What Do You Want the Most


We finished dinner quickly and took a walk down on the beach. Aaron put his hand in mine as my toes dug in the sand. The moon hung like a pearl earring in the velvet black sky. Each star competing in having the brightest twinkle.

We ended up at a point that jutted out a little from the beach with some rocks. I sat with my legs dangling over the slight ledge so my feet just brushed the ocean. Aaron had his arm around me and was humming more music into my ear.

“Stay again tonight?” I whispered, hoping.

He grinned, “Glad you like me so much, we’ll see.” With that he pulled my chin up to his and we kissed for a bit before just enjoying each others company and the beautiful scenery.

Smeared makeup ran down the girl’s face. She looked to be only thirteen but her eyes held the adversity of an old woman. Her wrists were cut and bleeding. A note with the name Dad lay on the floor next to her. Her body shook as she cried. Her legs were sprawled in an awkward cross legged position, as if she didn’t care that they felt unnatural pain. I could feel a sense of raw hurt. So open, so unbelievably real. The girl reached for the gun, her hand unsteady, and slowly pulled the trigger, determined. A deafening roar was accompanied by her body slumping to the ground.

As the vision continued, it was like I was walking backward through the house. I stopped at the front door and read the address before I fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Aaron woke to find me in the bathroom, huddled on a bath mat while I dripped like a leaky faucet. He had decided to stay the night again and was discovering that I wasn’t a very put together person.

“Hush babe, its okay. Amie, I am right here, you’re not alone.” He soothed as he gathered me into his arms. I clung to him like a child.

“What did you see? Are they always this bad?” I shook my head and in between sniffles and sobs told him what I saw.

“Wow, this has got to be some tough life for you. I don’t know how I would hand it. Is there anything I can do to help?” His sincerity did me in and I began crying even harder. How many times had I wished I didn’t have this ‘defect’? How much I longed to be different, to be, for lack of a better word, normal. And here Aaron was, making me out to be the victim. The damsel in distress, when really the ones I saw needed the pity.

I finally gathered myself together and stood up.

“How about some tea and breakfast?” Man, was this guy amazing or what? He sure was a keeper. I nodded and he turned to go.
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so i have decided to make the chapters a little shorter and update more often instead of slower updates with longer chapters, let me know what you think and please comment