I do,” Frank crossed his arms and looked at him scornfully. Gerard looked at him hard and pulled back his fist. He punched Frank hard across the cheek and split his lip. Frank fell to the ground but scrambled up quickly, mopping up the blood from his face. Gerard’s fist was bleeding, too, but he held it up to his face and made the blood stain his lips. He savoured the taste of it before he looked back at Frank.
“I was always an outcast at school,” Gerard said hastily. “I was the one who would sit alone and would talk to no one. Nobody liked me, nobody cared about me. My own mother disowned me when she found out what a freak I am. How do you think that felt? I fed my desire for pain and violence on other people. My first big hit was that wanker Ramone’s death. But then -”
“But then someone found out,” Frank finished.
“My little brother, Mikey. He was the only person in my family who still talked to me. He had the good life, a wife, a home and a child on the way. What more would you want? But, as they say, curiosity killed the cat.”
“But he didn’t want to find out! He shouldn’t have been killed!” Frank spat.
“Well, he’s dead now and I can’t do anything about it.”
“What about my friends?! Why are they dead?!”
Gerard took a step nearer to him, his eyes once again displaying antagonism and burning with vehemence.
“They deserved it,” Said Gerard, his voice dripping with venom. He took out a long, gleaming dagger that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight and held it up, ready to strike Frank.
“What about Mikey? Your little brother? Did he deserve it?” Frank said, trying not to sound like he was pleading. Gerard’s eyes widened with hatred and he gripped the knife harder. He pulled Frank closer and held the blade to the right side of his neck.
“Don’t ever speak to me about my brother like that again!” Gerard hissed into his ear. Without a moment’s hesitation, Gerard pressed down hard on the knife and pulled it back sharply. Frank gasped in pain and fell to floor again, clutching his neck. The blood was gushing out and falling over his hands. He looked up to Gerard, his eyes pleading and tears falling down his cheeks.
“Please, Gerard, don’t do this to me,” He whispered. Gerard looked down on his victim; he had him where he wanted right now, he could do anything to him. He held the knife in both his hands and raised it above his head. Frank closed his eyes and waited for his life to end. But something was happening to Gerard. Just as he raised his knife to kill Frank, something caught him in the throat. He gasped. He could feel warm tears fall down his cheeks. I can’t kill Frank, I just can’t, he thought. But why?, said an angry voice in his head, why can’t you kill him?. Because I love him. Gerard choked on the sobs that were rising in his throat and dropped his knife and fell to his knees; his cold heart had been broken into a million pieces. He couldn’t carry on killing people to make them feel what he felt like everyday of his life inside himself.
“Gerard?” Frank whispered. “Gerard? Are you okay?”
Gerard crawled over to where Frank was lying. He stroked his blood-drenched hair and held his stained hand.
“I’m sorry,” Gerard whispered back. “I love you.”
With one last lingering look, Gerard stumbled to his feet and ran off into the darkness.
“Gerard!” Frank shouted into the night. “Gerard come back!”
Frank stared into the darkness hopelessly before his exhausted body gave up and he let himself fall into unconsciousness.


Watch out for more.