Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Stage Dive

Emily followed Joe, and as soon as they left the room, she started talking to him, a wide smile on her face, I think I caught the words, "You should get Oidz, she might hurt you less."
I didn't know what his answer was, but right now, I was on Rachael watch, to be honest, I really didn't want her setting the theater on fire, or bombing it, or finding a gun..or any of the numourous things that Rachael would actually be capable of. I shuddered at the thought.
I noticed Big Rob continuously checking up on us, I couldn't blame him either, and seeing as Emily had decided to abandon me here for Joe, I was the one with a responsibility to not let the Jonas Brothers get killed, big responsibility that, Believe it or not..
"I'm not okay,I'm not okay,Well, I'm not okay,I'm not o-fucking-kay,I'm not okay!" Rachael started to sing, I saw Rebecca look around, but settled for watching the huge T.V that had perfect view of the stage, "I pity them." She said shaking her head with mock-sadness.
I raised an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Because they actually payed to get in to this overcrowded theatre, to listen to three tone deaf frogs." She said calmly, "And I forgot my fucking iPod."
I stared at her, "Well you used to love them."
"That was ages ago!"
"Fine fine.."
"And now I'm stuck listening to the 'Froggy Brothers' or 'The Tone deaf Brothers'. Whatever you want to call them." She said, sighing heavily.
"The Jonas Brothers." I said quietly.
"I thought you didn't like them!?!"
I took a deep breath, "I don't like Joe, But their music is okay every now and then."
Rebecca's mouth opened, but then, everything went black.
A few seconds, minutes, hours- I really don't fucking know, okay? I opened my eyes, a throbbing pain in my head, the room was empty.
"Fuck!" I screamed, they were gone, which may possibly mean every single one of the Jonas Brother's lives were like...close to ending.
Where was Emily when you wanted her?
I ran out of the green room, after looking at the T.V for a second, well, at least they were all still alive. Just about.
I looked around, I had such a headache.
When- although I had a very good idea of what had happened- Rachael would be dead, so would Rebecca, and if Emily doesn't appear, to save Joe's ass within the next five seconds, I'll have many people on my list to kill.
"Oh my gosssshhhh!" I heard a high pitch voice scream.
Follow the fan girls...that shouldn't be here.
I walked along, and my eyes almost popped out of my head, there were at least 50, very scarily silent fans waiting behind the stage. "Oh dear god.." I mumbled.
Now this was worse than I imagined.
"Rachael." I hissed, no one looked.
A bright yellow t-shirt caught my eyes, "Hello Pickachu" I mumbled to myself, following her.
"We're going to meet the Jonas Brother eeeeeek!" I heard one fan say to another who was standing beside her, I started to realize something...Rachael must have threatened them, otherwise there would be no chance of them being so quiet.
I saw her heading around to where she could get out on the stage. I ran, now I had never been good at keeping my balance, so by the time I was a few seconds away from her, I had bumped into about five people, who each had coffee...I emphasize on the past tense..
I had knocked over a few lamps...I'd left a trail of destruction. It was then I saw Emily, and Emily had spotted Rachael, and had her eyes on her, glaring at her.
Joe was dancing around near the front of the stage, and Rachael had her eyes on him.

"You warned me that you were gonna leave, never thought you would really go, I was blind baby now I see..You broke your heart, now I know, that I was being such a fool, and I didn't deserve you, I don't want to fall asleep, 'cause I don't know if I'll get up..."

I saw Rachael smirk, as she started to step forward, I saw Emily move, "Rachael!" She hissed.
Rachael turned but, then ran, dancing out onto the stage, Nick's mouth dropped open, and he stopped playing guitar, Kevin looked up and saw Rachael and stopped playing too, Joe had stopped singing, and his face was now know in movies when someones about to get hit by a train, and their mouths wide opens, and there eyes wide, and they can't move?
Well..Joe was like that now, only it was Rachael coming for him, not a train.
I saw Big Rob run out on the stage, the crowd was stunned silent, music to my ears...
Everyone was staring mouths open wide.
"I told you, I would push you off a stage, and you wouldn't believe me!" She said laughing.
She pushed him, and he dived off the stage, a few of the more alert, surprising barbie blonde fans jumped over the barriers, to help him.
"Oh my dear god." I muttered, running out on the stage. Kevin ran over to me, while Rachael skipped off the stage after curtsying.
My mouth was wide open.
"Here." He said pushing a mic into my hands, I looked down at it, and back up at him,
"What am I supposed to do with this?"
"Sing." He said seriously.
"You want me to do what now..?"
" know lalala and all that, what we do for a living.." He explained slowly.
"I know what singing is..but for all you know I could be horrid."
"I just know that you're not."
He shrugged "Joe told me."
I bit down on my lip, I was soo being stalked. "What do you want me to sing? and Why?"
"I want to go and see is Joe okay, and so does Nick, so sing whatever you want."
He'snot dead is he?"
"No, he's not. She's just knocked him out is all.."
"I know the feeling..." I said, rubbing the bump on my head.
Kevin put his hand on my arm, "I'll be back before you finish singing, I just need to check he's alright."
I nodded, Great....I'm the only one on the stage.
The guy who played one of the instruments came over to me, "What are you going to sing?"
He just stared at me.
"O-our song.."
"In case you hadn't noticed, we aren't a country band."
I stuck my tongue out at him.
He took no notice.
"White Horse, It can be played on piano."
I saw him frown, he knew he had no excuse now. "Fine."
"Teenage mind." I muttered, as I walked out on stage, everyone just stared at me.
"Um...well hi..I guess..I'm going to sing for you, don't worry, you'll have your Jonas' back in a second!" I called out smiling, and the screams were deafening. I knew it was nothing to do with me, just the fact they were getting the Jonas Brothers back as soon as I was finished..
I heard the intro, and just went for it, "Say you're sorry, that face of an angel comes out just when you need it too. As I pace back and forth, 'cause I honestly believed in you." I sighed, walking across the stage, not really paying attention to the crowd that was now silent.
I was about to open my mouth when I head guitar and drums-that were no way part of this song, but I recognized it straight away.
Now I know,
That I can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your,

And I know.
There's nothing I can say.
To change that part.
To change that part.
To change.

There was only one thing that I knew, Rachael was behind this.
All eyes were on me, "Ummm....I'm going to go, and um..see what's up with..." I didn't finish my sentence, but when I was running offstage, I bumped right into Kevin, He was strong, but I ended up on on my butt.
He laughed lightly, and slightly nervous. Hm, I would too, when there was a thirteen year old trying to kill you and ruin your career all in the one go, and at the moment doing a very very good job at it.
He held out his hand, and I took it, and he helped me up.
"My Fault." He said, his voice was cracking, he was nervous.
"Joe okay?"
He nodded, "Emily's looking after him."
"What are we gonna do?"
"Try catch her, and put her in a strait jacket." He said quickly.
I looked at him, he wasn't joking.
"Where is she?"
"Somewhere controlling the music."
I bit my lip.
"Come on" He said taking my hand and pulling me out onto the stage, everyone started to cheer as we came on, and Nick appeared.
Kevin bit down on his lip, and he was holding onto my hand tightly, not that I had any objection to that..
He looked at Nick and nodded, "We're so so sorry for all that has happened tonight." Kevin started off.
"Yeah, and we'd like to say that Joe is okay, but since the show was almost finished bar two songs, I'm sure you're okay if we have a singer replacing Joe's parts?" Nick asked the crowd.
The crowd all smiled, and there were cheers.
Kevin nodded at Nick, and looked down at me, squeezing my hand, the My Chem music had stopped. "Her name is Lauren!" Kevin called.
To my surprise there were cheers.

When we walked back into the green room afterwards, Kevin holding my hand still, I saw Rachael walk in, not really bothered, until she looked at Emily, who was sitting at Joe's side, holding hands with him, her glare was harsh.
Rachael took a step back, it wasn't hard to hear the seriousness in Emily's voice.
I looked up at Kevin, he was biting his lips, okay Rachael hadn't succeeded in killing them, but she'd still try. I saw Nick watching them both carefully, and Big Rob in the door, he looked tired, and I really couldn't blame him, she could be counted worse than a fan-girl.
Rachael nodded once, then smiled, "I enjoyed that concert!"
Emily shot glares at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
An update, at last (:
Dedicated to Rachael, I love you-in a garlic way (:
During this chapter, I found out that the Jonas Brother's were coming to Ireland!! How great is that?!