The *** of Johnny Ramone and Other Stories

Making Out on the Hospital Bed.

“Send him in right away,” Frank demanded. The nurse nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard.
“By right away I mean now!” Frank struggled not to shout. Miss Williams gave him an annoyed look and walked hurriedly out of the ward. Frank began to ruffle his hair and tried to make himself look presentable.
“You don’t have to do that for me,” Said a voice next to his bed. Frank turned around rapidly. Gerard looked more hot than ever. He had blacked his eyes again with eyeliner and his part of his hair flopped over his eyes. He flicked it back with such hotness that Frank could swear he had been practising in the mirror for the whole day.
“Why are you here?” Frank asked breathlessly.
“Because I wanted to see you, Detective, because you are so ierosistible. Which reminds me,” He pulled back the hospital curtain. “Let’s make out.”
He crept over to Frank and forced his lips onto Frank’s. He massaged Frank’s tongue with his and forced him to lie down on his hospital bed.
“Gee, I don’t think we should be…” Frank whispered.
“Don’t be such a spoil sport. Just kiss me back,” Gerard got onto the bed with Frank and pushed Frank back down onto the bed. He kissed him roughly and felt up his neck. Frank broke away from him suddenly.
“Fucking hell, Gerard, that hurt,” He grumbled.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot.”
Gerard pushed Frank’s head to the side slightly and touched the scar gently. There were stitched holding it together and it was scaly to the touch.
“I’m sorry I did that to you, I just want to love you,” Gerard whispered into Frank’s ear. Frank moaned slightly as Gerard planted soft kisses onto the healing wound.
“I love you Gerard,” Frank sighed as Gerard worked his way back up to his neck. Gerard kissed him passionately again, his tongue darting around Frank’s mouth. Finally he turned over and curled up next to Frank.
“I wish it could always be like this,” Gerard mumbled to Frank. Frank turned to look at him.
“It will always be like this.”
Wouldn’t it?


Keep reading plzz.