Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Interrupt me again, and I will eat you.

As soon as Rachael had screamed, a completely new nurse ran in the door, I think she could possibly have been an intern, she looked terrified and clueless. I would have to admit..It was kinda funny.
Rachael ran over to her, and grabbed her by the throat, “I NEED BLEACH” She screamed into the nurses face.
“I….don’t..h-h-have bl-each” The nurse stuttered, absolutely terrified.
Rachael let go of her slowly, growling as she did so, “You better get me some bleach..or else.”
“But….the charts say you have been discharged, we can’t do anything more for you.” She said in a dreadfully timid voice.
“Maybe you didn’t hear me..” Rachael said through gritted teeth, “But I said I need bleach, because I need to drink it to undo the fact that I actually kissed him!” She said pointing over to Nick who still had a pained expression on his face.
The nurse glanced over then back at Rachael, “Bleach would kill you.” She stated matter of factly.
Rachael rolled her eyes, “No fucking way, I would never ever have guessed that.” She said in an extremely sarcastic voice.
He nurse continued to stare at her wide eyed, not knowing what to do, until Rebecca moved forward and spoke, “Do you have like a tranquilizer shot or something? It’ll be a hell of a lot easier to get her in the car that way.” She said, in a bored voice, staring at the nurse.
The nurse shook her head slowly, “No…I’m not authorized to prescribe medicine.” She said quietly.
Big Rob appeared at the door, and Nick walked really slowly over to him, followed by Maeve, then disappeared.
Rebecca sighed, “You know what? This has been no fucking help what so ever.” She said shaking her head.
The nurse stared at her apologetically, as Rebecca linked arms with Rachael and started to head towards the door.
I walked beside Kevin, smiling apologetically at the nurse, she looked terrified.
When we finally got to the car, Rebecca sat beside Rachael, and they mumbled all the way back to the hotel, while I nearly fell asleep looking out the window, I could feel my head dropping every few minutes, even though we were only half way through the day, I wonder what else we’d have to do…although right now I was planning to take a nap back at the hotel.
“Tired?” I heard Kevin ask me,
I looked over to him, we were stopped at a traffic light, and I nodded, “Really tired.”
“Well I’m sure you can sleep when we get back to the hotel? I don’t think we’ll be doing anything until tonight.” He said quietly.
I smiled, “Great, I really need sleep.”
He smiled at me softly before nodding, “You do look tired.”
“I am.”
I could see the hotel just a few blocks down, and I smiled knowing that there would be a bed that I could hop into and just sleep.
When we arrived back at the hotel, we helped Rachael out of the car, who looked like she had been about to sleep.
We were met by discontent grunts. At least there were no threats..
As we took the elevator up to our room, I had one of those feelings in the pit of my stomach that something wasn’t right, or we were in some kind of trouble or something, and I felt nervous.
“Something’s not right.” I whispered, I was met by three confused stares.
“We’re in trouble.” I said quietly.
I saw Kevin look at me weirdly, before he was interrupted by Rachael,
“Damnit Lauren, If you say anything else about me being a Juliet, I’ll hit you, you knew that came true.”
I looked at her, “It’s nothing about your love life, we are in some sort of trouble.”
They just looked at me with blank expressions, “’re psychic?” Kevin asked.
As I was about to open my mouth, Rachael interrupted me.
“No duh, idiot, and it’s fucking scary.”
He watched her, “I’m intrigued.”
“You don't want to know, And she’s usually right.” Rachael said quietly.
Kevin watched me, “What kind of trouble.”
I looked down, “I think we’re in trouble with your parents…”
His eyes widened. “Uh-oh..”
“This isn’t good is it?” I asked.
“Not really..” He mumbled.
“Crap” Rachael, Rebecca and I said in unison.
Right then, the elevator doors opened with a ding sound, we all walked out slowly,
“Do you know why we’re in trouble?” Kevin asked.
“No..I just know that we are.” I said grimly.
“When?” He asked.
“When what?” I asked yawning.
“Are we in trouble?”
“Oh…” He said quietly.
“I need sleep..” I grumbled, as I waited for Rebecca to open the door.
As we walked into our room, we saw Big Rob standing by the balcony, Joe and Emily sitting beside each other, their faces unreadable, Nick was sitting on his own in the one seater chair, and Maeve was sitting at Emily’s side, it was unrealistically quiet.
We walked in further to the room, and then I saw Denise and Kevin senior standing in the kitchen.
“Wow, you were right.” I heard Kevin whisper.
“She always is, which is scary, which is annoying, which pisses me off when her visions involve me”
Kevin watched Rachael carefully, “Cut down on the cursing, if my parents hear…”
Rachael looked up at him, “Fine. I’ll make up for it later though.” She said seriously, as she sat on the arm of Nick’s chair.
Nick looked up at her, half terrified, and the other half, was well…a pained expression.
I sat in front of the table, and Kevin joined me, as there was no one for anyone else on the sofa.
Kevin looked as though he was on the phone, and it sounded as if he was making arrangements with someone, as Denise watched him, everyone else was completely silent, even Rachael.
When Kevin senior got off the phone, they both walked in, their faces almost angry? I had only ever seen them smiling, so this was a change.
Joe was the first to speak, “What’s wrong?”
Denise turned on the T.V and it was on a news channel, and Kevin held up three newspapers, the one from this morning, with the multiple pictures, the one with Joe and I holding hands, then a new one, with the front page, a picture of Nick with Rachael in his arms, carrying her to the car, from earlier, and then a shot of him and Maeve together at the movie, with the headline ‘So this Jonas is cheating too?’
Then Denise pressed the volume button on the T.V,
‘The main thing in the news today is the major Jonas Brother scandal, that has the world in shock. The supposedly pure Disney stars, in the last few days have been spotted with numerous girls, coming out of the hotel, Kevin Jonas himself was spotted kissing the girl that on Valentine’s day was seen exiting the Trump towers holding hands with his brother Joe, and Joe himself was then seen with a Hannah Montana wig in the cinema, looking very close to this girl, their brother Nick was also in the cinema that night, with this mystery girl here, who just today followed them all out of the Trump towers, glaring at Nick as he was carrying this girl, and then of course, there’s this girl here, who has only ever been seen today, the Jonas Brothers deny any relationships between them, but we highly doubt that Kevin and the girl thought to be known as Lauren are ‘just friends’ unless of course, the Jonas’ go up to random girls and kiss them.’ I stared at the T.V horrified, the news reporter was talking to someone who had just handed her a page. ‘And news just in, a press conference has been organized, and will take place in three hours, it will also be broadcast LIVE to the whole world. Be prepared, this should be an interesting press conference, and of course, we will be updating everyone. And now for other news…”
I turned back around, terrified,
“We leave you alone for a few days…and this is what happens?!” Denise asked the boys.
I felt like curling up into a ball, and by the looks on the others faces , they wanted to do just what I felt like doing.
“It’s not what you think.” Nick whispered.
Denise looked at him, then at Rachael who was sitting on the arm of his chair, “Explain why you carried her out of the hotel.”
Rachael flinched and made a face, it looked as though she’d be searching for bleach soon enough.
As Nick was about to open his mouth Mr.Jonas talked, “Okay, we’ll find that out later, but now I want you to be aware that you will be at a live press conference that will be broadcast around the world, and if you mess this up, you could possibly loose you’re career. All types of questions will be thrown at you, please don’t act too suspicious, and Joe I need to talk to you about something that I notice is missing.” He said seriously.
Joe was about to stand up, when Denise opened her mouth, “Girls, this is a formal press conference, big Rob is going to drop you all off at 5th Avenue, and you’re all going to buy dresses, and you only have an hour, and when you come back here you have to get changed quickly, then we’re leaving, there’ll be no time for coffee or food, or any of that, bear in mind also that this is your reputations on the line too, the whole world is watching.”
We all nodded solemnly.
“Go now.” Denise said quietly.
As we arrived back at the hotel, after buying our dresses, we went straight to our room, and got changed, and did our make-up, “Lauren, you look like a zombie.” Emily said, as she did my make-up.
“I’m way to tired, there is no way I’ll make it through this conference.” I whispered.
“We’ll get you coffee now.”
The door opened and Big Rob appeared at the door, “Time to go, it doesn’t matter if you’re not ready, we have to go now.” He said seriously.
“Or maybe not.” I muttered.
She smiled at me apologetically, and walked out of the room, with her shoes in her hands,
We were followed by the others, “Emily put your shoes on” Rachael hissed as we walked out into the corridor.
Emily glanced at the heels she had in her hand, “I really don’t want to…I may possibly kill everything thing in my path…”
“And I may possibly drop dead from exhaustion if I don’t sit down soon.” I snapped.
Rachael watched me, “Oh God no….you get cranky when your tired, and Emily put the fucking shoes on, we’re in enough trouble as it is.”
“Fine then, when we all drop like dominos don’t blame me, blame yourself.” Emily said, quickly slipping the heels on, and wobbling as she took the first few steps,
Rachael made a face, “Course I’ll blame myself, now lets get to the limo before Lauren collapses, and leaves me to fend for myself.”
I looked at her, with the Where the hell did my friend go? look.
Rachael coughed, as if to say, what about me?
And Maeve was texting.
“What if we mess this up?” Rebecca asked, “Because I really don’t want anyone to think I’m dating them” She said, spitting out the last word.
We looked at her, and I yawned before speaking again, “Ugh, well of we mess up, the whole world is going to see, and we might as well just get on a space ship and live on mars.”
Rebecca watched me, “You are so right, how can you still be smart when you’re tired? You never usually are.”
“Gee, thanks a bunch, Rebecca.” I mumbled.
As we walked into the lobby, we could see the limo outside, now we just had to get past the paparazzi.
As Emily opened the front door, she tripped on her heels, and rolled down the front steps of the Trump Tower hotel, in front of the huge crowd of at least one hundred photographers, The limo door opened, and Joe got out, and helped Emily up, pulling her inside, being photographed, of course.
We walked down the steps quietly, but watching where we were going, let me rephrase that one, they watched where they were going, I was holding onto Rebecca’s arm, with my eyes half closed, while she guided me to the limo, I need some sort of caffeine right now.
When we got into the car, I saw Denise and Kevin Senior, watch us, but then, everything went fuzzy as I closed my eyes, the next thing I knew Kevin was shaking my arm gently, telling me to wake up because we were ‘here’, wherever here was, I didn’t know anymore, actually…I couldn’t remember my name, I was way to tired to be doing a press conference.
We were rushed into like the backstage area, where we had to wait for two minutes, everyone wanted this over and done with, I just wanted sleep.
“Lauren, are you okay?” Denise asked me, seeing as I was currently sitting in the first chair I could find with my head on my knees, with my eyes closed, trying to sleep.
I looked up, Oh Lauren must be my name then….
“I’m extremely tired, I need some form of coffee…I think…or I might fall asleep during this, and I really don’t want to ruin this.” I whispered.
Denise nodded, then smiled slightly, “I’ll get you coffee.”
“TIME TO GO PEOPLE!” This stranger called.
I looked up at Denise with…um I would say wide eyes, but my eyes were still half shut..
“I’ll get the coffee to you as soon as I can, try and stay awake.”
“I’ll try” I whispered, as I walked over to the others,
Nick had a very serious look on his face, “Right, you girls, say nothing, nothing at all, let us do the talking, we’re already in enough trouble as can be. Just stay quiet.” He said, he sounded extremely stressed. “And remember you’re live, no cursing.” He said, before looking away from Rachael, who had her arms crossed over her black coat, which she had thrown a fit about keeping it on, because she said is was bad enough wearing a dress, but having to wear it in front of the world was not happening unless she wore the coat…and converse.
The stranger guy lined us up, Emily first, followed by me, Rachael, Rebecca, Maeve, Nick, Joe and Kevin.
Emily was staring at the guy as he came back to the front of the line, “Are you really sure you want to do this?”
“Do what?” He asked confused.
“Put me at the front of the line, whilst I’m wearing heels and will most likely kill someone?”
“Yep.” He said walking away.
I saw Emily stick out her tongue at him behind his back.
We were told to start walking and take our seats, I.Need.Coffee.Now.
As Emily walked, very unsteadily onto the podium type thing, I saw the amount of press there, this was going to be one torturous meeting.
I sat down in my seat quickly, wanting more than anything to be sitting beside Kevin and to have coffee.
The Jonas Brothers greeted the paparazzi, and the video camera that was sending this out live to the whole world.
One reporter stood up, and from the respect he got from the other reporters, he must have been well known, he walked up to the microphone, “Okay, Nice to meet you all, now let’s get down to business, Kevin, you first.” I tried to keep a straight face, like Kevin was, but I didn’t want to hear ‘Oh she’s a great girl and anyone would be lucky to date her’
“Go ahead.” Kevin said lightly.
“Tell us, are you and Lauren an item?” The reporter asked.
I saw him hesitate, “We’re really close friends, she’s a great girl.”
I scowled into the glass of water in front of me, and I’m guessing from some whispering that people noticed that.
“So, does that mean you go around kissing random girls?” The reporter asked seriously, I looked up to see him staring at me, and Kevin was looking around at the reporters, then he looked back to the main guy, “Lauren is a great girl, and maybe we’re dating, are we not allowed to date?” He asked, sounding almost angry.
I heard various ‘oohs and ahhs’ from our small audience, and I could just imagine what the world were saying, I felt some blush run into my cheeks, but covered my mouth as I yawned yet again.
The reporter quickly moved onto Joe, with a slight smirk, “So Joe, many rumours to cover here…”
Joe looked at him uncomfortably,
“Joe Jonas, are you dating Lauren?”
“No! She’s dating Kevin.”
“Then why were you captured holding hands with her?” The reporter asked.
“That was her first night in New York, and it was to annoy her, and get her into the hotel.” Joe answered truthfully.
“Why annoy her?”
“ Because she hates me.”
Everyone turned to me, and I just looked down, my eyes felt heavier by the minute.
“Joe, are you dating Rachael?”
“No I am not.” He said adamantly, between me and Rebecca we had to hold Rachael down in the chair.
“Okay….How about Emily?”
Joe opened his mouth but he didn’t say anything,
“Emily, are you dating Joe?” The reporter fired at her.
She blushed, “Y-”
“No, I am not dating Emily, we are really great friends, but I’m not dating her.” He said quickly.
“Joe” Rachael hissed, “Have you ever heard the saying ‘the lady protests too much’?”
Joe shot a glare at her,
“Well have you?” She said louder.
“I have.” He answered stiffly.
“Good, that applies to you right now.”
He looked as though he might be about to kill her.
The reporter interrupted their little argument, “So you are dating Emily?”
“I never said that!” Joe said quickly.
“Totally Joe, totally protesting.” Rachael muttered under her breath, but the microphone picked it up clearly, she bit her lip, “Wow…these things strong..”
The reporter glanced at her, then back at Joe, “Well I guess I’m not getting a straight answer here, why were you wearing a Hannah Montana wig?”
Joe looked lost, and he was left looking like a goldfish, his mouth opening and closing.
“It was my idea, he needed a disguise after all.” Emily piped in from beside me, I gave her a tired glance.
“Okay….” The reporter said quickly, “Nick…Nick, Nick, Nick..” The reporter said shaking his head,
“Yes, Peter?”
At last! A name…
“Tell us, are you dating Rachael?”
“You seem to be extremely close, especially carrying her out of the hotel..”
Rachael stood up, banging her hands down on the table, glaring at Peter, “Me dating a Jonas, EWWW! NO! Never ever, EVER going to happen! I don’t even know why I’m here!”
Everyone was staring at her wide eyes, “I told you to be quiet.” Nick muttered, his microphone picked that up too.
Peter now looked interested, “Then why were you in Nick’s arms.”
“You want the story?”
I saw both Emily and Maeve sink down in their seats.
“We would love that.”
“Right, I pushed Joe off the balcony-”
“You pushed Joe of the balcony in the Trump towers?” Peter asked shocked,
Rachael glared at him, “Yes, Now interrupt me again, and I will eat you!”
Peter put his hands up in defence, and motioned for her to continue,
“And of course, he survived, but Emily didn’t know that, so I was hit over the head with an iron chair, and I got knocked out, then when I woke up I hit my head of a marble table, knocked myself out again, then I was severely concussed, and kissed Nick, which I am still in need of bleach for.” As she said this, I saw Nick put his head in his hands, and Everyone was staring at her with wide eyes. “ And then Maeve proceeded in knocking me out with a baseball bat, with knocked me out again, and god knows how many steps I hit when they dragged me downstairs, and Nick carried me out to the car, that’s all…and I’d gladly like it if you’d forget I just said all that.” She said quietly, I thought I heard Nick groan.
“Wow…” Peter said, “You kissed Nick Jonas?”
“Yes. But we are not dating, The Jo Bros are on my ‘to kill’ list, and to make this clear, I HATE Nicholas Jonas.”
Peter was just staring at her, before looking back at Nick who hadn’t moved, “So Nick, are you dating Maeve?”
“No, he isn’t not anymore anyway.” Maeve said cutting Nick off.
We all turned to Maeve with a shocked expressions on our faces, did she just break up with him, on live television…that’s being broadcast around the world..?!
Nick was staring at her wide eyed.
Peter laughed quietly, “Wow, so we now know that you were, and she just broke up with you, now that that’s all clear…let’s move onto Maeve.”
Maeve stared at him, “I have nothing more to say.” She said seriously, her tone cutting off the subject.
“Okay…” Peter said, sounding slightly shocked. “Rebecca?”
“What?” She snapped.
“Any Jonas’ in your life?”
“No.” She said bluntly.
*Rachael’s P.O.V.*

I glanced at Lauren, she hand her head resting on her hand, and she was looking down at the table as if she was reading something, but she looked more asleep now than before, I have to admit, it was kind of funny…
I saw Peter stare at Rebecca for a minute, “Okay then…you obviously don’t like them either.”
“Duh.” Rebecca snapped.
“Rachael?” Peter asked.
“How do you feel about being linked with the Jonas Brothers?”
I laughed, dryly. “Shit. No worse than that, I hate their guts, they sound like tone-deaf toads, and they magically survive unscathed when you push then out windows!”
I saw every stare at me, and I glanced at Lauren, her breathing had slowly, and her eyes were fully closed, great..she’s asleep.
“You really do hate them don’t you?”
“No, is it not obvious that I despise them?!”
I nodded, and clapped sarcastically.
“Right then…Lauren?” Peter called.
I bit my lip…uh-oh.
Lauren didn’t answer, well…she was asleep.
“LAUREN?!” Peter called loudly,
All of a sudden, Lauren’s arm collapsed from under her, and she sent the glass of water in front of her flying, as her head hit down on the table, but yet, she was still asleep, I watched the water, and it had just spilt over her microphone, and all that we could hear was a deafening “ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ” Buzz noise from the microphone.
“Is she dead?! “ Peter called over the noise, as a man came onstage with a new microphone.
I saw Emily kick Lauren, and she sat up “What?! Where’s the fir-Oh…crap…I fell asleep didn’t I?” She asked, the new microphone picking up her voice.
Everyone in the room nodded.
“Sorry….” She said quietly.
“Okay, Lauren what’s Kevin like?”
She watched him, then looked around, “Who’s Lauren?”
“Oh..that’s my name..”
He looked at her confused,
“I need coffee, okay?” She snapped.
He watched her, trying to gauge whether she would jump on him or not.
A man from the side of the stage came out with a large Starbucks cup, she took it off him gratefully.
“Thank you!!!”
He walked off quickly.
She drank the coffee quickly, way too quickly.
“Now I remember stuff…” She mumbled.
“….Okay…Lauren, what’s it like dating Kevin?”
“That’s not really a question..”She said quietly.
“Yes, It is.” He said slowly.
“Kevin’s an awesome guy, and he’s really sweet, but it’s none of your business anything else.” She said icily.
I stared at her wide eyed, she wasn’t normally that bitter.
He quickly looked to Emily, but before he could say anything, she stood up, “I’m so done with this, can’t you see, they have their own personal life’s, and apparently I’m not dating Joe, it’s the first I’ve heard of it, but you learn something new everyday.” She said walking off stage, as she was passing my chair, her heel caught in the floorboards, and she went flying, and ended up somehow, on top of Joe.
“Oh you’re wearing your ring” She said sounding intrigued.Twirling his ring around his finger.
Nick just started to bang his head off the table.
Everyone in the room was stunned silent.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I haven't updated in so long, blame school...blame Trigonometry .
This chapter is dedicated to my readers, subscribers, and the four of you who keep on commenting, you know who you are, you're all so awesome!
I'll update this weekend, promise! Sorry it wasn't that funny, I was tired, a still am, I should be in bed now...