Sequel: Honey, You're Dead.
Status: Completed.

Oh. It's You

I kind of sold it to a random hobo here

We all ended up sitting opposite Denise and Kevin Sr. Don’t ask me how, we just happen to be magical beings that end up places and don’t have a clue how…or you could just use the excuse that I can’t remember five minutes ago, which I can’t..I’ve been called a ‘Blonde Goldfish’ as has Rebecca by Rachael, although I’m brunette..But anyway!
“..You are all going to have to call your parents though.” Denise was saying. Crap, where have I been when she started talking, oh, I know. La La Land. No pun intended though…
“My parents should be okay with this whole Jonas Brothers parents take custody of their child thing..” Emily said grinning widely.
HEY! Wait…they’re taking custody of us…? Okay, I’ve come to the conclusion I was most likely asleep…I’m blaming Rachael, and the coffee for not being of Starbucks origin.
I saw Denise narrow her eyes at Emily, but Emily didn’t see, she was already dialling the phone, which was set up on the centre of the table on loudspeaker.
I’m just guessing it was so they kind of thought we were telling the truth, but mainly directed that at Rachael…
“Hello?” A familiar sounding voice said over the phone.
“Mom! Guess what?!” Emily almost screamed into the phone.
“Emily! What? And can you call from planes now, that’s odd…I never knew planes had landlines?”
“I’m at the hotel mom.” Emily said, her voice light as if trying not to laugh.
“Are you not meant to be on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic?”
“Um…yeah…about that..”
“What happened?” Her mum interrupted.
“The school kind of forgot about us…and I’m with the Jonas Brothers now…”
“You mean the guys that are postered around your room?”
Emily blushed deeply, “, them.”
“What about the life size poster guy? Him?”
Emily went almost scarlet, Joe’s shoulders were shaking with laughter, and Nick and Kevin looked as though they were trying extremely hard not to laugh. “Yes Mum, Joseph.”
“Okay, now tell me why you aren’t on a plane?”
“Because, it’s a really long story, do you not watch T.V?”
“Not that much this week, why?”
“I’ve been on it….quite a bit.”
“REALLY?!” Her mum screamed excitedly.
“Magazines too….”
“I’m kinda rumoured to be Joe’s girlfriend…”
“Yeah, but there’s other rumours, they aren’t true though..”
“Okay. So why are you calling, getting to the point, and why aren’t you on the plane?”
“Well, the school forgot about us, because we’ve been staying in the Trump Towers since like the first night, and we’re like stranded, but -DON’T INTERRUPT ME! Denise and Kevin Sr. want to take custody of us, pleaaaaasssseee?”
“Eh…sure, as long as you call daily?”
“YAY!! Thank you!!” Emily screamed, I saw Denise covering her ears.
After Emily slammed the phone down, she grinned at Denise and Kevin sr. “I’m yours now!”
“Be warned, she eats a lot.” Rachael cut in.
I saw Denise fake a smile at Emily, looking as if she sincerely regretted not just sending us back on a plane. “Lauren, you call your parents next” She said, sending a smile my way.
“Eh..My parents don’t really care about me.”
She watched me, “Nonsense!”
“They just act like I don’t exist.”
“Just ring”
I dialled the number and waited for the dial tone to end,
“Hello?” My mum’s voice greeted, in a bored tone.
“Mum, I’m in New York still, the Jonas’-”
“Who are you?”
“Your daughter.”
I saw Denise watch me carefully, biting her lip,I told her my mum didn't care, I was telling the truth.
“Oh, I have a daughter..why are you in New York?”
“You paid. It was a trip with the school.”
“And you’re not coming back home?”
I just looked up at Denise, and mouthed ‘Can you take you take that as a yes, and can I hang up?’
Denise nodded, I slammed the phone down, and didn’t say anything, even though I knew everyone in the room was watching me. I handed the Rachael the phone, not saying a word.
Rachael’s glided over the keys quickly, as the dial tone filled the room,
“Hello Mikey Fucking Way speaking.”
“Hi Dad!” Rachael said excitedly.
“Rachael?” Mikey’s voice came down the phone hesitantly.
I heard Emily whisper to Joe, “He’s not her dad.”
“I know.” Joe mumbled.
Denise and Kevin sr. were watching Rachael carefully, with a confused look on their faces.
“Did I adopt you?” Mikey asked.
“Was I drunk?”
“Are you saying you don’t like me, Mikey?” Rachael asked.
“No…I think I just forgot that I happened to adopt a child..”
“Well ya did.” Rachael said curtly.
“Alicia! I think I adopted a child!” I heard Mikey shouting in the background.
Nick leaned across the table, and hit the hang up button, “They are not her parents.” He said watching his parents.
“Who are they then?” Denise asked.
“Oh. My. God. Gee. You have never heard of MCR?” Rachael asked in disbelief.
“Who?” Denise asked, but she was cut off by Kevin Sr.
“No taking the Lord’s name in vain!”
“Cén fath nach raibh mé abalta? Níl aon Dia, Níl aon Dia, Níl aon dia!” She started to sing.
Everybody looked at her with a clueless expression, Did she just say that ‘why am I not able to? There’s no God, there’s no God, there’s no God?’ Wow…at least they don’t understand her…
“What language is that?” Joe asked.
“Care to translate?” Kevin asked.
“No.” Rachael mumbled.
“Just call your real parents.” Nick said, watching her.
“Whyyyyy?” She moaned.
Nick smiled slightly, “Because you have to!”
“And you’re dead later.”
“ooohh.” I heard Joe say.
Rachael turned to glare at him, “Do you want me to throw you out the window again?”
He shrugged, “I’ll just get saved again.”
“How about I throw you out the window after I slit everyone’s throats?”
He stayed silent, not having a come back.
“You’re the one that ‘showed Emily you were superman last night’” Rachael said, moving her hands in quotation marks.
Denise, who had been sipping coffee, made slight choking noises, and Kevin Sr. had to help her, her eyes were wide as she looked between Joe and Emily.
I saw Emily slide down in her seat.
“oops.” Rachael said smirking slightly, “I wasn’t meant to mention that was I?”
Joe was glaring at her, “What do you think?”
“That I was, duh. Anything to get you in trouble, duh again.”
He rolled his eyes and as he was about to open his mouth Rebecca interrupted,
Rachael glanced at Rebecca, before dialling a number slowly, I noticed everyone else look at Rebecca with wide eyes.
“Hello?” Rachael’s mums voice filed the silence.
“Rachael? Care to explain?” Her mums voice asked.
“Explain what?”
“Self harm?”
“…It was photo shopped.” Rachael said, sounding truthful, although I knew that it wasn’t.
“Oh, Okay. Now tell me why aren’t you on a plane?”
“Because I’m stranded with the Jonas Brothers.”
“AHHHH!! I didn’t think it was true! Can You get their autographs for me?”
“Mum, put me on to dad.” Rachael said sounding tired. She covered looked up at everyone, “That’s partially the reason why I hate all of you. She never stops talking about you, but I also have my reasons.”
“Can I come home? Or are you going to let the Jonas’ take custody of me?” She asked.
“If I were to say they can take custody of you, how much would it cost?”
“It won’t cost anything,…”
“Okay, they can take custody of you.”
“Why would you do this to me?!”
“Because I’m sure you’d love to stay with the Jonas’ love you, bye.” The phone line went dead.
“No!! No, he didn’t mean that, no!”
“I’m sorry, but he did.”
“Come on admit it you like it.” Emily said.
Rachael glared at her, “I’ll roll myself in bleach then light a match, I want to go home!”
“Well you can’t!”
“Rebecca, ring your mom.”
“…Great.” Rebecca mumbled, dialling the number.
“Hello?” Rebecca’s mum asked.
“Hi mom.”
“Rebecca! Why aren’t you on a plane?”
“Because the school forgot about us.” She said, looking as though she was about to cry.
“No way.” Her mum answered.
“Yes way.”
“Why aren’t you going to an airport?”
“Because the Jonas’ want to know is it okay if they take custody of us.”
“…Why can’t they just send you on a plane?”
“I don’t know.”
“So are you going to let them?”
“Erm, yeah okay.”
Rebecca looked out the window, “Thanks a bunch.”
“Call me daily, okay? Love you, bye.”
Rebecca looked over at Denise and Kevin sr. “Now, you have all of us, Joy.” Then she got up and stormed out of the room.
We all looked towards them, “Oh yeah, we’re going to Germany tonight, well we’re boarding the jet-”
“Zohmygosh! You have a private jet?!” Emily interrupted.
“Yes.” Denise said quietly. “As I was saying, we’re going to be flying to Germany because there’s going to be a few days there were there’s going to be concerts, get packed, and be ready in five hours.”
We all nodded an okay.


We were seated in a dark corner in the business [first class] lounge at the airport, the rain was pouring down outside, and we were all silent, we should have been on the jet, an hour ago. Sounds like I’m about to tell the start of a horror story, right? Pah, but instead of scary monsters, it’d be Rachael, little kids run away screaming from her.
On a brighter note, at least no girls had attacked us.Yet.
“The jet is delayed.” Kevin said, as he took his seat beside me.
Rachael, who was half asleep, looked up, “How can a PRIVATE jet be delayed?! Tell me how?!”
“You have a point.” I added.
Kevin watched her, “Because it’s in New Jersey, picking up Frankie.”
Rachael sat up straighter, and her eyes widened, “FRANKIE?!”
“Frank Iero?!”
Kevin looked at her as if she had missed something vital, “Jonas, our brother.”
“Right, then there’s no reason why this could be frikin’ delayed, it’s a private jet for crying out loud.”
“We really should made you go through the airport security.” Kevin said quietly.
“…No you shouldn’t..”
He gave her a questioning look.
“Where’s….Nick?” She asked.
I looked up at her, but everyone else was asleep. Denise, and Kevin sr. were asleep in their chairs, Rebecca had her head resting on her knees asleep, and Emily’s head was laid on Joe’s lap, her eyes shut, Joe’s hand on her shoulder, and his head facing downwards, snoring.
“He’s in the bathroom, why?” Kevin asked.
“He made me mind this guitar, he said hold onto it for dear life..and I’m kinda getting sick of it.”
Kevin looked towards the silver well metal that’s colour was silver guitar case, “He left it with you to mind?” He asked almost shocked.
“Unfortunuately, why?”
“Because…that’s his most cherished guitar..”
Something crossed Rachael’s eyes, “..Really?”
Kevin nodded,
“I’ll be right back..” Rachael said, taking the guitar with her.

After about ten minutes, Rachael returned, dragging the case, as if it weighed as much as a person.
“Where’s Nick?” Kevin asked.
Rachael didn’t look at him, but shrugged.
I watched the guitar case, did it just move..or am I going crazy?
Kevin was also looking at the guitar case, “Open it.”
Rachael, who looked as though she was about to fall asleep, looked up at him, “Why?”
“Because I think I know where Nick is.”
“What, your spider senses are tingling?”
“Yes. Now open it.” He said seriously.
“I hate you.” Rachael said quietly, kneeling down onto the floor, to open the case,
Nick, who was breathless got out of it slowly, “I don’t even know HOW she fitted me in there, and I’m oh so tempted to do something to her that would seriously annoy her right now.”
Kevin raised an eyebrow, “Why don’t you? She did lock you in a guitar case.”
Nick chuckled, catching Rachael’s arm and pulling her towards him, she was glaring at him through her half open eyes. “What are you doing?”
He chuckled, “This.” He said, as he pressed his lips to hers, wrapping her in his arms in a ways that she wouldn’t be able to use her arms to hurt him.
“OW!” Nick said loudly, jumping back from Rachael, “She just bit my lip!”
I saw Kevin beside me trying not to laugh.
“Don’t even think of doing that again!” Rachael growled, sitting back down.
“Where’s my guitar?” Nick asked suddenly.
“Oh that….eh…”
“Rachael, where is it?”
“I sold it to a random hobo here.”
I saw Nick’s eyes pop. “How much?”
“Ten thousand doesn’t sound that bad…how did a hobo have that much?”
“Erm..actually we haggled, turned out at three…”
“Three thousand dollars?” Nick asked.
Nick looked at her, “Why are you so hesitant?”
“Well I did say dollars…”
Nick collapsed to the floor, “YOU SOLD MY GUITAR FOR THREE DOLLARS?!”
“Yes..” Rachael whispered.
I saw tears starting to stream down Nick’s face, “No…”
“But that was my favourite, it was called Miley…it went everywhere with me..”
“Oh and let me guess it has an alter ego named Hannah?”
“I can’t believe you sold it.”
“Well I did..”
“Bitch.” Nick growled.
Rachael burst into laughter, “Oh my god, a Jonas cursed!”
Nick rolled his eyes.

About a half an hour later, we still weren’t on the plane, and everyone else was asleep. I was the only one awake, joy for the insomniacs.
I pulled my hand luggage bag onto my lap, and pulled out my laptop, because I’m magical like that.
As I was waiting for it to load, for the first time in a week I couldn’t wait to go online, I had managed to get my Gran to send it over by express mail, and luckily I got it this morning, just no one knew.
As I was signing into my e-mail account, I jumped at the sound of Rachael.
“I need it!”
“No. You’ve had the hotel computer all week.”
“But how did you fit it into your bag?!”
“I’m magic.”
“Oh my god..” I whispered, 1066 new emails? What the fuck?
“Why do you look like you’ve just witnessed a bomb fall from the sky in front of you?” Rachael asked.
“…I have 1066 new emails..”
“I don’t know…how did random Jonas fans get my email address?” I asked, as I read through the emails, which were clearly from Jonas fans, many hosting self help sites.
“…Wasn’t me…” Rachael mumbled.
I looked up at her, “Why the fuck did you do that?!”
“I said it wasn’t me..”
“I’m not stupid.”
Rachael gave me a look that said ‘oh sure you’re not..’
“I hate you.” I mumbled.
“I hate you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
In the airport they're wearing; these clothes
Okay, so I have Summer tests in two weeks, and I seriously need to cram which means for the next two- three weeks I'm seriously cutting down my time on the laptop [Yes, I know this may result in death..] But I do need to study, but I'll definitely be updating as soon as I can.
Same goes for my other story 'I need you to save me'
Also, for the next chapter I've rewritten 'Waking up in Vegas'...Muhaha You'll love it![..I hope]
<3 You readers, seriously.