Another Heart Calls

Next to You

“What?” Charlotte yelled, while Patrick and Meredith just continued staring. “You are such a liar!”

“You don’t believe me?” Janelle asked, glancing over at Charlotte.

“No, I don’t,” Charlotte told her. “You would do anything to keep Patrick in your life. Why don’t you just face it? Patrick doesn’t want you in his life. He loves Meredith, not you,” she yelled, getting angrier with every word.

“Char,” Marty said, putting his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

“What?” she asked, turning around to look at Marty. “You see what she’s doing, don’t you?”

“Yes, but just calm down,” Marty told her.

“Patrick, you’re being kind of quiet right now,” Janelle said, turning around to look at Patrick, whose hand was grabbing a hold of Meredith’s.

“I’m trying to figure out if you’re telling the truth or not,” he told her.

“Of course I’m telling the truth!” Janelle told him, outraged that he didn’t believe her. “Why would I lie about being pregnant?”

“To trap him,” Meredith answered. “But, just so you know, it’s not going to work. If you really are pregnant, and that’s a big if, I’m still going to be here. I’m not leaving Patrick. So, if that was your plan, you might want to think of a new one.”

Patrick gave Meredith’s hand a squeeze, while he said to Janelle, “I think it’s time for you to leave.”

“You’re kicking me out?” Janelle asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” Patrick said.

“You’re going to regret this,” she told him. “You may think that you can get rid of me, but you are not getting rid of this baby,” she said, putting her hand on her stomach. “You helped create him or her, and you are going to be a part of his or her life.”

“Okay,” Patrick said. “But, I want you to leave now.”

“Fine,” Janelle said turning around and walking towards the door. “But, like I said, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”

Charlotte rolled her eyes as Janelle shut the door behind her. “We’re going to go,” she said grabbing Marty’s hand. “Let you two talk this all out.”

“Bye,” Marty said as he and Charlotte walked out the door.

“What are you thinking?” Patrick asked, looking over at Meredith as the two of them sat down on the couch.

“I’m thinking no matter what, we’re going to get through this together,” Meredith smiled at him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I just don’t get it,” Patrick said. “I was stupid that night, and I wasn’t thinking, but I know that I used a condom. I always do,” he insisted.

“I know,” Meredith said. “But, you know, condoms don’t work one hundred percent of the time. This must have been one of those times.”

“Or, she’s lying,” Patrick said.

“Patrick, as much as I want to believe that she’s lying, I don’t think even she’s that bad of a person to lie about being pregnant,” Meredith told him.

“Maybe, it’s someone else’s?” Patrick suggested.

Meredith thought about it for a minute. “That’s a possibility,” Meredith said. “But, we won’t be able to know for sure for a few months.” She grabbed his hand. “No matter what, Patrick, we’ll get through this together. You’re not going to go through this alone.”

“Thank you, Meredith,” he said as he leaned over and kissed her.

A couple of days later, while the guys were on a road trip, Charlotte came over to Meredith’s apartment to see how she was holding up after the big news. “So…” Charlotte began.

“So, what?” Meredith asked as she grabbed a bunch of papers from her students.

“How are you and Patrick doing?” Charlotte asked. “You know, after everything that’s happened,” she added.

“Patrick and I are fine,” Meredith told her, and after seeing Charlotte looking at her as if she didn’t believe her, Meredith added, “I swear! We’re fine. I’m sticking by his side no matter what.”

“Even if the baby’s his?” Charlotte questioned.

“Yes, especially if the baby’s his,” Meredith told her. “Why? You don’t think I should?”

“No, no, of course I think you should!” Charlotte exclaimed. “I mean, the kid’s going to need a good motherly figure in his or her life because we both know Janelle’s not going to be.”

Meredith laughed at her. “Only you would think like that,” she said, shaking her head.

“Hey!” Charlotte said, feigning hurt.

“So, how’s Marty liking all the wedding planning?” Meredith asked, changing topics.

Charlotte laughed a little. “I think he’d prefer if I just did everything, and he just showed up at the wedding,” she replied.

“He’s not into it?” Meredith asked.

“Not at all,” Charlotte told her. “He just keeps telling me to make it my dream wedding, and he doesn’t really care what happens.”

“You know he’ll be happy as long as you’re happy,” Meredith told her.

“Yeah,” Charlotte said with a smile. “That’s why I love him.”
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