Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

Stranded. Hell.

*Rachael’s P.O.V*
Emily, is just completely and utterly dead, if she doesn’t stay in Joe’s room tonight, she’ll be carried out of here in a coffin, no she’s not a vampire, I’d kill her. Did I seriously just kiss Nick Jonas? Am I sane? I don’t think so… No wait, I was maybe just relatively sane, until I ended up here, no I’ll rephrase that….I was sane until I was introduced to the Tone deaf brothers. But I kissed him…ewwwwww I need twice as much bleach now…considering I was actually awake…how the hell did it happen? Stupid curly haired wonder-SHUT UP! Why do I have two voices in my head? Do I have MPD? Stupid, stupid, stupid girl. Argh. At least I’d be going home tomorrow- Jesus, look what he’s done to me, I actually want to go back to Ireland? The shitiest place on earth? I actually want to leave New York? No fucking way…That’s it! Nick Jonas has just signed his death wish with a flourish, in pink pen, eww pink. Just piling up the ways to kill him, now how to kill him…rifle…pipe bomb? My archery set? Poison? Oooh…maybe I’d get aci-
“….EARTH TO RACHAEL!” Rebecca’s voice broke me from my thoughts, Another person to kill..
“WHAT?!” I shouted, we were sitting on Rebecca’s bed, well me and Rebecca were, Lauren was sitting on the chair in the corner, and Emily was sitting with her back against a radiator, the Jonas’ were in the next room, doing what I don’t have a fucking clue. Not that I wanted to know or anything.
“Why did you kiss him?” Rebecca asked, watching me carefully, “We could always take you to the doctor…check for flu or some disease?”
I saw Lauren watch me carefully, “I really cannot believe you kissed Nick…I always knew you liked him…”
“LAUREN!” I screamed, “I do not like him”
She rolled her eyes, “So you kiss for the fun of it now?”
“Then why?” She asked.
“Rebecca just asked me that five seconds ago.”
“Well…I just asked you one millisecond ago, happy?”
“You annoy me SO much.” I hissed.
“The feeling is mutual.” She said watching me.
“Just tell us why you kissed him.” Rebecca interrupted.
“Well…I don’t know, It just sort of happ-” I was interrupted by a loud bang from the other room.
“OWWW” I heard Joe’s voice, almost scream?
“Joeeee!” Kevin’s voice shouted.
We all looked around at each other clueless, “Hey..It wasn’t me..” I said quietly.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch KEVIN!” we heard Joe again.
Rebecca collapsed onto the bed in a fit of laughter, “Hah…girls…I think your boyfriends are cheating on you…with each other…”
Each one of us got up, and ran swiftly to the next room, opening the door, and running inside, we walked into the bedroom, where we saw Nick frozen in place with one leg in a pair of jeans, looking at everyone with a shocked expression, then to Joe and Kevin where Kevin was standing behind Joe, rubbing some kind of cream into his back, there were a bunch of plasters on the bed.
“Dudes!” Rebecca shouted, “Where you guys bumming each other?”
Emily slapped her hand over Rebecca’s mouth. “OW! BITCH!” She screamed, looking at her hand, after jumping away from Rebecca, “She just drew blood…my blood…she just..ow…”
I was watching each other, Joe had stepped away from Kevin, bright red, Nick looked clueless, and Kevin looked worried. “No…I walked into a nail..and it cut me, and Kevin was trying to clean the wound ..and it was stinging a lot..”
Rebecca crossed her arms, then looked towards Nick, “And why is he half naked?”
“I was getting changed?” Nick said innocently.
“I was hoping for something interesting…” She growled, before walking out.
Kevin was opening a bandage, looking unbothered, while Joe, who was shirtless., looked deeply embarrassed.
“This would be why they call him danger.” Kevin mumbled, placing the bangdage on Joe’s back.
“How did you walk into a nail?” Emily asked, sounding kind of distant, I would so not like to be in her head right now..
“I don’t know, I didn’t see it..and I ran into the wall..” He said, putting his shirt back on.
“Dumbass” I said under my breath, but loud enough for them to hear.
Emily hit my arm, but I smirked, and kicked her. “Don’t even try to hurt me.” I growled.
There was this awful awkward silence..not really, It was just fun to stare at them.
“Did you know that the only bones that can’t be broken in a fall are the ones in your ears, which are actually the smallest in your body?” Emily asked breaking the silence.
Everyone turned to look at her with a shocked expression.
“What? Contrary to what you may think, I do actually know things.”

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

After we had walked back into our room, Kevin had followed, watching me somewhat carefully, “Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?” He asked curiously.
I stiffened and turned around, “Not particularly, why?”
“Because it might be nice?” He asked, smiling slightly, but it never reached his eyes like it usually did, there was some kind of worried glint in his eyes.
“How about we go for a walk?” I asked, then smiled lightly, “Because I never did get to see much of Central park..”
I saw him laugh slightly, “You fainted..”
“You just happen to be a mind bogglingly good kisser.”
He laughed, walking over to me, “Really? I’ve never heard I was that good before..”
“I fainted, I never got the chance to tell you..”
He laughed, moving closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer, I could feel my heart run away, at Olympic speeds. “So you’re trying to make me faint again?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, trying to breathe normally, but that bit wasn’t really working…
“No, but to try and keep you conscious this time.” He said, grinning.
“Ah..” I whispered, barely able to speak, my heart was now most likely in China…
He chuckled lightly, pulling me closer, before placing his warm lips onto mine, right, now let’s aim for my heart was now off this earth, try stay conscious, wow he’s good, really goo-
“EW! Why don’t you two just get a fucking room?!” Rachael shouted.
Kevin jumped back from me, looking shocked,
I was left standing in the middle of the sitting room, my head spinning more than a hula hoop on a good day, and trying to stay conscious.
Emily appeared out of thin air with Joe at her side, Literally, thin air. “Don’t even start anything.” She warned, looking at Rachael as she spoke.
The door opened, and then banged shut again as Rachael had opened her mouth to speak,
Rebecca walked in, a magazine in her arms, “Well done, well fucking done. I’ll fucking give you a fucking standing ovation if you three wish.” She growled, clapping her hands sarcastically. “Well done, you managed to get yourselves on the cover of nearly every fucking magazine, for ALL the wrong reasons.” She growled, throwing the magazine onto the kitchen counter, Emily, Rachael and I walked over quickly, looking at the front cover.
Jonas Girlfriends; Come with more problems than we thought.
“Oh crap.” I whispered, as we crowded around the magazine, Joe, Kevin and Nick were in the sitting room talking amongst themselves.
“Yeah, well you haven’t read it yet…” Rebecca hissed, turning to the two page spread, which had various pictures from the Press conference, but the main one, was one of the tree of us, then a close up on our wrists.
“Oh shit…” Rachael and I said in unison.
“Ah, mine are so photo shopped, I stopped cutting years ago.” Emily said lightly.
“Oh goody for you.” I hissed, reading through the article.
And when all of us thought that Rachael, Nick’s supposed girlfriend was the only one with problems, we were completely wrong. Even though she may have pulled out a knife and threatened to slit Nick’s throat, these pictures are the most alarming. The Jonas’ girlfriends seem to have more problems than we thought, as we recently saw that they obviously self harm, don’t believe us, look at the pictures. No way of explaining their way out of this. What are they going to tell us? That it’s pen? Doesn’t look like pen, it looks like attempted suicide…Looks like you should wear long sleeves next time girls..
“Oh shit…Rachael…” I mumbled, as I finished reading the article.
Rachael looked up at me, “Okay….erm….Lauren and I are just….eh…going to get something to eat…” She mumbled, grabbing me by the collar, and dragging me out of the hotel,
“Where are we going?” I hissed.
“Good.” I mumbled.
“This is what we fucking get…the Jonai are so fucking dead right now, they wouldn’t let us wear the wristbands, and now look what happened.” She growled.

* Emily’s P.O.V*
I watched the other two walk out the door, then I looked back at the close up of our wrists, mine was definitely photo shopped, I mean, if you’re going to try make someone to look like they cut, at least do it properly, although I looked at Lauren and Rachael’s wrists, they definitely had a lot of explaining to do.
“So fucking smart, for fuck sake.” Rebecca continued on her rant, mainly involving the word ‘Fuck’.
I looked up at Rebecca trying not to laugh. “Breathe.”
“No, I will not fucking breathe, this may possibly mean another fucking messed up shitty press conference.”
I put my arms on her shoulders, “Calm down, or I’ll start talking about serial killers.” I threatened.
“You are such a fucking bitch, you know that right?” Rebecca growled, she knew that I knew how much it scared her when I started to talk about my vast knowledge of serial killers, no in case you’re wondering, I’m not one.
“Where’d they go?” Kevin asked confused, walking over, Joe and Nick at his side, the same confused expressions on their faces.
“Somewhere.” Rebecca said bluntly, before walking out of the kitchen, I then heard her bed room door slam shut.
“Eh…apparently gone to eat..” I said quietly.
“What’s in the magazine?” Joe asked.
Nick was already reading it, Shit. “Well…the title is; ‘Jonas Girlfriends; come with more problems than we thought.’ And it’s about self harm.” He said quietly, quickly reading through the article.
“WHAT?!” Kevin asked, running over to the counter, reading the magazine.
Joe was standing beside me, “I’m lost.”
“You always are.” Kevin said under his breath.
“And for once, this has nothing to do with me.” I said happily.
Nick and Kevin both turned around in my direction, “There’s pictures of you.”
“Photo shopped, I stopped a long time ago.”
“And Lauren and Rachael?” Kevin asked.
“Well..what the hell do you think?” Rebecca asked, appearing out from her room, still in a really bad mood.
“They aren’t?” He said hopefully.
“Well…technically this is all your fault because you wouldn’t let them wear their wrist bands.”
His face dropped.
“Sorry to burst the bubble you live in, but some people do have problems.” She said, before walking back into her room, “I’m almost packed by the way.”
“Crap I need to pa-”
“HOLY CRAP! FAN GIRLS ARE FREAKIN’ MENTAL!” Lauren screamed as she came through the door, well more like burst through the door, her face paler than normal, Rachael stumbled in behind her, “Holy god, and I thought I was bad….they took my coffee…”
“They took my coat!!” Lauren complained.
I raised an eyebrow, “I’m going to pack…” I said, before walking out of the room, before something violent might happen…Joe followed me, a worried look on his face, “We almost died..”
“No…we would have if we stayed there a minute longer.”

*Lauren’s P.O.V*

Fan Girls; definition- Crazy blonde Barbie type people, who run up, scream in your face, attack you, and steal things…my coat..I loved that coat….*Sniff*
Okay, so basically, we went into the Starbucks around the corner, and there was no one there, then Rachael and I sat down in a secluded corner, trying not to be seen, and like kaboom, out of no where, at least fifteen screaming girls attacked us. On the bright side, not that there was none, I had managed to drink my cappuccino…
We had had people scream abuse at Rachael and I quote one girl, “How dare you ever touch a hair on my future husbands heads, they could have been seriously hurt, and that means the world would end.’
Rachael’s answer was ‘Right, so you’re telling me that you are a bigamist whore?’
The girl just ran away with Rachael’s coffee, which may I say, seriously pissed off Rachael.
“The bus will be here outside the hotel at half six in the morning, or so I believe..” Rachael was saying quietly.
“Apparently so.” I answered.
“Are you all staying here tonight?” Kevin asked.
“No, we’re going to sleep on a bench in Central Park.” Rachael answered.
Kevin rolled his eyes, “Hah. Hah.” He said sarcastically.
“Well, then don’t ask such a stupid question.”
“I meant were you all staying in this room?”
Rachael made a pretend sick noise, “Don’t you all have morals, and virtues, and crap like that?”
I coughed, looking down at my purity ring.
“Yeah, course, can’t forget about that either.” She mumbled.
“We do.” Kevin answered simply.
“Then why?”
“You wouldn’t understand.” Kevin answered.
“And why wouldn’t I?”
“Do you love Nick?” He asked.
Rachael made a face, but we had to actually wait for an answer, “Duh.”
My eyes almost popped out of my head, “You admitted it?”
She nodded seriously, “Oh yeah, I love him, I want to marry him and have a family, SERIOUSLY did you actually believe that?!”
Nick who was standing behind her with a shocked expression, nodded silently to himself, I tried not to collapse into laughter. “How hard is it to understand, that I hate all of you, very , very much?” She asked.
“Harder than you may think.” Nick mumbled from behind her.
She bit her lip, as if silently cursing herself.
“Okay, so who is staying where?”
“Emily mentioned staying with Joe.” I offered.
“That’s not a surprise.” Kevin mumbled.
“I’m staying here with Rebecca, I don’t want her alone, she’s already in a bad mood.”
“Would you like to stay with me?” Kevin asked me.
“Sure.” I said, smiling slightly.
Nick just stood there, “how about we watch a movie?”
Rachael turned around, “What movie?”
He shrugged, “Whatever.”
“It’s a horror.” I mumbled.
“I don’t care. It’s violent, she burns things. I like her.” Rachael said, glaring at me.
“Whatever floats your boat, it’s just an excuse to cling onto Nick..” I mumbled, when I saw the death glare I was receiving, I smiled, “Well…I’m gonna go pack quickly…don’t kill me!” I said, running off to my room.

Beep, beep, beep!
The sound of Kevin’s alarm clock made me jump upright in the bed, meaning I ended up waking Kevin up as he happened to have his arms around me. I glanced at the clock, five thirty, just an hour left.
I did not want to leave.
Kevin looked disorientated, which was weird he was usually a morning person. Unless, he was actually scared by ‘Carrie’ ….
I got out of the bed slowly, my head was spinning, and killing me, I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk, or walk in a straight line until I got coffee.
“Do you want coffee?” I asked Kevin, who was now under the covers.
“Please.” A muffled grumble answered. Wow, he’s tired.
I stumbled into the kitchen, making the coffee quickly, and taking a long sip of mine, suddenly the world seemed to make sense, yes, to me coffee really is that magic.
I walked back to the bedroom, and placed Kevin’s coffee on his bedside locker, and got into my side of the bed.
He sat up, taking a drink of it. “Oh.” He mumbled.
I looked at him confused,
“You’re going home..”
I tried not to laugh, and to hide the tears, “Unfortunately.”
“I’ll miss you.” He whispered looking at me.
“I’ll-” I was interrupted by Rachael barging through the door, and how did she get a key?!
“Up, up, up!! We’re going. We have to be ready!”
“Rachael. Chillax. It’s only quarter to six.”
“And we have to be outside the hotel at half, and you are always late, so you’re getting up, NOW.”
“Way to ruin a nice moment Rachael.” I hissed, crawling out of bed.
“My pleasure.”
“When I offered to carry your suitcase outside, I thought it would have been really heavy, but it’s not..”
I laughed quietly. “That’s because I’m magic, I just didn’t bring many clothes.”
He smiled, looking around at the rest of us, to my surprise, Rachael was talking to Nick, as in they were both smiling and laughing..weird…should that scare me?
I checked my watch, the bus was already five minutes late.
I felt Kevin’s arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer, “You’ll freeze out here.”
I laughed quietly. “Nah..I came from Ireland.”
After seven o’ clock, and being almost frozen, we went back inside, Rebecca looked completely stressed, “The fucking school just forgot about us, we’re now stranded in New York…holy crap. MY nightmares have came true.” She said almost on the verge of tears.
Rachael was watching her, “This is hell.”
I grinned at Kevin, “Heaven either.” I mumbled.
Rachael who was near enough to us gave me a questioning look, "No. It's hell Lauren. There's fan girls here."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh.....Did you expect that?
Sorry it's taking so long to update, but a lot of shit is happening right now, so updates will be slow..
I spent hours on this! But with help from Rachael & Emily I finished it..thank you two.
Also, if you want to know what Emily, Rachael & I look like, you can watch this video ^.^ Rachael turns the camera on herself once, and I'm on the floor most times.. Randomness
Also, if you want, this happens to be my Twitter, My addiction :P