Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Big Oops, Maeve, Big Oops.

I woke up the next morning, after the major..Okay, that's an understatement, but just roll with last night.
The room was silent, scarily silent. I sat up and looked around, Rachael's and Emily's beds were empty. Oh god, who's dead?
I jumped out of my bed, not bothering to get changed, I was sure that the Jonas' wouldn''t be coming around here any time soon, I was expecting Maeve to be able to come around today, I hadn't seen her in days!
I walked into the kitchen, but on the way, I passed Rachael, who was on the computer, with an unbuttered bagel by her side, and Emily, who was watching t.v. with a few Pop Tarts at her side.
I sighed, I would have to choose cereal today, as there were no knives, none at all, Like hide some in the press next time?
I pulled out the bowl, and poured the cereal into it, but before I could even finish that, I heard a knock on the door, and of course, no one else moved, so I would have to answer it, I just hoped to god it wasn't the Jonas was in old pajamas and my hair was a fluff ball at the moment.
I walked over to the door and answered it, seeing Maeve, and Nick.
Maeve was a bright red, trying to hide laughter, and Nick, he just looked extremely embarrassed.
Then I noticed he was wearing a dressing gown, and his hair was wet, I couldn't help it my eyes just widened, looking at them both, I was worried that maybe I had figured out why Maeve was bright red, but I don't think that would be true..
Nick coughed lightly, "Um, Maeve...was looking for you."
I nodded, "I guessed..."
It was very awkward, wouldn't it be awkward for you if your friend was guided to the door by a star that looked as though he'd just been in the shower.
"I'm going to..go...see you later Lau." He said quietly, then looked at Maeve, "Maeve, see you soon." He said quietly.
Maeve nodded softly, "Sure, and sorry.."
He nodded, then disappeared in the direction of his room.
"What happened?" I demanded as I shut the door.
" walked into the wrong room.."
"No way...Never would have guessed that one.." I said sarcastically.
"Fine, do you want to know what happened?"
She rolled her eyes, "Well...I went into their room, thinking it was yours, it was unlocked because Joe's gone running, and everything was really quiet, so I thought you were all still in bed, but then I heard the shower, and I was making my way to the bedrooms, to like surprise you...and then Nick walked out of the bathroom, with a towel around him." She said calmly. "I can honestly say, I was shocked, like I thought you hated them, then it struck me, I was probably in the wrong room, but that was after I had a total fan girl moment, and fainted." She took a breath, with no signs of stopping. "He picked me up, but oh my god, Lauren!! I've always been a fan of Nick, and to just see him there....ahhh!"
I laughed, "You seem happy"
"My dreams have come through.." She said dreamily.
I bit my lip.
"You know what?" Rachael said, coming up behind me. I didn't just's an optical illusion..
Maeve looked at her.
"I'd much rather see Joe right now."
Maeve's eyes widened, "I though you hated him?!"
Rachael rolled her eyes. "Sick minded child."
Maeve just stared at her.
"I'm not talking about seeing him half naked wrapped in a towel. Just to see him, to hurt him. I pushed him off the stage last night." She said proudly.
"Right! Where's your iPod?!" I heard Emily shout from the sitting room.
Rachael turned around, "In my pocket, hah!" Then she turned, calmly back to Maeve and I.
"So as I was saying...He was unconscious too!"
Maeve nodded slowly, trying not to look freaked out.
"Shut up!" Rebecca growled, walking out of the bedroom.
I had come to learn she was not a morning person, and would gladly slice off your head if you annoyed her. Pity there were no knives here...actually scratch that, someone would be already dead.
"Morning darling!" Emily greeted, still watching t.v. and eating Pop Tarts.
"You know what?" I said loudly, so they would hear me.
"What?" The four of them asked in unison.
"Everyone in this room seems to have multiple personality disorder!"
"Get over it." Rebecca mumbled, walking towards the kitchen.
I sighed, and walked into the living room, suddenly feeling like this was going to be a really long day.
Emily was giggling to herself. "What's so funny?" I needed cheering up anyway.
"I have a date!!!!!!" She screamed.
Maeve looked over to her, "With who?"
"Sir Joe Jonas!" She said, now happy dancing around the room.
I heard Rebecca bang a few doors in the kitchen, in other words, be quiet.
Rachael growled, "He's soo dead."
Maeve stared at her, mouth opened wide.
I grinned, "Congrats!"
Emily was jumping around, "Yay, yay, yay!!"
"I'm going back to bed." Rebecca mumbled, still half asleep.
"Emily?" Rachael asked innocently.
"Does this mean I'm never going to be able to hurt Joe again?"
"Yes, It does."
Rachael shook her head, and as she walked out of the room, I could swear I heard her mumble; "Too bad, he's getting killed." Under her breath.
"Hey, you and Kevin seemed pretty close after the concert last night?" Emily asked, but she was still dancing with joy.
I shrugged, "He's a really cool guy." I said softly.
Maeve was just looking at both of us with wide eyes, "I've missed so much!"
Emily nodded, "Yep, did see Nick half naked."
"Well...yeah, but that was like a major oops moment.." She said, trying to defend herself.
"Mhmm, suuure." Emily said.
"Now we know you're lying." I said, trying to hold back a laugh.
She sighed, "Fine then."
Emily sighed, "Mrs Emily Jonas...what do you guys think?"
"It's fitting.." I mumbled.
Maeve just laughed.
"You two are just jealous." Emily retorted.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Because Kevin hasn't asked you out, and Maeve because Nick wasn'-"
"Shut up Emily." Maeve said quickly.
"You did not just go there." I hissed.
"I believe I did."
"Wow." Maeve whispered.
"Ugh, I'm going to have a shower."
"Your hair is everywhere.." Emily said truthfully.
"I'm tired!!"
"We should go to Starbucks."
"Go shower."
I stuck my tongue out at her, walking out of the room.
I heard Emily and Maeve talking, and I passed Rachael on the computer, "Oh I've got it!" She said happily as I passed. "What?" I asked cautiously.
"I know how to get a weapon."
Uh-oh.. ""
"Ask Kevin." Rachael said happily.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll update tomorrow, but now I'm going to sleep, it's 1:44, I'm also hyper :P
Also, Starbucks=Hilarious, I get extremely hyper on Starbucks, to be seen in the next chapter (: