We Can Shine Like the Sun


The final day of the Vans Warped Tour came, and everyone started to say their goodbyes to everyone they had met, and all the people they already knew on the tour. They started planning their end of tour pranks on the other bands and crew. They began to get their things together to take home. Each band did their soundchecks and eventually played their sets on their respective stages. Holly on the other hand, was sitting on the step just inside the Kill Barbie bus watching this all go on without her.

"Holly," Tadem called through the huge bus from the back lounge room, "The Warped Tour dudes on the phone, he wants to talk to you!" Holly jumped up as quickly as she could, and walked calmly down the bus hallway to take the phone from Tadem's hands.

"Hello?" She said into the phone once she's pushed it to her ear.

"Hey Holly, I was just calling to say that your bus arrest is over seeing as its the last day, and you'll want to say goodbye to everybody." Holly clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from squealing. "So you won't get into trouble if you leave your bus," he said, and hung up. Holly grumbled, she didn't like how American's never said goodbye before they hung up their phones, she thought it was extremely rude.

"Tadem, i'm going out!" She said, throwing the phone down on top of the kitchen counter.

"Bus arrest Holly, you'll get into trouble." Holly laughed and jumped excitedly into the air.

"That owner dude said Im off bus arrest because its the last day and I want to say goodbye to my friends." Tadem laughed, and patted Holly's shoulder because she was still jumping around in excitment.

"Okay then," she sighed, "you go have fun. Avara's over at catering with Kent and Austin." Holly furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side in confusion. Tadem laughed, knowing what Holly was thinking. "Jonathan, Caleb and Kyle are in an interview along with Travis, Alex, Rian, Hayley and Katy. They probably wont be back for a while, it's supposed to be a pretty intense interview"

"Why the random bandees?" Holly asked. She was still really confused. Tadem laughed and shrugged her shoulders before she grabbed a caprisun from the fridge, and went back into the back lounge slurping noisily at it. "I'm going!" she hollared after her.

"Heard you the first time," Tadem hollared back. Holly left the bus grumbling about the rudeness of her fellow band mates.

- † -

Avara sighed. She had her face resting in her palm, which was obviously resting on her wrist, on her arm, which was on her elbow, which was on the table she was sitting at under the catering tent. With her other hand, she drew random pictures with her finger on the table as she zoned in and out of the conversation she was apparently having with Austin and Kent.

"And, well, we have your myspace, and your twitter, and your facebook," Austin was saying. Eating and talking obviously wasn't his strong point, seeing as he had food all around his mouth and in his beard.

"And your phone number," Kent added.

"And your phone number," Austin nodded in agreement.

"Mmhmm," Avara mumbled, keeping her eyes on the plastic of the tabletop. She didn't want them to see that her eyes were brimming with tears. These past few weeks had been the best of her life and she had made so many friends. As soon as she got back to Australia, she knew everyone would forget her. To start off with, they'd myspace eachother and facebook eachother and tweet eachother, but after a while it would get less and less until they lost all contact. She knew nothing would be the same when the plane she was going to be on that night hit the tar-mac in Perth, everything would change. She sighed again and zoned back out of the conversation.

"Don't cry Vara," Holly said, slipping into the chair beside her, "atleast we'll be able to see the Short Stack boys for our December tour." Avara shrugged and let her head hit the table with a thump. "Hey," Holly said suddenly, "how come no one from our band was invited to the interview?!" She exclaimed angrily. She didn't know why, but this interview was confusing her alot... Still.

"I dunno, maybe it was a su-" Kent shoved his hand over Austin's face and grinned at Avara and Holly. Avara lifted her head and raised her eyebrows at the two of them.

"What do you two know, that we don't?" She snapped. Austin put his phone to his ear and started talking really fast, to know one obviously, but he didn't know that they knew that.

"Okay, we'll be there soon, okay, okay, maybe, chicken or ham? Soundcheck, okay, bye." Holly and Avara raised their brows as Kent and Austin stood up and started walking, and eventually running away. "We'll see you guys later."

- † -

"Hey guys, we're Kill Barbie," Holly told the crowd in front of her with a sigh of content. She was happy with the way the tour had panned out for her band. Except for the whole situation with All Time Low of course. "So today's the last day of tour. Tonight, Kill Barbie are leaving the US of A, and heading back to Australia." There was a chorus of boo's from the crowd. "We'll miss you guys too!" She told them, frowning so that she wouldn't cry in front of a few hundred people.

"Holly, quit procrastinating," Avara laughed, "these kids wanna hear a song."

"You reckon?" Holly asked, turning to look at Avara slightly.

"Yes siree I do." Holly laughed and opened her mouth to reply, but Avara shook her head and pretended to sing. "Do that, not talk." Holly laughed and nodded her head in agreement.

"This songs called 'Believing In Fairytales'." Tadem started drumming, while Avara, Harlee and Holly clapped their hands over their heads. Holly smiled and then opened her mouth to sing. "Living in a land where fairytales are nightmares, and reality is rare..." Holly sang. The three guitar players bought in their guitars. Holly grinned and took her bass off of her shoulders, and handed it two Travis who was going to play that while she ran around the stage with just a microphone. This was the best set the band had, had so far while on tour.

Halfway through the third song, about a hundred people ran on stage, and started singing along with Holly. Katy, Cassadee, Travis Clark and Hayley stood either side of her, singing into her microphone. Jack, Rian, Zack, Travis, Travis, Gabe, Jonathan and the rest of their bands except Alex, were there too, and were all dancing and singing along on a huge stage like thing on the stage behind Tadem and her drums.

Holly started crying while she was singing, and looked at her other band members. She found Harlee in a balling mess, almost struggling to play her instrument. Avara was trying to remain calm and collected, but was slowly breaking and Tadem was trying to kick Jack out of the way with her spare foot. Avara, apparently giving up on looking calm, dropped her guitar, threw her pick to the crowd, and rubbed tears out of her eyes. She sobbed as she ran toward Jonathan, whom she had been trying to avoid the last few days, and flung her arms around his neck. She sobbed a 'sorry for avoiding you', and Jonathan laughed and told her it was okay before leaning down to kiss her.

The whole crowd burst into 'Awwww's as they kissed. The noise randomly got louder and there was a bunch of people wolf whistling. Avara thought this was weird, because she thought everything was supposed to mute when you were kissing someone you really liked. Wasn't the whole world supposed to pause like her and Jonathan were the only two on it. She broke away from Jonathan and joined in the wolf whistling when she saw Holly locking lips with Kyle. Holly broke away and looked over to Avara, and they both giggled and blushed, before looking away shyly. They both made a mental note to write this down as their best live performance ever.

- † -

"Have you even finished packing your shizzle yet?" Holly asked Avara as she attempted to zip shut her bulging suitcase. Avara was lying in Holly's bunk watching her pack lazily.

"Yep," she nodded, letting her foot dangle loosly from the bunk.

"I've been on bus arrest, yet you've finished packing before me?" Holly asked in disbelief, still tugging on the zip. "You speedy Gonzales you."

"No," Avara shook her head while she giggled, "You've been on bus arrest and you still leave it 'till the last minute to pack." Holly prepared for a tug so big, that when she yanked on the zip, she fell over backwards and Avara burst out laughing.

"What's going on?" She heard Harlee yell from somewhere in the bus. Most likeley the kitchen, as thats where you'd usually find Harlee.

"Holly can't shut her suitcase," Avara called back.

"Soup case?" Harlee said, popping her head down the bus.

"Suit Case[/i[," Avara laughed, "your always thinking with your gut Harls."

"Oh," Harlee sighed. She walked over to Holly and sat on her suitcase, helping her tug it shut. "I'm so hungry. They cleared out ALL of the food!" Harlee got up and climbed into the bunk behind Avara.

"Who did?" Holly asked standing her suitcase up, and shoving her iPod, phone, a book, some lollies and gum, a hoodie and a sleeping mask into her back pack.

"I don't know," Harlee shrugged. Holly sighed and wheeled her suitcase, and all of her things to the back lounge room; Harlee and Avara followed with their things. "We're leaving in like, ten minutes." Holly sighed and left the bus. "Where are you going?"

"Everyone will be at catering, i'm going to say goodbye," she replied, and she was right, everyone was at the catering tent, eating anything and everything while they consumed mass amounts of alcohol.

"Holly!" Hayley yelled from the otherside of the tent. She was sitting with her rocker boyfriend Chad from New Found Glory. Holly smiled and walked over to her so that she could give her small friend a tight hug. "I'll miss you so much Holly-Polly!"

"I'll miss you to Hayley-Wayley!" The rest of Kill Barbie showed up, and everyone said their goodbyes. Holly hugged Jack last, after finding him in a corner with an apple. She then everyone followed the other girls from Kill Barbie back to their bus to wave goodbye as their bus drove out and away from the last venue Kill Barbie had played for the Vans Warped Tour.

Holly sighed as the last person disapeared through the gates and Avara wrapped her arm around Holly's waist tightly. She then dropped her head down onto her shoulder with a thud. Holly giggled.

"Did you see Kyle?" She asked. Holly shook her head numbly. She hadn't seen Kyle since their set had finished. He had given her a kiss, a hug and told her he'd never forget her, then he walked away and she hadn't been able to find him after that. "Oh," Avara sighed, "that really sucks Holly." Holly nodded and let her eyes close in fear she would begin to sob. She didn't want whatever was between Kyle and her disolve into nothing, she thought she was beging to really really fall for him.

"We're just pulling into LAX now, get ready, a lot of fans have come to see y'all off," Jake called. Holly and Avara stood up and went to get their things from the back lounge.

"Goodbye bus!" Holly cried, "I'll miss you!" Avara hugged Holly, and Holly hugged the kitchen counter. Tadem and Harlee giggled and hugged the counter too. Avara unwrapped her arms from Holly's waist, and grabbed her things. Holly sighed and went to put her backpack onto her back, she picked up her three shoulder bags, and put her hand on her case handle.

The four girls walked side by side into the airport, smiling at their fans, signing things occasionally, and pulling out their passports, which were stamped fairly quickly seeing as how they wanted to get out of the masses of screaming fans, and onto the plane. Before they knew it, they had said goodbye to Jake, and were sitting side by side on the huge plane directed to Perth, Western Australia in first class.

"You know guys," Holly said, "I think that may have been the start of a very successful career in music. And, I think that was the best American summer cross Australian winter." Avara, Harlee and Tadem nodded their heads in agreement.

"Know what Holly?" Avara sighed, resting her head back on the seat and closing her eyes, "I think you may be right."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last chapter.
Kill Barbie aren't in America anymore.
Read the sequel, to find out more....

Louise and Kayla.

We chose to have '20' chapters in this story for a reason.
'20' in roman numerals is 'XX'.
People usually write 'XX' at the end of letters and things.
We thinks its very fitting.