What Do You Want the Most


We sat down at the beach. The harsh wind was relentless and tugged playfully at my hair. Aaron had his arms resting on his knees, as he gazed across the ocean, in deep thought. I put one arm around his shoulders and he turned to look at me.

“So what do we do about your girl now?”

I sighed and looked back at him with heavy eyes. “Well, I know where she lives and we have probably four days, but with suicides it’s always hard to tell. Probably leave as soon as possible. She isn’t too far from here, about six hour drive. Care to come with me?”

“I would love to see you in action. And I want to help as much as I can. I have a car we can use if you would like.” I nodded.

“So let’s try to leave by one and then we can find a place to stay, get some dinner and tomorrow we shall try to give her everything she asks for.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

We sat silently for a little bit longer.

“Do you mind telling me more about you? You seem to be an exception to my visions. I keep expecting you to keel over dead. Is there any reason why you might have a death like the one I envisioned?”

Aaron was silent for a while.

“I don’t mean to pry or anything.” I offered hesitantly.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just, I am ashamed. I know by the look of me I wouldn’t be one to get into trouble, but I had this friend. He was always doing illegal things and trying to get me involved. When he was interested in kidnapping a girl to well, rape her, I broke things off. This was only two months ago. When the girl went missing I knew what happened and contacted the police. Needless to say, James wasn’t happy with me. He left me threatening phone calls and such. When I informed the police they told me to get out of town for a while, not tell anyone where I was going. So that could be a possibility. When you told me about my ‘death’ I was sure it’s going to be because James finally found me.”

“He’s not in jail?” I asked, appalled.

“They couldn’t catch him. He’s on the run somewhere, dodging the police.”

“I am so sorry. If there is anyway I can help…”

“Just don’t let anyone know I am here.”

I nodded, my eyes wide. Aaron seemed so innocent, now I felt an even stronger protection over him.

“Come on,” I stood up and reached down to help Aaron up. “Let’s go swimming.”

As he got up, Aaron had a grin on his face that I immediately became suspicious of. He picked me up like before, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the water, tossing me in, clothes and all. I squealed with laughter, yes, squealed. He dove in after me and for a terrifying minute I didn’t know where he went.

Suddenly I was lifted above the water; Aaron had come under me and lifted me on his shoulders. When I was finally put back down we swam out to where the waves get huge. We were both treading water and rising up and down as they came.

We ended back at the beach, lying in the sand, drying off. I was tracing the veins in Aaron’s arm when he turned and caught me by surprise in a kiss.

“You know, I felt as though my life was going down a wrong path, like I had made too many mistakes, but you make me feel as though I am suppose to be here. Thank you.”

I blushed, shocked at the sincerity but pleased all the same.

“I swear I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” I whispered.

His eyes locked in mine and the trust was so pure. “I believe you.

That was my first lie to him, however unintentional it was.
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hope you like it! please comment and let me know what to change, fix, or add.