Another Heart Calls

How It Was Supposed to Be

It had been a week and a half, and there had been no change in Charlotte’s condition. Everyone tried to remain positive, but it was difficult when the doctor had no encouraging news for them. Meredith and Patrick were standing outside of Charlotte’s room, giving Marty some more time with her.

“Patrick, it’s been nearly two weeks,” Meredith said quietly, making sure Marty wouldn’t be able to hear her. “What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to keep waiting,” he told her. “Mer, you’ve got to have faith. She’s going to wake up.”

“Patrick, she’s my best friend, and I want her to wake up more than anything in the world, but we have to be realistic. Every day that goes by, her chances of waking up diminish just a little bit,” Meredith said.

“I know,” Patrick said quietly, nodding his head. “Come on, let’s go back in there,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her back inside the room.

Later that night, everyone was still in Charlotte’s room, sleeping. The nurses had finally given up arguing with the three of them, knowing it was pointless because they were going to stay by Charlotte’s side no matter what.

Meredith and Patrick were lying uncomfortably in one chair, not that they’d complain about it, while Marty stayed in his usual position next to Charlotte’s bedside, holding her hand.

It was nearly two in the morning, and everyone was fast asleep. All of a sudden, Charlotte’s fingers began moving ever so slightly. She slowly opened one eye, trying to look around and figure out where she was. She could feel someone’s hand on hers, and she tried looking down to see who it was.

“Marty?” she called out, her voice coming out as nothing more than a mere whisper from the lack of use.

Marty stirred awake, having thought he had heard his voice being called. He glanced around but saw no one in the room. He looked over at Charlotte before attempting to go back to sleep. When he saw her eyes open, he did a double take.

“Oh my god, Charlotte!” he yelled, waking both Patrick and Meredith up from their slumber. Meredith quickly jumped up, running over to the bed.

“Hey, Marty,” Charlotte smiled, her voice still weak.

“Charlotte! You’re awake,” Meredith yelled. Patrick walked over beside Meredith, a wide smile on his face.

“Thank God you’re okay,” Patrick told her.

“What happened?” Charlotte asked.

“You’ve been in here for nearly two weeks,” Meredith explained, and Charlotte’s eyes went wide with surprise. “What was the last thing you remember?” she asked.

“Um,” Charlotte began, trying to think. “I remember arguing with Janelle. Patrick, don’t believe her. She’s not pregnant,” Charlotte said, looking over at him.

Patrick smiled. “I know,” he told her. “We figured it all out. I’m just sorry that it took you going into a coma for me to figure it out.” Meredith grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly.

Charlotte looked over at Marty, who had been quiet. She could see tears in his eyes, but she knew he wouldn’t let them fall in front of her. “Marty, what’s wrong?” she asked him. “Did you not want me to wake up?” she joked.

“God, Charlotte, that’s not something to joke about. They kept saying that they didn’t know if you were ever going to wake up, and I was so worried. I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever lose you,” he told her.

“Marty,” Charlotte interrupted. “I’m fine, I’m right here,” she said, squeezing his hand as Dr. Jenkins walked through the door.

“Well, if it isn’t Miss Charlotte all awake,” he joked, stepping over to her machines to take down some stats. “How are you feeling?” he asked her.

“Okay, I guess,” she replied. “My throat’s all dry.”

“Well, I’ll have one of the nurses get you some water,” he told her. “In the meantime, we’re going to continue checking your stats for probably a couple of day, but if you’re still doing well after that, you’ll be free to go.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

As the doctor had promised, three days later, Charlotte was back home. Meredith had gone over to keep her company as the guys had a game that night. It had taken Charlotte and Meredith a while to convince Marty that Charlotte was going to be fine without him there, but he had finally left to rejoin his team.

“I can’t believe everything that’s happened,” Charlotte said as they watched the pre-game on television. “I mean to think I was in a coma for two weeks, and it’s all because of Janelle?”

“I know,” Meredith said. “And, you would never guess how crazy we all went without you there,” she told her. “Especially Marty. Don’t ever think that he doesn’t love you.”

“I know,” Charlotte said. “I love him, too.”

“You know he told me that if he could, he’d change the way he proposed to you,” Meredith said randomly.

Charlotte looked over at her. “What?” she cried. “I love the way he proposed!”

“I know. That’s what I told him!” Meredith said as the game began, and they watched as Patrick snatched the puck away from one of the Red Wings’ forwards.

Meredith smiled as Charlotte yelled when she saw Andrew Ladd get the puck and pass it to Marty. This was how everything was supposed to be, her best friend happy and healthy, cheering for her fiancée.
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I'll have an epilogue posted probably sometime tomorrow, and then it's over!!

Let me know what you thought!