Another Heart Calls


One Month Later

Patrick and Meredith had finally gotten over the whole Janelle thing, and they were back to how they were before she entered their lives. “So, what are you up to today?” Patrick asked Meredith.

“Dress shopping,” Meredith smiled. “Char’s looking for her wedding dress today. I’m so excited!”

“Well, you have fun,” Patrick told her.

“Oh, I will. And, you have fun at practice. You know Joel’s going to kill you guys today after losing like you did last night,” she said.

“Thanks for reminding me,” Patrick said as he grabbed his keys off of the table. “I’ll see you later,” he added giving her a kiss.

“Bye,” she called after him. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he said as he shut the door behind him.

Meredith made her way over to Charlotte’s apartment and knocked on the door. A few moments later, Charlotte came to answer it. “Are you ready?” Meredith asked her.

“Yep, just let me grab my purse, and we can go,” Charlotte said, grabbing her purse of the table and walking out the door.

They were looking around the first bridal dress shop they stopped at when Charlotte asked, “So, how happy was Patrick to be going to practice today? I swear, Marty was in the worst mood ever!”

“Patrick didn’t seem to be too upset, but you know Joel’s going to kill them during practice.”

“Well, if they wouldn’t lose 6-1 to the worst team in the league, then they wouldn’t have this problem,” Charlotte stated.

“Wow! Someone’s not in a good mood,” Meredith joked.

“Sorry,” Charlotte apologized. “I’m just saying the truth!”

“I know,” Meredith said. “So, anything you see you like?” she asked.

“Not yet,” Charlotte told her. “But you know me, I’m the pickiest person ever,” she laughed.

“Yeah,” Meredith sighed. “I have a feeling we’re going to end up going to like fifty stores, and then you’ll pick one from the fourth one we go to.”

“Ha ha,” Charlotte said sarcastically. “It’s my wedding. I’m allowed to be picky!”

“I know,” Meredith smiled.

They were in the fourth store, and Charlotte still hadn’t found a dress that she liked very well. “I’m telling you,” Meredith began. “We’ll be coming back to this store for your dress.”

“Stop making fun of me!” Charlotte whined.

“I’m kidding,” Meredith told her. “We are going to find the perfect dress for you, and Marty won’t be able to wait until the honeymoon to rip it off of you,” she laughed.

Charlotte began laughing, too, when all of a sudden she stopped. “What’s wrong?” Meredith asked her.

“I think I found it,” she whispered.

“Huh?” Meredith asked, turning around to see Charlotte staring at a dress.

“It’s perfect!” Charlotte exclaimed. “I mean it’s still the traditional white, but it’s got the red trim that goes with our colors!” Charlotte and Marty had decided to go with red and black as their colors for the wedding.

Meredith stared, her mouth wide open. “What?” Charlotte asked. “You hate it?”

“No,” Meredith said. “It’s perfect.”

“Then why are you looking like that?” Charlotte questioned.

“It’s just, we’ve only been to four stores, and you’ve already found your dress! I’m so proud of you,” Meredith cried, wrapping her arms around Charlotte. “I’m so glad we don’t have to go to another forty stores!”

“Oh, well just wait until we start looking for bridesmaids dresses,” Charlotte commented, and Meredith rolled her eyes.

“So, you think the guys are finished with their practice yet?” Meredith asked as they pulled into a parking space in front of her apartment.

“I would say so,” Charlotte told her. “Especially since Marty’s car's right there.”

As they walked up the stairs to the apartment, they could hear raised voices coming from inside. “Janelle, get out of my apartment,” Patrick yelled, and Meredith and Charlotte began walking faster.

Meredith opened her front door to see Janelle standing there, with both Marty and Patrick looking angry.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Meredith questioned.

“I came to talk to Patrick,” Janelle said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Janelle, I don’t want to talk to you. Ever. You are a part of my past. Meredith’s my present and future,” Patrick told her as he put an arm around Meredith, who smiled up at him.

“Well, you might not feel that way after I tell you what I came here to say,” Janelle told him.

“Seriously, Janelle, do I need to give you another bloody nose?” Charlotte asked her. “Because you know I’ll do it without any hesitation.”

Janelle took a step back, away from Charlotte, and looked over at Patrick. “I have some big news for us,” she told him.

“Us?” Patrick questioned. “There is no us.”

“Yes, there is,” Janelle said, nodding her head. “There’s three of us.”

“Huh?” Patrick asked.

“I’m pregnant,” Janelle stated, as everyone’s eyes in the room went wide, and all of their mouths dropped wide open.
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