Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Now that's what you call Karma.

"I have an idea!" Emily said loudly, taking her eyes away from the stage,
Big Rob looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
I just stared at her.
"What's the idea?" Big Rob asked, seeing she was grinning at him.
"You have the authority to do anything right?" She asked him.
He made a face, "Most things...why?"
She grinned, "You lock Rachael in a room, and tie her up, then you don't have to worry about her hurting the others."
I stared at her, By most things...maybe not that?
He smiled slightly, "I'm allowed to do that....but how to we get her into the room?"
She grinned, "Cookies!"
He stared at her clueless, "Cookies?"
She looked thoughtful for a minute, "You're totally right...bribe her with MCR too, they can go in with her."
He looked at her thoughtfully, "Good idea."
"I know!"
He looked around, "Where is she?"
Emily and I both shrugged.
He rolled his eyes.
"The concert will be over soon.." Big Rob said, looking around, before poitning over to the corner, "They're there."
I turned around, then back at them, "And how are you going to lure her into the room?"
"Cookies!" Emily said happily.
"And is there cookies here?"
She pulled a packet out of her bag, "Never leave the house without them."
I stared at her, "Well you learn something new everyday.."
"You doo" She sang.
I saw Big Rob looking from me to her and back again, with an expression of pure confusion on his face.
"But if we tie her up here, we'd have to untie her and face her wrath then."
Emily looked thoughtful for a minute, "So, basically, what you're saying is, we lure her back to the hotel and keep her tied up for the rest of the trip?"
"Not in so many words.."
"Meaning yes, I suppose we could do that, but you'd have to grant us diplomatic emunity." She said lightly, looking up at him.
He stared down at her, "And diplomatic emunity does not give you the ability to kidnap Joe, and do what you'd like."
She tried to look innocent, "I wouldn't do much to him.."
"much.." I whispered.
She turned her head, and stuck out her tongue at me.
Rob was staring at us, "This could work, I guess." He said sarcastically.
Emily looked back at him, "But think about it, for one night at least you don't have to worry about her snaking in and killing them, I can smell the amount of coffee you drink, I have a nose."
He just watched her, speechless.
She looked up at him, waiting for him to say something.
"Well, if you're going to do that, you're allowed, but how are you going to get her back to the hotel?"
"Easy.." Emily said slowly, "Promise that there's a violent film, and mention she doesn't have to stay here until the meet and greets are over, she'll be putty in my hands."
He nodded, "I like the way you think."
She grinned, "It just means I get to spend time with Joe, without flying spoons or forks, you know?"
He nodded smiling,
"We'll be back before the concerts over, and if not, we'll see you there."
"See you." He answered, before looking back in the direction of the stage.
Emily grabbed my arm and pulled me over to Rachael, "Okay, keep a pokerface."
"Okay, just act like we're not going to tie her to a chair, I get you."
She laughed lightly, "Just keep it on the down low, she won't know what's hit her."
"Rope." I whispered.
"Du-uhh" She said, making it two syllables.
"Do you have rope?"
"Sure I do."
"Do you have Mary Poppins' bag?" I asked.
"Yes, but shh, it's a secret.."
I laughed, "You stole a bag."
"Off a magical nanny, that can fly, I'm sure she has plenty of bags like that."
"I suppose you do have a point.."
"I always do" She said lightly, "Hey, You! Pika! Hotel, Now. Horror movie, lots of gore and violence promised, coming?" She shouted towards Rachael, ignoring the other's confused expressions.
Rachael raised an eyebrow, "You're telling me..that your leaving a Jonas concert...early?"
Emily nodded.
"Holy Bejeebus, what did Joe do to you?"
I saw Emily try to hide a laugh, by coughing. "Nothing...he did nothing." she said quietly, "So are you up for an hour and a half of blood and guts?"
Rachael jumped up fast, "Hell yes!"
I smiled, this plan was flawless...
Rachael turned to Gerard and whispered something that neither of us caught, then walked to our sides, "Let's goo!"
We walked out, and used the limo back to the hotel.
As we walked up the steps, I thought I heard Emily laughing quietly to herself.
As soon as we got into the room, Emily looking as though she was re-inacting some kind of spy film, put a piece of tape over Rachael's mouth, and tied her hands behind her back, brought her over to the chair that she had used to secure Joe in the wardrobe, and tied her to that, then smiled, rubbing her hands together, "This my friend, is what you may call karma."
Rachael's eyes were no more than slits, and she hadn't stopped growling ever since Emily had tied her up.
Emily was smiling intently, while I was literally on the floor, holding my stomach laughing, sure I'd be murdered after, but I didn't care at this moment.
"Thanks for the agreement." Emily said to Rachael, smiling.
"Now, we're going back to the concert, and we'll be back soon, have fun, Karma's a great friend." She sang, as she helped me off the floor, and pulled me out of the room, locking the door behind her, and putting the key in her pocket. "I'm a mature third year." She said lightly, as we took the elevator downstairs.
"Yes, mature people tie people up and hold them hostage.."
"Don't forget, they also have Mary Poppin's bag."
"And we just couldn't forget that.." I mumbled, as we walked back out to the waiting limo.
When we arrived back at the concert, it sounded as though they only had about two more songs left to sing.
I looked around, "Em, MCR have disappeared."
She looked around, then shrugged, "Odd..but I'm sure we'll see them soon."
I nodded, "I guess your right."
"Always am."
Big Rob caught sight of us, and waved. We waved back, as we walked into the green room, watching the concert, Shall I rephrase..I watched the concert, Emily danced about singing along with the songs.
After the end song, they all ran into the green room, looking around, "We're missing something.."Kevin said quietly, looking around, looking slightly paranoid.
"No...Rachael's just not here, threatening to kill us." Nick said quietly, being his shy self.
Joe walked over to Emily's side, "Where is she?"
"At the hotel.." Emily mumbled.
He raised an eyebrow, "Why?"
"I...tied her to a chair."
All three in unison, burst into laughter, not believing her.
"She's being serious." I said quietly.
They looked up, "Wow, talk about karma." Joe said quietly.
"That's exactly what I told her!" Emily said, grinning at Joe.
He winked at her, and I saw her blush.
Nick looked around, "Maybe we should leave now then?"
I nodded, as did Kevin. Joe and Emily followed us out of the building, and we rushed to the limo. It was a quiet journey, quieter than normal.
When we arrived to the hotel, we saw a helicopter flying overhead, which looked rather like a government one, but I was probably just imagining things, as usual.
As we walked upstairs, we heard some sort of noise from near our room.
When we opened the door, we saw Rachael pointing at Mikey, "No, You go first."
"No, Ladies first."
"Go no-" She was cut off when she saw us. The look on her face, was rather like Oh shit.
"Give me the fucking rope." She muttered, taking it out of his hands, and jumping out the window, starting to scale down the building, I could almost feel my eyes drop out of my head.
I looked at Emily, "I thought you were meant to be the responsible third year?!"
She shot a glare at me, "And how would I guess MCR would come into the room via the air vents? And that she'd scale the building to escape?!"
"I don'-"
"Catch the rope, and help pull her up!" Kevin called, we just ran towards the rope, the five of us pulling back, whilst MCR watched, I was so weak, I was hardly able to lift a school bag, but the rope was thin, almost too thin to be climbing down a building with, and if one of us let go, and there was no one else well then...we would be pretty dead ourselves.
I heard Emily squeak, "Shit, crap, fuck, shit." She said quickly.
"The ropes ripping!"
"Yes, it is." She said, sounding stressed.
I bit my lip, then I felt the rope going limp in my hands.
We turned around, and started to run downstairs, taking at least five at the least at a time, I would admit, I fell down more than ran down.
I ran outside the hotel, the others were following us.
I ran around the corner with Emily, and saw a trampoline type thing, and a government car type thing, there right beside the trampoline, which was directly under the window where Rachael would have fallen out of, from way high up, was Rachael perfectly fine, talking to one of the people there, with a cup of coffee in her hands.
"Oh my god....I could have had a fucking heart-attack, and she's perfectly fine!" Emily said, sounding extremely pissed off.
Rachael skipped up to us, "Now that, my friends, is what you call karma."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm soo sorry I haven't updated all week, but I had writer's block, and tests, and wasn't feeling good. But here's the update, guess what chapter's next?!
Okay, so comments? Ideas? Anything?
Thank you to all the readers, and comments, and subscribers!
Dedicated to Emily, She gave me many ideas for this chapter, and the next. Thank you.