Another Heart Calls

20 Dollar Nose Bleed

It had been two weeks since some girl had answered Marty’s cell phone, and Charlotte and him had still not talked about it. The boys were coming home from their four game, week and a half road trip, and Charlotte had to go to the game tonight’s game because the players’ wives and girlfriends were doing a food drive.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” Charlotte asked Meredith for the hundredth time that night. “Please?”

“Char, you know I can’t go. I’m not a player’s wife or girlfriend,” Meredith told her. “But, I really want you and Marty to talk everything out tonight, okay?”

“I’ll try,” Charlotte said. “And who cares if you’re a wife or girlfriend?”

“Um, everyone,” Meredith said laughing. “It is a food drive set up by the players’ wives and girlfriends,” she pointed out.

“Details, details.”

“Go!” Meredith ordered her. “And have fun! And talk to Marty!” she called after her.

“Yeah, yeah,” Charlotte said with a board tone as she walked out the door.

As she arrived at the United Center, she walked in to see all of the other wives and girlfriends. “Hey,” she smiled at Kirsten, Kris Versteeg's girlfriend. “How are you tonight?”

“I’m good,” Kirsten replied with a smile. “How are you?”

“Okay,” Charlotte said honestly. She looked behind Kirsten to see Janelle walking through the doors of the United Center. “What the hell is she doing here?” she muttered.

Kirsten looked behind her to see what Charlotte talking about. “What is she doing here?” Kirsten asked. “Hasn’t she done enough already?”

Janelle walked over to Charlotte and Kirsten. “Hey, girls,” she said smiling.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Charlotte asked, as Janelle took off her coat, revealing a shirt that said Sharp on the back. “You’ve got to be kidding me right now.”

“What?” Janelle asked. “The food drive is set up by the players’ wives and girlfriends. I’m here for Patrick,” she told them.

“The only problem is that you aren’t Patrick’s girlfriend or wife,” Kirsten told her.

“Well, he doesn’t have anyone else here for him, and we have slept together, so I’m the closest he’s got,” she said with a smirk.

“You’re the damn reason that he doesn’t have a girlfriend right now!” Charlotte screamed at her, not believing the nerve that she had.

“I am not the reason,” Janelle said, sounding offended. “Apparently, Meredith just wasn’t good enough for him, and he needed a real woman in bed,” she told her.

“You bitch!” Charlotte yelled as she slapped her across her left cheek.

“What the hell?” Janelle asked as she tried to take a swipe at Charlotte, but Charlotte jumped out of the way too quickly. “Why are you so upset anyways?” Janelle asked.

“Because you fucked up Patrick and Meredith’s relationship,” she yelled at her.

“Like I said before, Meredith wasn’t good enough for him. And, you better watch out before Marty figures out that you’re not good enough, and he leaves you for another woman,” Janelle told her.

Charlotte could not believe her ears. She marched over to her, anger pulsating through her, and punched her square in the nose. Janelle started screaming as Charlotte pulled her arm back again, ready to hit her again.

All of a sudden, she felt her arm being pulled backwards, which prevented her from punching Janelle again. She saw Patrick come running to Janelle, as blood was gushing out of her nose.

Charlotte turned around to see that Marty was the one who had a grab on her arm. “Will you let me go?” she yelled at him.

“What the hell are you thinking, Char?” Marty asked. “You can’t just go around punching her!”

“Did you not just hear what she said?” Charlotte asked him, as she saw a couple of people come up to Janelle and gave her towels to try to stop her nosebleed. “She was talking trash about me and Meredith.”

“And it all comes back to Meredith,” Marty muttered.

“Will you get the fuck off of me?” Charlotte yelled, jerking her arm away, angry at Marty.

“God, Char, I’m trying to stop you from doing something stupid,” Marty said, getting angrier at her as each moment went on.

“Oh, you’re trying to stop me from doing something stupid?” she questioned. “Why can’t I do something stupid? You sure did!”

“What are you talking about?” Marty asked in a low voice, trying to get Charlotte to keep her voice down since they were now drawing a crowd.

“You’re kidding me, right?” Charlotte asked, not lowering her voice. “You fucked another girl!” she yelled.

“What?” Marty asked incredulously. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know,” Charlotte said, as the crowd continued to listen to their conversation.

“Charlotte, I swear I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said honestly.

“Right before the road trip,” she began. “We had that fight, and I went to go stay at Mer’s. She told me to go back and talk to you. I went back home, and you weren’t there. I called your cell phone, and some chick answered.”

“I did not cheat on you,” Marty told her.

“Then why did some girl answer your phone?” Charlotte questioned.

“The night that we had our fight?” Marty asked, and Charlotte nodded her head. He thought for a moment, and then he finally remembered who it was. “That was Joanna,” he told her, referring to Andrew Ladd’s girlfriend.

“What?” Charlotte asked, not believing him.

“It was Joanna. I went out, and I ended up at some bar. Ladd and Joanna were there,” he explained.

Charlotte turned around, searching for Joanna. She saw her standing a little ways away, not listening to anything that was going on. She walked over there, and asked her, “Were you with Marty two weeks ago?”

Joanna looked up at her. “Two weeks ago?” she asked.

“Yes. It was right before the road trip, and Marty and I had a fight. He says he went to a bar, and you and Andrew were there,” Charlotte explained.

“Oh, yeah,” Joanna said nodding her head. “Marty was really upset that night.”

“Did you answer his phone?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Joanna said, remembering back to that night. “You were calling, and you hung up on me.”

“Shit,” Charlotte muttered.

“What?” she asked.

“I just fucked things up even worse with Marty,” she told her.
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