Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Oh, It's you

Interesting, I looked around the airport, JFK to be precise, my suitcase by my side, blankly staring at the ceiling.
"Boo!" Lauren C called, I turned around,
Remind me again, why do we have to have the same name, like seriously? It's confusing most of the time, at least she's started to call me Alice like everyone else, phew.

"What?" I snapped, she raised an eyebrow,
"Who didn't get any sleep?"
I glared at her, You won't sleep again if you don't shut up. "Me. I'm jet lagged."
She nodded, "Me too."
I sighed, heavily, I felt shit.

"My six over here!" My teacher called, I walked over, my suitcase threatening to kill me, like ugh.

As we walked to meet our tour-guide, who had introduced himself as Ronnie, he was cool, really funny already, we got on the bus, of course, Lauren sat beside me, It was confusing having the same damn name as her.

"Achoo!" I screamed, as I sneezed for what must have been the hundredth time, how I hated having a cold, but I would only have to get a cold coming to New York, Truthfully I felt like I had been pulled through a field by the head backwards.
"And you'll see that the following building, Thrump towers hotel, the Jonas Brothers stay there." Ronnie said, the whole bus filled with screams, I sat with my arms crossed frowning, whilst Lauren C had a fit, like the others.


"We're going to find a restaurant, everybody is to wrap up well, it's freezing out, and it's absolutely important you stay with us." My teacher was saying.

As we walked out into the cold, my teacher turned around and spotted me, "You okay Lauren?"
No. I'm absolutely fucking shit. I'm jet lagged, cold, sick and my ear still hasn't popped from the plane.
"I've felt better."
She frowned, "We'll see if we can get you anything for it."
I just nodded, one of the teachers behind me, pulled up my hood, my coat went down to my knees, and the hood was all furry, so right now, I couldn't see where I was going, how handy?

"What would you do if we saw a Jonas Brother right now?" I asked Lauren C, she sighed,
I rolled my eyes, okay they were okay, I used to like them, but I had a very strong opinion on the break-up with Taylor, I was completely team Swift, she was my favourite singer, and to admit it I was pissed off with Joe.

I kept looking down at the pavement as we walked I heard a few girls squeal and I rolled my eyes, I was getting a headache.
Lauren C had disappeared, so I shrugged and looked around, seeing some teachers crowding around her.
I walked forward still with my head down, until some mentally challenged idiot walked right into me, "Sorry" I mumbled.
"It's okay, my fault." A voice said, for some reason I knew I had heard it before.
Yeah, completely your fault. I looked up and pulled my hood down, seeing Joe Jonas stand in front of me, I frowned and stood straighter, "Oh.It's you." I said bitterly.
He looked as though he had seen a ghost, as soon as I pulled down my hood his mouth had dropped open, and he hadn't moved since, maybe he was shocked a teenage girl didn't actually like him. heaven forbid that.
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Okay, I only got back from NY this morning, and I'm pretty jetlagged, I'll try update tomorrow, it might be better after some sleep.