Another Heart Calls

Back to Normal

As Meredith and Charlotte sat in their seats, Charlotte looked a couple of rows in front of her to see some girl wearing a shirt that had the name Sharp on the back. She looked over at Meredith and said jokingly, “I think you might have some competition.”

Meredith looked over at Charlotte, confused about what she was saying, but once Charlotte pointed the girl out, Meredith nodded her head. “I just might,” she smiled.

As the game began, Meredith heard a familiar voice scream out that she never wanted to hear again. “That’s not…” Charlotte began.

“Janelle?” Meredith finished for her. “Yeah, it is,” she said as she looked at the girl that was sitting in front of them wearing the Sharp shirt turn her head around to see it was Janelle. “This can’t be happening right now,” Meredith cried.

Janelle gave them a little wave before turning back around and yelling for Patrick again. “Ignore her,” Charlotte ordered.

“How am I supposed to ignore her when she’s everywhere?” Meredith questioned. “Maybe this is a sign that I’m not supposed to be with Patrick,” she suggested.

“No,” Charlotte told her. “We’ve went through this a thousand times. You and Patrick are meant to be together. Forget about Janelle. She’s only here to get under your skin. Patrick wants nothing to do with her, I promise.”

“You’re right,” Meredith smiled. “He loves me, not her.”

Meredith tried to focus on the game the rest of the time, but she couldn’t help but hear Janelle’s obnoxious screaming throughout the game. As the game came to an end with Chicago winning 5-2, Meredith and Charlotte began walking towards the locker room. Meredith turned around to see Janelle following them.

“Does she really think she’s going to be able to get in?” Charlotte asked Meredith.

“I don’t know,” Meredith muttered as they reached the security guard.

“Go on in,” he told them.

“Thanks,” Meredith smiled. She looked behind her and saw that Janelle was allowed in, too, and she couldn’t believe it. “How did she get in?” Meredith asked. “Didn’t Patrick tell them that she’s not going out with him?”

“I have no idea, but don’t worry about her,” Charlotte replied as she made her way to Marty’s locker. She sat in front of it, waiting on him and Patrick to finish their interviews. She turned around and saw Janelle standing a few feet away. “This is ridiculous,” she muttered.

Fifteen minutes later, the boys came out and began walking towards their locker. Marty walked over to Charlotte and asked, “What the hell is she doing here?”

“We don’t know,” Charlotte answered. “But, she was in the crowd wearing a Sharp shirt and yelling and screaming for him throughout the game.” She looked over and saw that Patrick had gotten stopped by Janelle. “Why is he even talking to her?” she asked.

“That’s what I’m wondering,” Meredith muttered, continuing to stare at Patrick and Janelle. She saw Janelle lean in to kiss Patrick, and she couldn’t stand watching them anymore. “I’m out of here,” she told Charlotte as she walked towards the exit.

She had barely gotten out of the locker room when she heard her name being called. Knowing it was Patrick, she didn’t even turn around. She suddenly felt someone grab onto her arm and spin her around.

“What do you want, Patrick?” she asked, but instead of getting an answer, she felt his lips on hers, and she remembered all the reasons she was in love with him.

When the two separated, he looked down at Meredith. “I love you, not her,” he told her. “I didn’t want her to kiss me, and I know you saw it. But, you have to believe me when I say that it meant nothing to me. There was no electricity like when I kiss you.”

“I love you, too,” Meredith said quietly.

“Does this mean that we can forget about Janelle, and maybe we can give us another chance?” Patrick asked, his eyes pleading with Meredith.

Meredith nodded her head. “Yeah,” she told him. “I’d love to be able to call you my boyfriend again.”

“Come back in so I can get changed,” he told her. “Then, we can go out and celebrate.”

“Sounds good to me,” she said smiling.

“Oh, and just so you know, I told Janelle that I wanted nothing to do with her. I love you, and only you,” he told Meredith as he grabbed her hand and led her into the locker room.

“Good,” she said, standing on her tippy toes and giving him a kiss. “I love you,” she told him as they walked past Janelle, who had a bitter look on her face.

“I love you, too,” Patrick said as they reached his locker.

“Wait!” Charlotte exclaimed. “Does this mean what I think it means?”

“Well, what do you think it means?” Meredith asked, intentionally drawing the conversation out longer than necessary.

“Are you two back together?”

“Yep,” Meredith said with a smile on her face, looking over at Patrick who was changing his shirt. “We are officially back together.”

“So, no more Janelle drama?” Charlotte asked.

“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Patrick told her.

“That’s all in the past,” Meredith assured her.

“Finally, everything’s back to normal!” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Yes, it is,” Meredith said as Patrick took her hand, and they headed out of the locker room to go home.
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