Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Oh My God

I looked around the room, where we were sitting, waiting for the limo to come for us, everyone was talking in between themselves, Emily with Joe, Rebecca with Rachael, Kevin and I, and then..Nick looking around the room clueless. “Where’s Maeve?” Nick asked.
Rebecca shrugged, “Do I look like I care?”
“There’s your answer then, now shut up.”
Nick rolled his eyes, and then Big Rob came into the room, shooting a harsh glare in Rachael’s direction, of course she saw, “Yo. Try to hurt me and I will kick your ass Big Rob, So stop watching me like that, it’s not as if I slit his throat.”
Big Rob looked away, ignoring her, “Right let’s go!” He shouted.
We followed him out of the building, being greeted by ear-drum shattering screams, as soon as we got into the car, Rebecca took her iPod out of her ears, “Is it just me, or ever since this purity fiasco, the screams have gotten louder?”
“Yeah, They so want Joe in their pants.” Emily said, smirking.
“EWWWW!” Rebecca and Rachael screamed, shaking their heads.
“BAD BAD VISUAL IMAGE!” Rachael shouted.
Emily smirked at her, “Admit it, you like it a whole lot better if you imagine Nick.”
“One word, Emily. DEAD, with capital letters.”
I saw Nick go tomato red, and shrink down in his seat, whereas Joe seemed pretty unbothered by the whole thing. Not much of a surprise, I could feel Kevin’s shoulders shake with laughter, after all I had put my head on his shoulder, and put my hands in my ears, trying not to hear anything else, I had always been a very visual person, and as a result, was no longer able to look at a few of my teachers with a straight face, or drink coffee properly, but I blame Emily for that one.
As soon as we arrived at the hotel, before the door was even opened, we could clearly hear the screaming, I was getting a headache, and there was no way I was anyway sociable when I was sick, tired or in pain, I even scared Rachael-and that’s saying a lot.
“Next time.” Rebecca said slowly, having to raise her voice louder, “If you ever do take off those purity rings, please invest in earplugs, or go off and live in Antarctica, and because the polar ice-caps are melting, you’ll just drown. Then everyone’s happy!”
I heard Joe burst out laughing, “But they didn’t know about the purity ring thing.”
“Until I fucked up during the conference.” Emily added in.
“Pretty much” Joe said, in agreement.
Emily boxed his arm, hard.
“OW! What was that for?!”
“You’re supposed to support your girlfriend.”
“Yes, I agreed with you!” He said rubbing his arm.
“I’m not expert, but I think you were supposed to do something like soothe her, and lie to her telling her she didn’t fuck up, when we all know that she did, big time.” Rebecca said in a bored voice.
Joe glanced at Rebecca, “Oh…”
“Dipshit.” Rachael mumbled, opening her bag, “Okay.” She breathed, “Where the fuck is my iPod?”
Emily moved closer to Joe, looking scared shitless, we could still clearly hear the screams of everyone outside.
“Emily.” Rachael growled, “Where is it?!”
Emily seemed to go further back into the seat each second, “I didn’t leave it beside the oidz…I hope not anyway.” She said quietly.
Rachael jumped up from her seat, looking as though she was aiming to strangle Emily,
“OUT! NOW! We gotta move, we gotta move!” Big Rob shouted, opening the door, deafening us with the screams.
“My ears! They’re burning, ahhh!” Rachael shouted, as she jumped out of the car first, suddenly the screaming stopped, and they all were watching her with a very cautious expression, Oh.My.God.Rachael is magic.
Rachael looked around at all of them, then a wide smile spread across her face, “I scare people, wow, this is awesome!” She said, linking arms with Rebecca and skipping up the steps of the hotel, past the barriers of silent fans, I walked out, and then followed by Emily, Joe, Nick and Kevin at my side, the screams erupted, deafening us when Rachael and Rebecca walked in the door, ouch.
I stayed by Kevin’s side, as he signed a few autographs, it was crazy, he talked to this one fan and shook her hand, and she literally burst into tears, then there was a girl that was so shy, but she was so sweet, and she said please and thanks to Kevin, and she didn’t scream in his face, and she was the only one he hugged, but the thing that shocked me about her was she then turned to me, and actually asked me for an autograph, which was…well different. But I signed a very small, neat version of my name, but I wrote other things too, to take up the space, and then hugged her, her name was Millie, and I don’t think I’ll forget her, after all she asked me for my first autograph, which I had to admit, felt pretty good.
As we walked into the room, we looked around, and I spotted a small note on the table, I walked over to pick it up, immediately seeing Maeve’s handwriting.

Dear Bitches and bastards,
Sparing the politeness that should be in this and cutting straight to the point, I’m sick and tired of this shit and I’m going back to the hotel, and I’ll see you all tomorrow when we’re going to the airport.
Yours NOT sincerely,
P.S. Nick can go fuck himself.

“Well I know where Maeve is..” I mumbled, handing Nick the note, to read and pass around the room, as he passed the note to Rachael he sighed, “You know, I was going to try get her back, but seeing as that isn’t going to work I can now try and charm-” He stopped himself right there, been met by everyone’s confused glances.
Rachael was looking at him, and I swear I saw her crack her knuckles…
Nick backed away, and checked his phone, “Oh dear…I should have been there five minutes ago…I’m going to” He said, backing away out of the room.
“Where’s he going?” Rebecca asked, her voice was curious, but there was also ‘I couldn’t really care less’ in the tone.
“I didn’t know he had to be anywhere..” Joe mumbled. “We usually come as a package deal”
“Oooh…” I heard Emily mumble.
Rachael’s phone started to buzz, and she took it out, “Hey?” She asked. “She got hit by a bus?! What?! Seriously?” She nodded slowly, “Is she okay?”
I raised an eyebrow.

*Rachael’s P.O.V*

“Sophie was hit by a bus.” I heard Michaela’s voice tell me.
“She got hit by a bus?! What?! Seriously?” I asked, waiting for it to actually set in.
“yeah, pretty much.”
“Is she okay?”
“Well….If you call a broken leg, concussion, bruised body, and broken arm okay, yeah.”
“Um…Not really.”
“Then, no she’s not okay.”
“Wow, why the hell did she walk out in front of the bus?”
“It’s Sophie, she didn’t see it, she got distracted by the hat shop, now she regrets it.”
“Yeah, well I would too.”
“You’d be distracted, seriously?”
“No, I’m too focussed on who I’m going to kill. I meant I’d regret it.”
“Well I’d better go…see you tomorrow.”
“Bye” I said hanging up the phone, Everyone was staring me with confused expression, “Sophie got hit by a bus.” I saw Lauren smirk slightly, “What is your problem? She’s your friend.”
Lauren made a face, “Yeah, and she didn’t invite me to her birthday, but finds it fine to talk about it in front of me, I’d call it karma.”
“Again with the karma, remind me to never get on your bad side.”
Lauren laughed somewhat evilly, she seriously did scare me at times, okay she may not have a big ‘to kill list’ like me, and she may not be able to work a rifle, but she surely had some sort of freakish thing…not to mention, she was definitely bipolar. “Do you have voodoo dolls stashed somewhere?” I asked her.
She made a face, “Just a few.”
She was being serious, “Never will I get on your bad side.”
I rolled my eyes, as she skipped out of the room, and I went to sit down. I looked around the room, and sighed lightly, everyone had like disappeared into a puff of smoke or something…
The door opened slowly, and Nick walked in, oh what a long appointment, liar. I really need to know why they have keys for our room….
“Hey!” He said enthusiastically.
“I just almost killed you, and you’re being nice to me?” I asked, sounding kinda pissed off.
“Yep, something wrong with that?”
“Yes. you’re polluting the room with happy vibes, where were you? With Zac Efron, that why you’re so happy?”
“You were so hiding.”
“Why would I be hiding?” He asked, curiously, his eyes had a playful glint to them.
“Well you were about to finish a sentence, then you lied and went away for all of ten minutes. Who was it you were trying to charm?” I asked.
He shrugged, “Why would you be interested? You want me dead.” He said lightly.
“Are you on drugs?” I asked.
“No, why?”
“You’re happy?…It’s scary, like I did nearly slit your throat..”
“you’re alone.” He answered.
I stiffened, “So?”
He grinned, his eyes still glinting, HEY! WHY am I looking him in the eyes, NO! Heart little message: Shut the fuck up. “I could prove that you actually like me.”
“There is no fucking way.”
He got up and walked into the kitchen, “Why, what were you thinking?” He asked, I could hear the clinking of glasses.
“That you’re going to like…I don’t know…rape me…or force me to kiss you…”
I heard his gentle laugh, as he came back into view he was smiling, and put down the glass of water in front of me, “I wouldn’t do that.” He said quietly, taking a sip from his water. “Although, If you kissed me I wouldn’t object..”
I picked up my water, and took a long sip, trying to gather my somewhat scrambled thoughts, with the voices screaming at me. “Why do you think you’re so damn hot, and that any girl would try to kiss you, even one that clearly has it marked that she wants you and your brothers dead?”
“Opposites attract.” He answered simply.
I stared at him, taking another sip from the water, “No. Not always.”
He moved closer to me, “Really?”
“Why don’t you just try?”
“Try what?” I asked, he actually smelt good, weird.
“Seeing what it’s like.”
“I’m not kissing you.”
“Did I say that? I could have been asking for a hug.” He said, moving closer still.
“And why would I give you a hug?”
“Because you secretly love me.” He said playfully.
“EW! Please no.”
“Face it.”
“Try at least?”
“Do you not understand English?” I asked.
“Not right now.” He whispered, I could feel his breath on my face, he was that close.
“Well try, or you’ll be somewhere out the window.”
“If you wanted me dead, I would be now, face it.”
I glared at him, “I could have.”
“But you didn’t” He whispered.
“This isn’t a good idea.”
“Why not? It seems so.”
“I’m not right for you, I try to kill you daily.”
“Do you think I care?”
I rolled my eyes,
He just moved closer until our foreheads were touching.
“No.” I whispered, wanting to move, but I was frozen in place.
“Trying never hurt anyone.” He said lightly, placing his hands on my waist. “Plus, you have already kissed me, and called me ‘sexy’ so this won’t be too bad.”
“I was OUT COLD!”
“No…you were pretty awake.” He said, keeping a gentle hold on my waist…eww Jonas germs…
“I was concussed then, happy?”
“Where I am now, yes.”
“If you didn’t like me you would have moved, and I’d most likely be on the ground in pain again.”
“Does it count if I say I can’t move?”
“That means something..” He whispered, pulling me closer to him.
“Let me go.”
“Nicholas.” I hissed.
“Shhh.” He whispered, as he pulled me close to him, pressing his lips against mine.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
“HAH! This is so going on the net, I’ll make millions!” Rebecca shouted, holding a camera.
I pushed Nick away, “It wasn’t what it looked like.” I growled at her.
She was holding the camera, and watching me with questioning eyes, “Okay, so you’re trying to tell me that I didn’t just catch you with your tongue down Nick Jonas’ throat? Correct?”
“…It wasn’t like that.”
“I have proof, and you were pretty into it, and what scares me is you weren’t concussed, maybe you still are….” She looked down at the water that I had drank most of, and then looked over at Nick, “Did you drug that?”
Nick who was sitting there, looking shocked, shook his head.
“Did you put her on horse tranquilizers?” I asked.
“So she did it of her own free will?” Rebecca asked, still sounding shocked.
“Pretty much..”
I glared at him,
“What?! You did!” He said holding up his hands.
I stood up, brandishing a knife, “Give me the fucking camera or else!”
The door opened , and the others walked in, their eyes widening at the sight of me with a knife, and then confusion because it wasn’t pointing at Nick.
“You wouldn’t hurt me, I’m your friend.” Rebecca said calmly.
“Just give me the camera!”
“Why? Afraid it’ll make you look like a Jonas lover?”
“Okay! I’m confused…not that I always am or anything, but what happened?” Emily asked, sounding lost.
“I caught her kissing Nick on camera.” Rebecca said.
“WHAT?!?!?!” Joe, Kevin, Emily and Lauren said in unison.
“You heard me.”
“Where do you get all your knives?” Kevin asked, watching me edge closer to Rebecca.
“I keep them in my bra, okay?!”
Emily snorted, “You could always search her, Nick.”
“ thanks.” I heard him mumble.
I pointed the knife at Emily, “Don’t even say that again!”
She rolled her eyes, “Put the knife down, the crazed axe murderer just doesn’t suit you.”
I dropped the knife out my hand, and tackled Rebecca to the ground, I heard the sound of the knife hit the floor, but that was about it, I was on the ground, on top of Rebecca, with my arms around her neck, “Give me the camera!”
She made a slight choking noise, and dropped the camera from her grip, I got off of her, and took the camera, deleting anything that may even suggest that I just kissed a Jonas. I shuddered, the water had to have been drugged. I blame him.
Rebecca got off the floor, slightly breathless, “Never again…” She muttered, walking into her room, banging the door.
“So…how about it then?” Emily asked, breaking the awkward silence.
“EMILY!!” Lauren and I both responded.
She tried to look innocent, “What?”
Joe was looking at the both of us clueless, while Nick looked dazed. “What the hell?”
“You’ve never seen ‘the boat that rocked’ have you, Joe?” Lauren asked, watching him, her arms crossed, and her glasses had slid down on her nose, and I had to try not to laugh at the way she looked so much older than before. She would slit my throat if I mentioned that.
“Then you wouldn’t understand.” She said lightly.
Emily laughed lightly, “No…”
Nick stood up and came to my side, keeping a distance between us, and he was watching his brothers.
“You two do make a nice couple though..” Emily said watching us.
“EMILY!” I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
O.o I wasn't expecting that...It was meant to be in Lauren's p.o.v, and they were meant to do other things, but that'll be in the next chapter, but haha twists! & Maeve's left...and they're supposed to be going back to Ireland the next day...but will they..hmm...
Also! This chapter is dedicated to the birthday girl, Rachael, happy birthday! [it may be 1:43 in the morning but I haven't gone to sleep yet, so as far as I'm concerned it still is your birthday.]
& Sorry I haven't updated quicker than now...there's been a lot happening..