Status: Finished.

We're Exactly Where We're Suppose to Be

How your looks would make me shake

“Preston! We should go to the playground!” Darian yelled catching up with me and the boy beside me. His keys jingled off his tight black pants , banging against the stage pass he’d forgotten to take off.

“Only if I can call Alex. Erin doesn’t want to be all alone. Who would push her on the swings?!” He said smiling down at her.

“But Alex is a party pooper!” She said pouting. “Let’s invite Dave!” She said looking to me for back up.

“Dave is a douche!” I said pulling out my phone and dialing Alex’s number falling behind the couple in front of me. Alex Ziabko. How to explain? He was a lead singer, my best friend and oh so adorable!

“Dave’s not a douche.” Darian said over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

“Dave picks on old ladies who unfortunately got his old cell number.”

“Erin! Hey baby!” Alex yelled into the receiver. I smiled.

“Hey Alex. You wanna go to the park with me and the kids?” He laughed.

“Are we calling Darian and Preston the kids now?”

“They want to go the playground. What do you think? So will you save me?”

“Of course! Any chance to see you is a great day! See ya soon.” He said. I imagined him now staring out the window smiling that I-Know-I’m-Sexy smile. God was he right.

“Bye.” I said hanging up. They stopped on the corner and turned to me waiting for an answer.

“Yeah he’s gonna meet us there. Ya know drive? Unlike us who had to walk!”

“It’s Spring in Jersey!! Come on you gotta cherish this weather before it starts snowing again!” Preston said hopping up and down. We walked across the street and took a turn, the park coming into the view. The blue, red, and yellow slides a frequent memory in all our childhoods were vacant of the normal six year olds that donned it like an accessory. Darian and Preston raced ahead pushing each other to get to them first. I shook my head and watched from afar getting lost in my own thoughts.

“Erin!” I turned and met Alex’s eyes as he was climbing out the car.

“Alex! Come and see our children!” I yelled he laughed. The two on the slides looked up briefly, waving before going back to playing. Had it not been for the fact that Preston was six feet tall you’d think we were a legit family the way those two acted.

“Wow. You weren’t kidding. What did they drink?” He asked coming up beside me. I looked over catching a full view of him. Tight blue jeans, a black long sleeve shirt and his normal gray and black plaid scarf. His blonde hair was still wet in places from a recent shower.

“Mountain Dew and Red Bull. And Skittles. And 7-11 in general. It was a mistake.” I said looking up at the sky. Anything to keep my eyes from wandering back to him. That was the problem with liking your best friend. It was either awkward because they knew or you couldn’t keep your eyes off them and they’d eventually figure it out.

“Let’s go feed the duckies!” He said pointing the pond where there were gray and white Geese floating on the surface.

“Ducks bite…..or die at the hands of Jonathan Cook.” Darian laughed catching the end of my sentence.

“You either get busy living or get busy dying at the hands of Jpedo!” She yelled, from the top of the jungle gym. I laughed. Alex looked from me to her.

“Isn’t that yall’s favorite band?” He asked.

“Ha. No. Not cr33per. Racing Kites is my favorite band. Maybe you’ve heard of them?” I said. He smirked.

“Vaguely. They have this really hot lead singer? Yeah. Come on.” He said grabbing my hand, our fingers lacing together. If he only knew it meant so much more to me than it did to him. We walked around the pond, getting chased by what turned out to be very angry geese. Not cool birdies. We made it back to the playground where it seemed we’d been ditched by the other two.

“I believe it’s time for an Amber Alert.” Alex said poking my side. I laughed, shuffling through the woodchips to the swings.

“I believe we just got ditched. Way to go Ziabko! This is all your fault!” I said sitting on the swing. My legs pushing it forwards lazily.

“No come on! Tire swing.” He said pointing and pouting like a five year old. Aww.

“I’ll fall!”

“No you won’t!”

“Yeah. Have you seen me walk? I fall over air and you want me to get into a tire suspended three feet off the ground? No.” His eyes took on a pleading look and his bottom lip stuck out. I smiled looking at the ground and walking over to the tire.

“Yes! Go on. Climb in.” He said grabbing the two silver chains. I slid in wrapping my hands around the chains, his slid over top of mine.

“Just in case.” He said quietly, pushing me off. The wind rushed into my face, I squealed.

“Alex! Please don’t let me fall!” I yelled, my eyes shut tight. It all suddenly stopped and his hands were on face, holding it still so he could look into my eyes. The pink and orange sunset silhouetted his shoulders. I sighed wanting to look away. Whatever he was thinking couldn’t compare to what I wanted to do.

“I’ll never let you fall….ever.” He whispered pressing his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips. It couldn’t be anymore perfect….anymore real.

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Here ya go bby! Now stop making this >:| he looks like a dumbass PokeMon!