What Do You Want the Most


Once I was alone, I undressed and turned on the shower. Just the sound of running water started to calm me. Getting the temperature just right, I stepped into my temporary haven.

The hot steamy water erased all earlier worries. I washed my hair and enjoyed the warmth the shower offered. I was so intent on my peaceful feelings that I didn’t see or hear the bathroom door open.

Aaron strolled in and sat on the counter facing opposite to the shower. By the time I noticed him, he was only silently watching me. A thoughtful expression on his face. Surprisingly I was neither startled nor embarrassed. Instead, I returned his gaze through the sliding glass door. I was well aware of my vulnerability and nakedness, but felt confident. I sensed nothing but gentleness from Aaron.

Finally I beckoned him in. Without a word he stood up. His eyes never left mine as he began to undress. I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head and slid his basketballs shorts down. When he stood in front of me with just his boxers I smiled and nodded. He returned the smile and soon was like me.

As the door slid open a couple of drops escaped to rain onto the floor, but my attention was elsewhere. Aaron’s hair grew damp and he gave me a shy look, every now and then running his eyes down my body.

His hands went around my waist and pulled me to him, always looking to see if I accepted his actions. The touch of skin on skin was exhilarating. Despite the warm shower I received goose bumps. His fingers wrapped firmly around my waist as he leaned down and kissed me ever so gently. It was a chaste kiss, but one of the best I had ever received. We seemed to line up perfectly and match. When he pulled back a smile was already on both of our lips. He went in for a deeper kiss, his tongue teasing my lips, exploring my mouth. When we pulled back a second time he kissed my forehead and held me close. I rested my head on his shoulder as the water washed away all anxiety.
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: ) this is as good as it gets. Please comment