The *** of Johnny Ramone and Other Stories

From the Hospital Bed.

“…Okay, run it past me one last time please sir,” Said Bob, sitting next to Detective Iero’s hospital bed. Frank sighed exasperatedly.
“Look, I‘ve already told you, he stabbed me when I was in the park and ran off, I have no idea where he is right now,” He said, frustrated.
“But surely you must have some idea, like what he looked like or the clothes he was wearing.”
Frank swung his legs out of the bed and stood up. He swore under his breath as the pain seared through his neck. He stumbled over to the window and looked out onto the London streets. Bob came over and gently took his wrist.
“You have to get back into bed, you’re not ready yet,” He said softly. Frank pulled himself out of his grip and continued to stare out of the window.
“I have told you before, it was dark and I couldn‘t see him. I have no intention of helping you any further and I will notify you once I am out of hospital. Until then I suggest you leave,” Frank said bluntly. Bob gave him a hurt look but picked up his briefcase and walked off down the ward, his sensible shoes squeaking unbearably. Frank sighed and put his head against the window and felt the coldness of it sweep over his forehead. He wondered where Gerard could be.
“Oh Gerard, where are you?” He said quietly, looking at the people walking the streets at night. He could be anywhere. What a strange way to find the person you love, he thought to himself. At a crime scene. He got back into bed and pulled the covers up, still staring out of the window. The night-nurse walked over to his bed and he jerked his eyes from the window to her.
“Hi, Miss Williams,” He said automatically.
“Good evening, Detective. There is someone wanting to see you -”
“Don’t let Mr Bryer in, please, I think I’ve seen enough of him for one day,” Frank said curtly and turned back to the window.
“It’s not Mr Bryer, Detective. It’s a Mr Way. Gerard Way.”

Keep reading, my lovelys.