Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

So you carry her over the threshold already..

I opened my eyes, wrapped in Kevin’s arms. I’m not complaining… but I felt weird, as though it was a dream, but it seemed weird enough. I sat up, and noticed I was wearing a long t-shirt, and I saw my dress thrown on the floor, Oh please god no!
Kevin was sound asleep under the covers, I had to try and breathe. “Kevin!?” I whispered,
His eyes opened as he looked up at me, “What?”
“Something wonderful.” He said, closing his eyes again.
Shit, fuck, crap! I sat there staring at him, and looked down at my hand, I had to blink at least twice, where was my purity ring?!
I was on the verge of hysteria, “KEVIN?!”
He sat up, and as I saw more of him, I noticed he was completely shirtless. My eyes, right dropped out of my head.
“What?” He asked sleepily.
“Where is my ring?” I asked, then I looked down at his hand, and his ring was off too, “Where’s yours?!”
He stared at me confused, “We took them off for a reason…”
“Kevin! What happened?”
He put his finger over my lip, and pulled me down so that I was lying down, “Don’t worry, we used protection.” Then he fell asleep.


I sat upright in the bed, I was sweating, but it was just a dream, right? I looked down at myself, and I was wearing a huge t-shirt, and my dress was across the floor, I lay back down, my heart going way too fast, Kevin was beside me, but he was sound asleep. I put my hand over my face,
I felt Kevin turn around, “You’re awake?” He asked, his voice sleepy.
“I am.” I whispered. Although, maybe I may rather be dead right now.
“How do you feel?” He asked.
“About what?”
“After last night?”
Shit. “I don’t really remember anything..” I said truthfully.
“That’s explainable.” He said quietly, watching me.
“How?” I asked.
“Well…you did black out on me.”
I sat up, and I noticed he was watching me carefully, he was still wearing his purity ring, and I was still wearing mine, I stared at him confused, and he sat up, wearing a t-shirt.
He watched me, “I’m sorry about the t-shirt…I hope I didn’t freak you out, I just thought you’d be more comfortable in that?”
I felt as though I was going to cry, “Nothing happened?” I asked.
He watched me, “Meaning?”
“Like…last night..?”
“I kissed you and you blacked out, if that’s what you mean?”
“That’s it?” I asked.
He nodded, and pointed to his purity ring, and then to mine. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
I watched him, wanting to just hug him tightly.
“Why did you think that?” He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.
“I had…this dream where I woke up…and you…we…I…and then I woke up, and it was exactly like it, and I freaked out.”
He was staring at me, “I know you freaked out.”
I ducked my head, “Sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” He said quietly. “although it’s not like I haven’t thought about it..”
My mouth dropped open, “But…then…that would be called rape..”
He put out his hands, shaking his head, “NO! No, no, no. I would have..waited until you woke up, but I didn’t because I knew I’d just regret it.”
I got out of the bed, “You would have regretted it?!” I asked, in pure disbelief, “Thanks so much.” I said sarcastically, as I walked out the door, and across the corridor, where I knocked on our door, and Maeve answered, looking extremely pissed off, she glanced down at my clothes, which was an over-sized t-shirt, and raised an eyebrow, “It is not what you think.” I said, before walked into my bedroom and locking the door. As soon as I walked into the room, I got changed into a top with a lion on it, suited my mood.
When I walked out to the kitchen, Rachael and Rebecca were on the computer, watching something on you tube, and laughing, I glanced at the screen Jonas brothers falling off stage.
Quelle Surprise.
I went into the kitchen to get some cereal, although I wasn’t hungry, I had to act normal, Maeve walked in beside me and sighed, “What’s up?” I asked.
“Did you and Kevin…you know?” She asked, watching me.
I looked up, “No, No. Why?” I asked.
“But you two slept in the same bed?”
I nodded, “Sleeping in the same bed doesn’t mean you ‘sleep’ with him.” I said, showing her my hand with the purity ring still on.
She nodded, “I stayed with Nick last night” She said quietly, I was the only of my friends that actually wore a purity ring.
I raised an eyebrow, “Really?” I asked, pouring hot water in a mug of coffee.
“Yeah.” She said sadly.
“Tell me what’s up, you seem pissed.”
“He slept on the sofa.”
“At least Kevin stayed in the same room as you!”
“I’m older than you, it’s different.”
She sighed, taking my mug, “Well, I guess. Thanks for the coffee.” She said as she walked off in the direction of the dining table.
I watched her, “I wasn’t making it for you!” I said, as I took out another mug, and started making coffee.
When I was done with that I walked over to the dining table and sat beside Maeve, “Where’s Emily?”
She glanced up at me, “With Joe, still.”
I watched her, “They wouldn’t.” I said quietly.
She raised an eyebrow, and laughed quietly, without humour. “You know, I really wouldn’t put it past her, or him.”
I watched her, “You’d never know.” I whispered.
“We’ll see.” She said, as the door opened and Joe and Emily walked through holding hands.
“Told you.” Maeve said under her breath.
Joe and Emily sat down across from us, “Where’s Kevin and Nick?” He asked.
Maeve and I both shrugged in unison, “’Dunno.” We said together.
Joe watched us, “That, is scary.”
Maeve glared at him.
“It’s like I’m falling on broken glass, better believe I’m bleeding!” Rachael shouted, smiling slyly at Joe, they were watching the fall at the AMA’s.
Joe ducked his head, then picked the paper off of the table.
Rebecca laughed, but Rachael groaned, “No, No, no!!” She shouted, banging her head of the desk.
I looked over at her, as the door opened and Nick and Kevin walked in, Kevin looked over at Rachael, but as he was about to open his mouth, she turned around, and pointed at him, “YOU!” She screamed.
He put his hands up in front of his face, “What did I do? I just walked in!”
“You said you loved a ‘Rachael’ on live chat.”
He bit his lip, “If it makes you feel any better it was spelt with an ‘ael’ at the end not an ‘el’”
She banged her head on the desk, “That is how you spell my name, you dope!”
“Sorry is not good enough!” She screamed.
Joe who was intently reading the paper laughed. “Wow.”
I looked up at him, Emily was looking off into the distance.
“Well…Lauren, apparently you’re cheating on me with Kevin.” He said still reading the paper, “And I’m cheating on you with Emily.” He said, his shoulders shaking with laughter, “They’ve named it ‘Jonas love square’” He said, handing me the paper.
I glanced down at the front page, there was a picture of me holding hands with Joe from the first night I saw him, where he held my hand without my say so, the second was him and Emily in the movie theatre, with him putting on a Hannah Montana wig, the third was of me and Kevin kissing, and the fourth was of Kevin carrying me up the steps of the Trump Towers steps. I handed the paper back to Joe quickly.
Joe looked at me, and smiled, then glanced up at Kevin, “So you carried her over the threshold and you aren’t even married yet? Wow.”
Kevin glanced at Joe, “She fainted.”
“Oh.” Joe said quietly, then looked over at me, “You okay?”
“Yep.” I lied.
He nodded, “Cool.”
Nick sat beside Joe, and glanced at the front page, “Joe…why are you wearing a Hannah wig?”
Joe grinned at him, “Because I’m embracing my feminine feelings of my alter-ego.”
“Dude, You know that freaks me out.”
“Yap, I do.” He said, smiling at Nick.
Nick shook his head, as Kevin sat beside him, watching Joe with an eyebrow raised.
Joe looked at Kevin, “What…? You’re making me paranoid that I’ve forgotten pants or something.”
“Joe.” Kevin tried to word it carefully, “Where’s your purity ring?”
Joe glanced up at Kevin with wide eyes, I saw Emily shoot glares at Joe, and he jumped as though she had just kicked him under the table.
"I...I left it off when I showered..this morning."
Kevin raised an eyebrow at the petty excuse, Maeve was staring at them with wide eyes, and her mouth open, her actions mirroring Nicks.
I saw Rachael and Rebbecca turn around, being completely silent, watching Emily and Joe.
Emily stood up quickly, grabbing Joe by the collar of his shirt, "I'm hungry, Joe help me make breakfast." She said, dragging him into the kitchen.
I heard her bang the press doors, and the clattering of cups, and spoons. "Get us out of this one brainiac." She hissed loudly.
I heard him sigh, "I will, I am superman, remember?"
"Yes, you showed me that last night."
I glanced around the room, everyone's mouths were wide open, even Rachael's and Rebbecca's . I coughed loudly. "You guys know we can hear you two, right?" I called.
"Shit." Emily said,
"OW!" Joe shouted.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Hides behind bulletproof glass* DON'T shoot/eat me!
It may not even be what you think, like take the start of the chapter as an example. Okay?
Don't hurt me!
I'm afraid to ask...but comments?
Also, Happy easter for yesterday, I would have updated, but I started writing a few songs instead.
Also, the link to what they're wearing Their clothes