What Do You Want the Most


I lay against something soft and warm. My eyes fluttered open and I remembered the previous evening. One arm was draped across Aaron’s bare chest; the other was curled underneath me. I watched as his stomach rose and sank with each breath. I began to trace were his heart was. It amazed me that there was the possibility that it could stop. I sighed and snuggled closer to him, feeling none of that shyness I usually did with a guy. My readjustment woke him and he pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. Obviously he didn’t feel shy either.

“See, I’m still here.” Suddenly he began shaking and went utterly limp. I have to admit, I screamed. His eyes snapped open and he grinned. “Just kidding!” he offered apologetically.

“Well it wasn’t funny,” I retorted, pulling back. He rolled his eyes and sat up, stretching. Wow, was he good looking, even in the morning. I wanted nothing more than to return to his arms. Instead we both got up.

“Thanks for allowing me to stay.” He must have forgotten that I nearly begged him to spend the night. “I would like to return the favor somehow. How about brunch?”

“I’d love to.”

“It’s settled then, I’ll go home and change and meet you here in, two hours okay?”

“Sounds perfect. Do me a favor?” He nodded. “Try to be careful. Like, extra careful.” He kind of rolled him eyes but gave me a sincere nod. “Thanks. See you soon.”

After Aaron left I could feel the panic set in. I haven’t had an attack in years, ever since I learned how to control the visions. Why was I so worried about him? He didn’t mean anything to me. This is why I never got involved with Death’s victim. Oh well, I sighed.

I strolled into the bathroom. True to the beach house title, a shower curtain containing a pattern of starfish was hung next to a counter topped with candles and shells. I pulled an extremely fluffy pale tan towel out of the bathroom cupboard and hopped into a steaming shower. The water beat a repetitive yet calming beat atop my head. I washed my hair and rinsed then stood for a long time, just trying to grasp the situation. Finally I turned off the faucet and wrapped the ridiculously soft towel around my body.

I dried off and dressed, trying to distract myself from the time. Eventually the doorbell rang and I felt a weight lifted. He was here.

We went to a small bakery and coffee house and fueled up on Danishes and tea. We also continued our discussion form last night in a low whisper.

“Dream of any deaths?” Aaron quested.

“Actually no. I was so intent of pushing yours out that none could come in. Stick around for another day and you can see me in action.”

He agreed and we took a walk down to the beach. It was privately owned, so it was just the two of us. I dug my toes deeper into the sand. I was leaning back on my hands, wearing my kaki shorts and green tank top over my green and brown swimsuit. Aaron sat next to me.

“Let’s get to the point. You don’t believe me.”

“I’m here aren’t I?”

“True, but hear me out. Let me explain it all.” He nodded as though he would appreciate that. So I went on to explain how they worked, what I did and such. Aaron seemed genuinely interested and listened intently the entire time. When I was done he stood up.

“Sounds like a rough life. Come on. Let’s have some fun.” He pulled me up and took of his shirt as he ran for the ocean. I also stripped to my swim suit and followed. We went crashing through the waves. It was frigid water, but all the fun warmed me up. For a little bit I forgot all about death.
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It shorter but I have to save the next big part for one chapter and i wanted to get an update out there. Please please comment.