Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Starbucks, dun dun dun.

As soon as I was finished in the shower, and dressed with my hair straight, I walked into the sitting room, where Emily and Maeve were talking quietly with each other, Rachael was still on the computer, and Rebecca was in the kitchen
I looked around, "I think I'll go for a walk." I said quietly.
No one looked up or answered, "You know it's just brilliant to feel invisible."
And again I was ignored, "Fine then, if you think I'm still here, tough luck." I said, asI walked out the door, and banged it, "Urrrgh!" I growled, as I turned around, not looking where I was going, I walked straight into someone, and like last night, ended up on my butt, holding my head, I could swear, I'll fall down like fifty flights of stairs next, "Sorry!" I mumbled, as I started to stand up, a hand appeared before me, and the world was spinning too.
"It's part my fault too." The musical voice said, as I took his hand, he helped me up, it was Kevin.
I shook my head, "If I had have looked where I was going.."
"Shh, it's okay. So where are you heading?" He asked lightly.
"A walk, I guess. Meaning I'll get lost, and the aliens will take me, and no one will ever see me again." I said quietly, "You?"
He stared at me for a minute, "I was going to go to Starbucks...but aliens sound cool." He said teasingly.
I rolled my eyes. "Will you not get attacked by fan-girls?" I teased.
He shrugged, "Starbucks is only around the corner, and most fan-girls would be in school right now, plus if I get attacked, you do too."
I laughed, "So is that an invite?"
"You could call it one." He grinned.
"Starbucks with Kevin Jonas, sounds brilliant."
"You're not doing anything?" He asked.
I raised an eyebrow, "Well, at the moment I'm not saving a Jonas concert, so nope. I'm all yours." I said lightly, yes, I know I'm a terrible flirt.
He grinned, "lets go."
"Get attacked." I added in.
He chuckled, "You know, you're really pessimistic?"
He just shook his head.
"No tell me?"
"You just always seem depressed, like as though you're going to jump off a cliff or something, it's hard to explain." He said quietly, "I don't mean any offence."
I looked up at him, and sighed, "You could be right." I said quietly, walking by his side.
"I thought so." He said quietly. "But just so you know, I am always here, if ever you feel like it's too much, you know that right?"
I looked down at the steps we were walking down, this was the oddest conversation I ever thought I would have, well then again, I never ever expected to be standing next to Kevin Jonas, Or trying to stop Rachael from killing them daily.
"That's so nice, and I'll take that into account."
He nodded as we got to the lobby, I saw a few heads turn, but I didn't really care, I was actually wearing nice clothes today, thanks to that shopping trip yesterday.
He nodded as we walked out of the hotel.
I looked around, self conscious.
"Have you ever had Starbucks before?" He asked.
"No, in my town back in Ireland, the nearest one is an hour away, a car journey hour, not walking." I mumbled, sullenly.
He looked shocked, "Wow, I'm taking you to Starbucks every day." He said seriously.
I giggled, "Oh what will happen when I leave?" I felt sick when I said that, I didn't want to leave, at all.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." He said quietly.
I didn't say anything, I just walked alongside him.
He started to sing a song under his breath, I honestly didn't recognize it. "What's that your singing?" I asked.
He shrugged, "Just random ideas for a new song." He said, looking directly at me.
I watched him, his gaze was gentle, but still, I liked it.
"We're here." He said, as we rounded the corner, seeing the Starbucks.
We walked in, I decided to get a cappachino, "What's your order?" The bored looking guy asked.
"A croissant and a cappachino please."
"Your name?" He asked. What a random question.
"Croissant." I said, thinking he had said what did I want.
"No your name?" He asked confused.
"Your name?"
"Oh..Lauren." I said embarrassed, Yes, I did just call myself a croissant.
I saw Kevin laugh to himself, I rolled my eyes.
"Hello Croissant." Kevin said teasingly, as we walked out of Starbucks, he had coffee, I had cappachino.
"Hello Mr.Rockstar." I retorted.
I saw him roll his eyes, "I'm not letting this down, Croissant."
"I won't stop Rachael from killing Joe the next time, Rockie."
"Drink your Starbucks, Croissant."
I stuck out my tongue, childishly. But took a sip from the cup. And that was that, I just started laughing, at nothing!
He watched me. "Please tell me you're not high on Caffeine?"
I just laughed. "No..." I said in between laughs. Yes
"Oh dear..."
"Yeah?" I asked, not really paying attention, I was still laughing.
He laughed, "So you're my 'dear' now?"
"I'd love to be." I admitted.
He laughed, "Giving you cappachino, is like playing a game of truth, you are so honest when you're high."
"I'm not high." I retorted.
"Really? What are you laughing at?"
I was still giggling lightly. "Umm..."
"See, nothing, you're high on happychino."
"I didn't order happychino...there's no such thing."
"It makes you happy, I renamed it."
"Ohhhh" I mumbled, taking another sip, which lead to more giggles.
He laughed, "It's nice seeing you smile."
I grinned at him, "Glad to be of service."
He chuckled, as we walked into the hotel lobby. I had the feeling my stomach that at least five photographers/Video men had caught us on camera, but who really cares? I didn't, not anymore. Kevin was so down to earth.
"I wonder will there be any almost-massacres today?" He asked, as we got intot he elevator, I was still sipping my 'Happychino.'
"It'll all be revealed, I guess."
He chuckled. "Bring on the day." He said sarcastically.
"Is Nick hiding out?" I asked.
At this Kevin laughed, "Yes, from both Maeve and Rachael now."
"Maeve isn't that bad, but on the Rachael count, he really dug his grave pranking her about Gee." I sighed, "She worships him, no joke."
Kevin laughed, as we walked out of the elevator. "Doesn't surprise me."
I shook my head, "Would you like to come in?" I asked.
I grinned at him, and he smiled back, I stick the key into the door, and opened it, I then wished I hadn't.
"IF YOU GO NEAR HIM AGAIN, I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE, AND ROLL YOU IN SALT!" I heard Emily scream as I walked in, to see Joe sitting beside her, Rachael with what looked like a sharp object, Maeve and Rebecca were by the computer.
I then noticed Joe was holding his arm.
"Well it's not my fault that he got in the way when I walked past him with a really sharp compass, is it?"
"It is actually, because you fucking did it on purpose." Emily growled.
"I never said that though, you have no proof." Rachael said, sticking out her tongue.
"Oh, so now sticking a fucking compass into someones arm is not counted as 'on purpose'?" Emily asked.
"Not when it's a Jonas Brother."
"Mmhm, lovely, and on the menu today, Rachael. They'll just adore that Emily."
Emily glared at her, "Lay another finger on him, and you're dead pigeon feed."
I sighed, "This answers your question?" I asked Kevin.
He nodded slowly, "Do you want to come back to my room, it'd be quieter, and so much less dangerous."
I nodded, "I think the high of Starbucks ran out the minute I walked in here." I mumbled.
"I know the feeling."
"They didn't even notice me here."
"Or me."
I sighed, opening the door. "Don't kill anyone!" I shouted as I banged the door behind me.
"Urgh, I have a headache now."
"Couldn't blame you."
I laughed lightly following him.
As we entered the room, he hit the switch on the radio, and one of the most catchiest songs came on.

Down a back road
Long, hot summer
A couple kids runnin' loose and wild
He kissed her
She said mister,
Take an inch and I'll give you a mile

I ain't here to do anything half-way
Don't give a damn what anyone might say
I just wanna free fall for a while

That rebel moon is shinin'
Those stars burn like diamonds
Hell bent on chasin' down that crazy slide
I'll follow you where you're leading
To the first sweet taste of freedom
You got me runnin' baby,
Wild at heart

About midnight, he tells her
I ain't got no come-on lines
Well I'll love you, or I'll try to
We got nothing to lose but time

Stick your hand into my back pocket
Light me up like a bottle rocket
I just wanna free fall for a while....

He noticed my pre-occupied expression, "You like country?" He asked.
"Yeah! But this song is so good!"
He chuckled, "The band are opening for Taylor."
"Swift? As in my favourite singer?"
He nodded.
"I need to go to her concert, but she hasn't came to Ireland yet."
I saw him hesitate, before he stood in front of me, the song still playing in the back round, "I could always take you to one." He said seriously, watching me.
"As in a date?" I blurted out.
He nodded, "What would you say?"
I stared at him for a second, "Yes!"
He grinned, "Great!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm alive....sorry I haven't posted in a while, I haven't been in an anyway remotely funny mood lately, still not, but it's getting better.
For anyone that was wondering, this is the morning of the third day.
Plus I have many many tricks up my arm, for ideas for this.
The song, Wild at Heart, by Gloriana, It's been pretty much the inspiration for this chapter...thank Taylor Swift, she had it in her latest Myspace video, and because she's soo awesome, it has so cheered me up, and I've been listening to it for the last few hours, you so should listen to it, also as if you haven't guessed, I'm dedicating this chapter to my idol, Taylor Swift, even though she'll most likely never see this, still. <-Wild at Heart.
~Croissant. ;-)