Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Oh My Gee

As we walked towards Starbucks, I couldn't help but laugh at how empty the mall was, I saw Kevin raise an eyebrow as he looked at me, "High at the thought of Starbucks now, are we?"
I shook my head, smiling up at him. "It's just the mall is so unnaturally empty, as though like there's been an explosion or something.."
He laughed, "You over-analyze things."
"I know.." I mumbled.
He chuckled, taking my hand in his.
I smiled, "Where do you think Rachael is?" I asked.
He made a face, "With Rebecca, we'll just have to watch for anything harmful, or flying daggers, whichever."
"Both." I said quietly.
"She's very violent." He said quietly.
"If anyone gets on my wrong side, I can very nearly kill them myself."
He raised an eyebrow,
"I'm serious."
"I believe you."
He chuckled.
We walked into Starbucks, and I saw the girl behind the counter gripping the table for balance, maybe it was best Joe and Nick weren't here, the poor girl certainly wouldn't be able to handle that without a concussion.
I smiled as I walked up to the counter. The smell of coffee alone was making me hyper.
The girl was looked at the two of us with wide eyes.
Kevin was looking up at the menu board. I smiled at the girl, but her eyes were on Kevin, who was trying to be oblivious to the stares.
"Wh-at...would. You...? I mean...what will you be doing....I mean...I'm a big fa- what's you're...order?" She stuttered, still watching him, I was invisible now.
He looked at her, shooting her a dazzling smile, "I'll have two cappuccinos, please."
"Oh...okay...One minute..." She said, casting a glare in my direction.
I was about to jump over the counter and give her a well earned concussion, or maybe it would be simpler to feed her to pigeons...No ideas....freak accident, attack of the birds..
He paid for us, and we sat in one of the tables by the wall, I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"So tell me, who're opening tonight?" I asked, curious.
"It's a secret."
"But Emily knows!" I complained.
"Because Joe's an idiot."
I sighed, taking a sip of the cappuccino, letting out a light giggle, no way as bad as last time...thankfully.
"What if Rachael tries to attack you again?"
He shrugged, "I doubt she'll be trying anything like that tonight."
I raised an eyebrow, "You got that strait jacket then?"
He shook his head, "Nope."
"men in white coats?"
"Nope." He said, grinning.
"Eww. No."
I laughed at his expression.
"Okay, I'm out."
"Then you'll just have to wait."
"Oh the horror!" I said, quickly.
He laughed, shaking his head, grinning at me.

As we walked back to the front doors, I could see Rachael, her arms crossed adamantly over her chest, glaring at Big Rob. I sighed.
"There is no way that you are searching me for 'sharp objects'!" I heard her say, as Kevin and I walked closer.
I bit my lip, Oops..
"It's for safety." I heard Big Rob say, amazingly patient.
"You are not touching me, neither are they."
I saw him roll his eyes, "Please, just no stupidity, they have a show tonig-"
"Yeah Yeah, and I have to be on my best behavior or else I won't be able to go, and if I'm not able to go, I'll regret it, and feed myself to the pigeons." She said in a flat voice, interrupting him.
He just nodded, "Yes. Exactly."
She rolled her eyes. "Can we just go?"
He nodded, walking out towards the car, I could see Emily over by a few flowers, with trees, that she was picking two or three leaves off, Joe at her side.
As we all got in the car, Emily sniffed her fingers, "Ooooh! My fingers smell like leaves!" She said, sounding hyper.
Everyone in the back of the car started laughing.
As we were on our way back to the hotel, I rested my head on Kevin's shoulder, closing my eyes, Rachael was being scarily quiet, I was afraid to actually drift off, after all, I didn't want a mass massacre to take place in the back of the car, that would be a knife in the back, literally.
As we arrived back to the hotel, we got out and as we were on our way up the steps, Kevin took my hand, "We're going to practice, we'll pick you up in an hour, then we'll head to the venue."
I nodded lightly, "We're going to bring Maeve back to her hotel, then we'll be back." I said quietly, he raised an eyebrow, "She's not coming to the concert?"
"No, she has to be back before six, but she'll be coming back tomorrow for her date with Nick."
I saw him smile, "I see."
"See you in an hour."
He kissed my forehead, and like before I saw the world spin. "See you."
I breathed in deeply, and as we walked towards the Comfort Inn, I noticed the others watch me, "What?" I asked.
"He so likes you!" Maeve said smiling.
I blushed, "I like him too."
"Great, just great." Rachael growled. I heard Rebecca mumble in agreement.
When we left Maeve off, we rushed back to the Trump Towers, we only had a half an hour to get ready, I groaned as the realization hit.
We ran up the steps, past multiple personality doorman guy, who let us in, without the hassle this time.
As soon as we got int the room, we scrambled for our clothes.
By the time the door knocked, we were just about ready.
All three of us were wearing pretty simple outfits
I rushed to the door, opening it, greeting Joe, Kevin and Nick, I heard Emily behind me, "JOEY!!" She called, running up to him and hugging him tightly, Nick laughed, watching Rachael carefully, she was walking towards them, slowly, with an evil smile on her face, she would seriously scare a nun.
Rebecca followed her, a bored look on her face.
I walked over to Kevin, who took my hand.
As we walked out to the car, I could hear the screaming fan-girls by the time we got to the lobby.
"Brace yourselves." Big Rob said lightly, as he pushed open the doors, leaving everyone half deaf by the time we managed to get to the car/limo/S.U.V, whatever you want to call it.
We were glad of the quieter car, definitely.
As we pulled up, Rachael was looking around, "Who are opening?" She asked, her voice curious, and relatively calm, for once.
"It's a secret." Joe, Kevin and Nick said in unison.
I rolled my eyes, and Emily laughed.
Rachael growled, that was a goodbye to the calm..
Kevin got out with me at his side, "Oh and by the way, you're singing with us tonight, just letting you know." He said grinning.
I stared at him with an open mouth, "I am?"
"Yep, when you look me in the eyes."
I looked up at him, and our eyes met, "I'm guessing I'll be looking at you the whole way through then."
He nodded, "And please, don't be worried about going home, we'll make this work." He whispered, squeezing my hand.
So he was the three legged fly..
I smiled weakly at him as we walked into the venue.
Backstage was cool. Admittedly.
Rachael was walking beside me, "Where are they, why won't you tell me? Why do you have to torture me? I've never had patience. Seriously, tell me who are opening."
I sighed, "I don't know either."
She looked at me, "Wow, I thought you did."
I shook my head, "I'm unbearably curious."
"You show as much emotion as a statue." She said watching me.
I stuck my tongue out at her, but her eyes were wide, and focussed on the small group of people before us, "OH MY GEE! IT'S GEE!!" She screamed.
The five people turned around, Gerard, Mikey, Frankie, Bob and Ray, and from the expressions on their faces, they were wondering if they should run or not.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I haven't updated in a day or two, loss.
Anyway, Rachael forced me to update this, happy now, Rachael?
Okay, so comments?
Sorry it's not the funniest, I'm not in the mood. Also the link for the outfits are in the story, :)
You like? *Begs you to comment* I'll give you a cookie :)